Universe Storage Box

C2013 Zhen Doesn't Agree

C2013 Zhen Doesn't Agree

The condition proposed by the envoy of the Fengjue Country was simply humiliating. In the history of the Great Lu Dynasty, nothing like this had ever happened before. If they agreed to it, they would really be nailed to the pillar of shame.    


Therefore, whether it was the emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty or the officials, none of them could accept these conditions.    


"Respected Heavenly Khagan, our emperor has said these conditions. It's not like we can't talk about it." The envoy of the Fengjue Country said slowly, as if he was talking about the loss of composure of the Great Lu Dynasty subjects. This time, we, First Prince, have come personally. This means that... We are sincere in our negotiations."    


"He is their First Prince?" The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor looked at the muscular man who was the leader of the three and said. The middle-aged man had already mentioned the identity of the robust man once. However... At that time, no one paid any attention to him.    


If the other party was really the Fengjue Country's First Prince, then the Fengjue Country did have the sincerity to negotiate with them. Otherwise, they could simply send a special envoy. There was no need for First Prince to come personally.    


"That's right. This is our Fengjue Country's First Prince. He is also our Fengjue Country's warrior, Lu Yizha." The middle-aged man introduced.    


The muscular man in the lead, the Lu Yizha that the middle-aged man spoke of, nodded slightly. His arrogance did not diminish.    


Although the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor was angry at the other party's arrogant attitude, he didn't say anything. As long as he knew that the other party was really First Prince, it would be fine.    


"Our Fengjue Country Emperor has sent First Prince here. Apart from being in charge of the discussion and discussion, he has another idea." The middle-aged man continued.    


"What idea?"    


"Marriage!" That middle-aged man looked deeply at the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor, then faintly spat out two words.    


However, to the ministers and ministers of the Great Lu Dynasty in the hall, these two words... When everyone heard this, their hearts skipped a beat. Minister and Wu Yan from the Ministry of Personnel didn't look surprised at all. If one took a closer look, they could even see that the corner of his mouth was curled up a little.    


"What do you mean?" Although he already had some sort of speculation in his heart, the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor still didn't dare to confirm it, so he asked.    


"We, Prince Lu Yizha, are not just the First Prince of our Fengjue Country. We are also the most powerful warriors of our Fengjue Country, even on the battlefield. He is also an existence that can fight thousands of people. Previously, on the battlefield... He has made a lot of contributions, and he is also the future Emperor of our Fengjue Country. " The middle-aged man said.    


However, his words made everyone in the Great Lu Dynasty unhappy. This Lu Yizha had rendered meritorious service on the battlefield. In other words, he had directly or indirectly killed many people of their Great Lu Dynasty. This was the credit they had made. It would be strange if everyone was in a good mood.    


"As for us, Lu Yizha, First Prince, we have been obsessed with the war. Therefore, we haven't gotten married yet." The middle-aged man continued, "That's why our king sent First Prince here. Apart from the peace talks, he also wanted to propose marriage to the Great Lu Dynasty. He hopes to marry the princess of the Great Lu Dynasty, the prince and princess. Their families were equal. Furthermore, if the two countries were to marry... Then... The relationship between the two countries could also be maintained at peace, and there would be no more war. We can also make concessions to the terms of the peace talks. "    


After hearing the middle-aged man's words, the expression of the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor became very ugly. He directly refused, "No, Zhen will not agree to this matter!"    


In the history of the Great Lu Dynasty, it was not like there had never been a marriage alliance. However, they were all princes or descendants of nobility. Marrying the women of the royal families of the surrounding small countries. As for the matter of marrying a princess... It had never happened in the Great Lu Dynasty!    


And normally, marrying a princess or a woman from the royal family to another country... It was an act of ingratiating oneself with the princess. It was a matter of kinship. In essence, it was a shameful thing for those small countries... In order to ensure the benefits of their own country and ensure that their country wouldn't be attacked by the Great Lu Dynasty... That was why they sent the female members of the royal family to make peace with the Great Lu Dynasty. To build a good relationship with the Great Lu Dynasty.    


As a Heavenly Dynasty Kingdom, how could the Great Lu Dynasty be willing to agree to this kind of humiliating marriage? A country's safety still had to rely on a woman to maintain it. That was simply a very humiliating matter.    


Therefore, when the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor heard the words of the Fengjue Country's envoy, he rejected it without hesitation.    


"Respected Heavenly Khagan, isn't your decision a little too rash?" The middle-aged man had no intention of giving up. "We are definitely here to propose a marriage proposal with utmost sincerity. Do you want to reconsider?"    


"There is nothing to consider. Zhen will not agree to this matter." The Emperor of Great Lu Dynasty waved his hand and said.    


"Humph!" When the Fengjue Country's First Prince, Lu Yizha, heard the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor's words, he immediately let out a cold snort, expressing his dissatisfaction, "Great Lu Dynasty Emperor, are you looking down on me?"    


