Universe Storage Box

C2006 Five Thousand

C2006 Five Thousand

Li Huaimin's father was not an unreasonable person. After knowing the cause and effect of this incident, not only did he not blame Huang Feng, but he was also very grateful to Huang Feng in his heart. He also understood that if it wasn't for Huang Feng's words, his son... It was hard to say whether he would be able to return safely. At that time, it wouldn't be as simple as losing consciousness due to injuries.    


"That's right. Huang Feng, don't blame yourself too much. You have already done a good job in this matter. My brother was only injured and unconscious. It's not a big deal. Don't think too much about it." Li Bingyun also said to Huang Feng.    


After knowing that her brother was in trouble, Li Bingyun had been very worried about this matter. After that, Huang Feng personally went abroad to rescue her brother. The person she was worried about had one more person. Because of this, she did not rest well this night. After the sun rose, she took a plane back to Yang City. Because she knew from Huang Feng's phone that they were coming back. When the time came, they would directly return to Yang City, so Li Bingyun couldn't wait any longer.    


And when she saw that her brother was injured and in a coma, Li Bingyun was indeed very sad. She was also very worried. However, after knowing the entire process, she was even more worried about Huang Feng. Of course, at the same time, she was also proud of him. In such a critical situation, Huang Feng was able to save her brother so quickly. That was already very impressive. As for the injuries that followed... Under such circumstances, it was really unavoidable. Huang Feng had already made a great contribution to his brother's survival.    


Seeing that Li Bingyun and her father didn't blame him, Huang Feng heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. After all, he also knew about this matter. He was indeed a little careless. That was the reason for this outcome.    


Fortunately, no one died. Li Bingyun and her father did not blame him, which made Huang Feng feel much better.    


"Don't worry too much. I have checked his condition. It was just that he lost too much blood and fell unconscious. There was no danger to his life. He'll wake up soon, don't worry. " Huang Feng said to Li Bingyun and her father.    


"Yes." Li Bingyun's father nodded and frowned. He also relaxed a little. He still had a lot of trust in Huang Feng. He knew how difficult this mission was. In the end, Huang Feng was alone. He had completed the mission in such a short period of time. This showed how powerful Huang Feng was, as well as the things that Huang Feng had provided. In Li Bingyun's father's heart, he still attached great importance to Huang Feng. He also trusted him very much.    


After sending Li Huaimin to the hospital, Li Bingyun's father invited Huang Feng to his house. Rest. One night. I'll go back tomorrow. Such an attitude... There was a huge difference from the last time. Previously, although Li Huaimin and Li Bingyun had said so, their father's attitude towards Huang Feng was not bad. However, it wasn't to the extent where he could stay.    


This time, it was obviously different. Li Bingyun's father. He took the initiative to ask Huang Feng to stay here for a night. Under the premise that he knew about the relationship between Huang Feng and Li Bingyun, the fact that he could still say such words showed the change in his attitude towards Huang Feng.    


Regarding this, both Huang Feng and Li Bingyun were very happy. Huang Feng naturally had no reason to refuse. What made everyone even happier was that... In the evening, Li Huaimin had already woken up in the hospital. Furthermore, after the examination, there were no major problems. After resting in the hospital for a few days, he could be discharged from the hospital.    


Regarding this, Li Huaimin's family was naturally very happy. Hence, during dinner, although Li Huaimin had yet to be discharged from the hospital, however, everyone was in a very good mood. Huang Feng, who had played a key role, was naturally the one that Li Huaimin's family was grateful for. Even Li Huaimin's father took the initiative to drink with Huang Feng. This made Huang Feng feel flattered.    


"Your father's alcohol tolerance is not small." In a guest room in Li Bingyun's house, Huang Feng smiled and said to Li Bingyun, who was helping him tidy his room.    


After dinner, Huang Feng also stayed here. They could only go back tomorrow, and Li Bingyun naturally volunteered to help Huang Feng tidy up his room. Although Huang Feng and Li Bingyun both wanted to sleep in the same room, but... This was Li Bingyun's house. Although Li Bingyun's father was about to give in, after all, he did not officially agree to their relationship. The two of them could not sleep on the same bed under everyone's eyes.    


So, tonight, Huang Feng could only sleep in the guest room, and now Li Bingyun was helping Huang Feng arrange the bed.    


"You only know that my father's alcohol tolerance is very high. Even my brother is not his match." Li Bingyun said as she made the bed.    


Huang Feng drank a lot of wine that night, but now Li Bingyun had her back to her and was bending over to make the bed. Looking from behind, Huang Feng's heart was beating fast. He finally could not control himself and hugged Li Bingyun from behind.    


