Universe Storage Box

C1924 He Let It Go

C1924 He Let It Go

Huang Feng didn't know what Captain Yang was thinking, but he could roughly guess it. However, he didn't say anything to Captain Yang, because no matter what he said, Captain Yang wouldn't believe it.    


Instead of wasting his energy explaining, he might as well do it secretly.    


On the other side, Captain Yang, who was a little disheartened, didn't have much thought about interrogating Wang Dafu. In any case, Wang Dafu was very stubborn. He could not find anything from the interrogation. Plus, he was disappointed in Huang Feng. Therefore, after interrogating him for a while, Captain Yang asked someone to release Wang Dafu.    


"Captain, did you really release him?" brother Wang asked his superior carefully.    


"What else can I do?" Captain Yang was already in a bad mood, so naturally, his tone towards his subordinate was not good. "Up until now, have you gotten anything out of it?"    


"Not yet. That guy is very stubborn." brother Wang said with some embarrassment.    


"Then it's settled, isn't it?" Captain Yang said, "If you continue asking, you won't be able to get anything out of him. Why are you keeping him?"    


"That Mr. Huang has no way to keep Wang Dafu's mouth open." brother Wang asked. In his heart, the members of the National Security Agency were all very powerful figures. It was impossible that they couldn't do anything to Wang Dafu.    


"Him? Hehe. " Captain Yang smiled disdainfully and said, "I'm afraid he is also afraid now. That Wang Dafu went directly to his superior's place through his connections. Perhaps he is also thinking about how to apologize to Wang Dafu."    


When Huang Feng and Bai Xiaorou were on the phone, Captain Yang had heard about it. He knew that Wang Dafu had found the National Security Agency through his connections.    


"What? Wang Dafu has such a wide network of connections, and he can even contact the leaders within the National Security Agency? So awesome?! " brother Wang said with a surprised expression.    


In brother Wang's heart, the National Security Agency was a very powerful existence. It was a person that he could only dream of. When he confirmed Huang Feng's identity, he was still excited for a moment. He felt that Huang Feng was a level higher than them.    


As for the people of this small place, they couldn't be compared to the people of the National Security Agency. Even if Wang Dafu was a wealthy man here, in brother Wang's heart, there was still a huge gap between him and the members of the National Security Agency.    


However, brother Wang never expected that Wang Dafu would be able to contact the National Security Agency and get in touch with the leaders of that place. This instantly shocked brother Wang to the point that he couldn't believe it.    


Since when did the wealthy people on their side become so powerful? This was simply breaking through the limit of their imagination.    


"I don't want to fight either. His ability is so great. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have offended him if my brain was fried." Captain Yang said with an ugly expression as if he was constipated.    


Brother Wang nodded in agreement. Indeed, only an idiot would offend Wang Dafu if he knew how capable Wang Dafu was.    


"What should we do now?" brother Wang asked.    


"What else can we do? Let go." Captain Yang said.    


"Really? Wang Dafu is so capable. Doesn't that mean he has gone out?" brother Wang said hesitantly.    


"If you don't let him go, won't you seek revenge?" Captain Yang said with an ugly expression, "Let him go, let him go. Why did I catch up to this stupid thing? I'm so angry."    


Brother Wang looked at his boss who left with an irritated look on his face. He had a deep sympathy in his heart. Their identities might be enough to deter ordinary people. However, when faced with people like Huang Feng and Wang Dafu, they were nothing. Currently, Captain Yang was stuck in the middle, and the one who suffered the most injuries was... Of course, he was the one who suffered the most injuries.    


However, Captain Yang didn't have many choices. No matter which side he chose, he would offend the other side. The only thing he could do was to choose a stronger one.    


Now, it seemed like Captain Yang had made the wrong choice. He had chosen the wrong side. Once he made the wrong choice, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Brother Wang felt like a rabbit had died, and a dog had died. Captain Yang was unlucky. His life was also not going to be easy, but what made him helpless was... Although he knew what the outcome would be... However... There was no way to change this outcome. He could only passively accept it. He could only wait for the final result to arrive.    


"Sigh, what kind of stupid thing is this?" brother Wang also sighed with emotion.    


After that, brother Wang ordered his men to release Wang Dafu.    


Wang Dafu quickly walked out of the room with an arrogant face. When he saw brother Wang, he snorted disdainfully. "Now you know how to let me go? Scared? It's too late! "    


Wang Dafu could naturally guess why he was released so quickly. It should be because the people outside had exerted their strength. Wang Dafu wasn't surprised by this, nor was he surprised. Therefore... Now that he had come out, he had a proud look on his face.    