"Zhen didn't say that."    


In fact, this was what the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor thought in his heart. In his heart, the people of the Fengjue Country were barbarians. How could such a person be worthy of their Great Lu Dynasty's princess? Even if he was the prince of the Fengjue Country, in the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor's heart... He simply wasn't worthy of their Great Lu Dynasty's princess.    


"Hmph, your people of the Great Lu Dynasty are all cowards. You dare to think about it, but you don't dare to admit it! Coward, coward!" Lu Yizha said.    


"Bastard! Do you really think I won't dare to kill you all?" The Emperor of Great Lu Dynasty was immediately enraged when he heard this in front of his face.    


"Please calm your anger, heavens. We, First Prince, have no intention of being disrespectful. We are just being frank. When he was on the battlefield, he had seen the cowardly behavior of many Great Lu Dynasties soldiers. That's why he said that. " The middle-aged man said.    


However, although he was "pleading," he was not much better than Lu Yizha. It was almost equivalent to slapping his face in front of the emperor and minister of the Great Lu Dynasty. Saying that the soldiers of the Great Lu Dynasty were useless was like slapping him in the face.    


"Our sons and daughters of the Great Lu Dynasty are all good men. How can they be cowards!?" The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor said.    


"Although the soldiers of the Great Lu Dynasty are strong, but, compared to the warriors of our Fengjue Country... If Your Majesty does not believe me... You can ask your general, or else... You... Not on the battlefield, either. You'll always lose. " The middle-aged man said.    


The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor really wanted to refute. However, in their battles with the Fengjue Country, they often lost more than they won. There was nothing wrong with saying that they couldn't defeat the Fengjue Country.    


"Respected Heavenly Khagan, our proposal for a marriage alliance is definitely sincere. I hope that Heavenly Khagan will consider it carefully." The middle-aged man continued.    


The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor still wanted to refuse. However, at this moment... Minister and Wu Yan from the Ministry of Personnel took a slight step forward. They cupped their hands and said, "Your Majesty, the envoy from the Fengjue Country has just arrived. It has been a tiring journey. Should we arrange for them to rest first? As for the peace talks... It's not something that can be negotiated in a day or two. We can discuss it another day. "    


The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor thought for a moment and said, "Wu Aiqing is right. Someone come and arrange for a few special envoys to rest."    


The emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty also understood in his heart that this negotiation was indeed not something that could be negotiated right away. The other party demanded an exorbitant price and even mixed the marriage into it. This matter was even more complicated. He wanted to negotiate. And he did not want the marriage. So, he needed to talk to his ministers. He needed to discuss how to continue this matter.    


First Prince and Lu Yizha, who were in the Fengjue Country, wanted to say something but was pulled back by the middle-aged man. Only then did they stop.    


The middle-aged man also understood that it was impossible to negotiate immediately, and the other party would not agree to their terms immediately. It was good to let the other party discuss it. In addition, they could also make some other preparations.    


The three envoys of the Fengjue Country were quickly taken away. However... The anger in the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor's heart did not decrease by much. He had just been embarrassed by the other party in the main hall. As the emperor of a dynasty, this was indeed a very shameful thing.    


"Li Yuangu, what you have done! Look, it was because of your incompetence that caused Zhen to be humiliated by those barbarians in front of everyone." The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor looked at Minister of War and said.    


"This official knows his crime!" Minister of War and Li Yuangu hurriedly took two steps to the side, walked out of the formation, and knelt down in the main hall.    


"Enough, enough. Tell Zhen honestly, are the people of the Fengjue Country really that powerful? Our Great Lu Dynasty has so many soldiers, but we can't do anything to them?" The emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty asked.    


Although, after ten years of war, the emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty also understood. It wasn't easy to defeat the Fengjue Country. There were many things involved in this matter, but to be humiliated in front of others... Obviously, he wasn't willing to accept this. He questioned his own Minister of War. He also hoped to get a satisfactory answer from his mouth.    


However, his expectation was about to fail.    


After hearing the Emperor's question, a hesitant expression appeared on Li Yuangu's face, as if he didn't know what to say.    


"Don't think so much, just say whatever you have to say!"    


"Yes!" Li Yuangu hurriedly nodded and said, "Replying to Your Majesty, in terms of physical aspects, the people from the Fengjue Country are indeed a little stronger than the people from our Great Lu Dynasty. Moreover, most of them are proficient in horsemanship and pounce on each other. Each soldier is very brave. In addition, the conditions in their country are tough. So, on the battlefield... They fought with their lives on the line. Only in this way could they survive... That's why, on the battlefield, most of the time, we're at a disadvantage."    


" Can't our soldiers be trained? We don't dare to fight with our lives on the line? Then what does Zhen want them for? " The emperor of Great Lu Dynasty said.    


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