Li Bingyun's face instantly turned red. She struggled slightly and said, "What are you doing? Quickly let go. This is my house. It will be bad if my parents see it."    


Huang Feng did not let go. Instead, he held Li Bingyun tightly in his arms and said, "If you see it, see it. Anyway, they already know our relationship. They will not say anything."    


"Stop messing around. What do you want? Wait till we return to Jiang Prefecture. Okay?" Li Bingyun's struggling strength decreased by quite a bit. Originally, she did not use much strength to struggle. "But it is not possible here. Although my dad is going to let go, but he hasn't let go yet. It's not good to see it. "    


"It's fine. They won't see it." "If I don't do anything about such a beautiful woman in front of me, will I still be a man?" Huang Feng said.    


Li Bingyun's face turned red. Of course she knew whether Huang Feng was a man or not. However, this was her home after all. What did she mean by that? Not to mention, her parents had not even let go of her. They had already let go. She was also embarrassed.    


Huang Feng also saw through Li Bingyun's thoughts. Although she did not struggle anymore, there was a lot of embarrassment on her face. She probably did not want to touch her heart, so she did not struggle.    


"How about I go to your room tonight? Don't worry, I won't let your parents find out. I will come back when it is dawn." Huang Feng whispered into Li Bingyun's ear.    


"Yes." Li Bingyun answered softly.    


In fact, Li Bingyun did not want to miss such an opportunity to be alone with Huang Feng. In the mansion in Jiang Prefecture, Huang Feng treated everyone equally. But... After all, there were many sisters there. Li Bingyun wanted to be alone with Huang Feng. Could it be that there was such a chance now? Although it was dangerous to be discovered by her parents, but... Li Bingyun still could not bear to give up such an opportunity.    


Therefore, after Huang Feng said that he would go to her room tonight, Li Bingyun did not reject him. In fact, she even had a deep expectation in her heart.    


After that, Huang Feng also followed Li Bingyun to her room. After recognizing the door, everyone turned off the lights and rested at night. Li Bingyun's heart was pounding as she waited for Huang Feng to come. That kind of mood. It was no less than the first time she slept with Huang Feng. After all... This was her home, and it had a different meaning.    


As expected, Huang Feng appeared in her room very quickly. His voice and movements were very light. Even Li Bingyun, who had been listening with her ears up all this time, was unable to react in time. When she discovered Huang Feng's arrival, there was even less of a need to talk about her parents.    


What happened next was naturally no longer unexpected. Because she was afraid of being discovered by her parents, even if she knew that the soundproofing in her home was very good. However, Li Bingyun still did not dare to make too much noise. She looked like she wanted to shout but was holding it in. What Huang Feng saw made him even more moved.    


The next day, when Li Bingyun woke up, her face was rosy. Obviously, Huang Feng had contributed a lot during the night. When Huang Feng appeared, the two of them looked at each other. Li Bingyun immediately lowered her head shyly. Huang Feng, on the other hand, smiled complacently.    


Fortunately, Li Bingyun's parents did not discover their little actions. Otherwise, as experienced people, they might have discovered something.    


"Are we going back today?" At the dinner table, Li Bingyun's father said to Huang Feng. His tone was as if he was talking to his family. This made Li Bingyun very happy.    


"Yes, there are still many things that need to be dealt with in Jiang Prefecture." Huang Feng said.    


"I heard about your car factory. Very impressive." Li Bingyun's father said, "I heard that you are now leading the world in this industry. On that battlefield, there is also the shadow of your car. Isn't that right? "    


Obviously, as the number one figure in the military camp of Yang City, Li Bingyun's father would know about Huang Feng's company's car in the distant battlefield. It was not strange. It could be said that in the entire Hua Xia, as long as one was a high ranking person in the army, there was no one who did not know about it. After all, this matter had a huge impact on the war. In a sense, it could even change the outcome of a war.    


"It's like this" Huang Feng nodded and said, "For those cars, we are also in the experimental stage. However, the actual effect is very good. We are ready to mass produce them."    


"Yes." Li Bingyun's father said as he slowly ate breakfast, "Give me 5,000 cars."    


How dare he ask Huang Feng for five thousand cars so casually? He was afraid that... In the entire Huaxia, only Li Bingyun's father dared to ask for five thousand cars, including Elder Lee and the others. After knowing the importance of those cars, it was mostly the tone of discussion. If they didn't want to have a falling out with Huang Feng, they obviously couldn't be too tough on him.    


However, Li Bingyun's father was obviously different. Other than the number one chief of the Yang City's army, he was also Huang Feng's father-in-law. Naturally, he had the right to speak to Huang Feng in such a way.    


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