Brother Wang's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything. What else could he say at this time? Kneel and beg for mercy? Not to mention what he had done, even if he had done it... Looking at Wang Dafu's expression, it seemed like he would never let him go.    


"You have nothing else to say? Just you wait. I will slowly teach you a lesson later." Wang Dafu said straightforwardly. He didn't show any restraint because he was in brother Wang's place.    


Brother Wang was also feeling somewhat sad. It seemed like both he and Captain Yang had been targeted by this Wang Dafu. This bastard would never let them go.    


"Humph, let's go." Wang Dafu said to the person who came to pick him up.    


At this moment, the person beside him... The previous group of people had all been sent to the hospital by Huang Feng. Huang Feng's attack was not light, but in the end, all of these people were seriously injured. They would probably be staying in the hospital for a period of time.    


Seeing that the faces around him had changed, Wang Dafu felt angry in his heart. In front of him, Huang Feng's always calm face appeared again.    


"By the way, where is that National Security Agency guy? How is he? Did you guys catch him?" Wang Dafu asked brother Wang, his tone was still not polite at all.    


"No!" brother Wang said in an unpleasant tone. He was opposed to the fact that Wang Dafu would never let him go even if he bowed to him. So why should he lower himself?    


"What are you talking about? Do you want to die?" Wang Dafu said angrily.    


"Please pay attention to your identity! Take a good look at where you are! " brother Wang also said angrily.    


"Good, very good." Wang Dafu was so angry that he laughed and said. He pointed at brother Wang and said, "Just you wait!"    


After saying that, Wang Dafu left with his men.    


When brother Wang saw Wang Dafu leave, the strong calmness on his face disappeared, replaced by panic.    


However, it was useless to panic. Things had already become like this.    


On the other side, Wang Dafu left complacently. He did not notice that there was a little thing following him on top of his head. This little thing was sent by Huang Feng to monitor Wang Dafu's every move.    


After Wang Dafu left, Huang Feng also left. Because Captain Yang was disheartened, he did not even come to greet Huang Feng. In his point of view, he and Huang Feng were about to be finished. How could he have the mood to be polite with Huang Feng?    


After Huang Feng left Captain Yang's place, he returned to Guo Menghan's home.    


When Huang Feng arrived there, he found that the place had become very lively. Not only Guo Menghan's family of four, but also the surrounding villagers had come to watch the show.    


After seeing Huang Feng's arrival, many villagers discussed animatedly. However, they consciously made way for Huang Feng, allowing him to smoothly enter Guo Menghan's house.    


"Huang Feng, Huang Feng is back." The first person who saw Huang Feng was Guo Menghan. When she saw Huang Feng, her eyes lit up and she called out subconsciously.    


Guo Menghan's parents and her brother also looked over. When they saw Huang Feng, they all greeted him.    


"Mr. Huang, thank you, thank you for saving my son." Guo Menghan's mother grabbed Huang Feng's hand and said excitedly.    


"Thank you." Guo Menghan's father also said. Although he did not speak as much as Guo Menghan's mother, the expression on his face was similarly sincere.    


"It's fine, it's fine." Huang Feng said.    


"Big Brother Huang, thank you." Guo Yong also said. There was no longer the fear and fear on his face. Instead, there was excitement on his face. "Big Brother Huang, you are really strong. There are so many people who are no match for you."    


Obviously, Huang Feng's magnificent feat of fighting all of them by himself had made Guo Yong's blood boil. Even now, he was still excited.    


Huang Feng patted Guo Yong's head and said, "That's nothing. I heard from your sister that you are very good at studying. You are much better than me in the past."    


Guo Yong felt a little embarrassed after being praised by Huang Feng. He said, "I am not as good as Big Brother Huang."    


"Alright, alright. Don't stand here and say that." Guo Menghan's mother quickly said, "Come in and sit. Come in and sit."    


Huang Feng was surrounded by Guo Menghan's family and kept saying thanks. It could be seen that Guo Menghan's parents were very afraid of Guo Yong being arrested. Now that they saw their son being rescued, they were very excited.    


After talking for a while, Guo Menghan's mother left first. She was not going to do anything else but to buy groceries. She would celebrate tonight when she saw ___.    


Guo Menghan's father stayed behind to talk to Huang Feng. Of course, Guo Menghan and Guo Menghan were also there to accompany him.    


Huang Feng did not tell them about Wang Dafu. He was afraid that Guo Menghan's family would be worried. They could not help much. If he told them about this, it would only make them more worried. It would not have any other effect.    


Therefore, no one in Guo Menghan's family knew that this matter was not over yet. That Wang Dafu obviously would not let this matter go easily.    


Therefore, Guo Menghan's family had a lively atmosphere.    


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