Universe Storage Box

C2017 The Jade Pendant Was Gone

C2017 The Jade Pendant Was Gone

After Princess Qi finished speaking, she turned around and prepared to leave. The reason why she came here... Since she had already achieved it, there was no need to continue staying here. If she continued to stay here, she could totally imagine it. What would her Brother Emperor say to her? It was nothing more than marriage. She was sick of listening to those kinds of words, so she naturally didn't want to hear them anymore.    


Seeing Princess Qi's actions, the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor's face revealed a helpless smile. When it came to marriage, it was not the first time he had mentioned it to her, the youngest Royal Sister. Every time, it was a coping attitude. Looking at her expression just now, he knew it. She still didn't take his words... She didn't take it to heart.    


However, the Emperor did not care too much. He only cared about his sister's marriage and that was why he often mentioned this matter. He did not really want to force Royal Sister to marry.    


Even though the youngest Royal Sister was already 18 years old and was already an older woman, however, whether it was Princess Qi herself or the Emperor, they did not seem to be too anxious. At such an age... If it was an ordinary family, they would probably want to marry another husband. It was a very difficult matter. After all... He was still unmarried at such a young age, so the others would more or less have some guesses... There would also be rumors.    


But this kind of thing, if it was Princess Qi, it would be different. Although she was indeed a little old, there might be some rumors behind her back. However, those who really dared to make wild guesses and speak nonsense in public... One reason was because of Princess Qi's identity as a princess. Who would dare to casually talk about the children of the royal family? Afraid that he would be tired of living?    


Another reason was that all the rich and powerful aristocrats in the capital... That was, the emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty. He loved his youngest sister very much, and didn't want to force her to marry him. Furthermore, the choice of husband was also up to her to make the decision. Therefore, even if Princess Qi had never married, the others would not think too much about it. Instead, they knew that this was the result of the Emperor's indulgence.    


And here, it could be seen that the Emperor doted on the youngest Royal Sister. This way, there were naturally more people who pursued Princess Qi. Not to mention that Princess Qi was only 18 years old now, even if she was 28 years old. As long as she revealed her intention to marry, then the person who pursued her... They would still squeeze their heads out. Moreover, they were all descendants of the Wealthy Class and the Wealthy Class.    


Because of this, the Emperor often mentioned Princess Qi's marriage. However, he was not too anxious in his heart. Obviously, he was not worried that the youngest Royal Sister would not be able to marry out. Since that was the case, then let her be.    


However, when Princess Qi turned around, the Emperor inadvertently glanced at her waist. After that, a surprised expression appeared on his face and he said, "Royal Sister, where is your jade pendant?"    


"Jade pendant? Isn't it here?" Princess Qi said as she touched her waist.    


As a child of the royal family, she definitely did not lack jade pendants. And the Emperor only said jade pendants and did not specify which one. However, whether it was Princess Qi or the Emperor themselves, they all knew which one the Emperor spoke of.    


When Princess Qi heard about the jade pendant from her Brother Emperor, she thought that he was deliberately trying to find a topic to talk about. He kept her here and continued to urge her to find a husband. Therefore, she subconsciously touched her waist and did not even turn her body.    


However, when her hand touched her waist, she was stunned. Then, she lowered her head in surprise and confusion to look at her waist. There was nothing there. There was no jade pendant.    


"Huh? Where is my jade pendant? It was still there before." Princess Qi kept touching her body as she searched for the jade pendant.    


"Did you forget where it was?" The Emperor said.    


"It's possible. Brother Emperor, I won't tell you anymore. I will go back and find the jade pendant first." Princess Qi ran out of the Imperial Reading Room at an even faster speed.    


The Emperor was at the back, looking at his Royal Sister. She was already 18 years old, yet she was still in such a rush. Like a child, she smiled helplessly once again. However, he didn't think too much about it. He also thought that the jade pendant was accidentally forgotten by Princess Qi.    


One should know that Princess Qi liked that jade pendant very much. Although as a princess, she had all kinds of jade pendants that she wanted. However, she only had feelings for that jade pendant. Every day, she would wear it on her body, never forgetting it.    


In fact, that jade pendant was not a treasure. At least, there were many jade pendants in the palace. It was even better than the jade pendant. In fact, some of the Emperor's concubines... Even those who did not have a high status were wearing jade pendants. They were all better than Princess Qi's jade pendant.    


However, Princess Qi had never thought of changing the jade pendant. On her body, other than that jade pendant, she had never worn any other jade pendant. Ordinary people might not know the reason, but the Emperor knew. Because that jade pendant was given to her by Princess Qi's birth mother. And the Emperor and Princess Qi were the same birth mother. This was also the reason. Out of so many brothers and sisters, the Emperor had the best relationship with Princess Qi.    


However, their birth mother had already passed away, and that jade pendant... It was the birthday present that their mother gave to Princess Qi on her tenth birthday. Although it wasn't a precious jade pendant, it was the one that their birth mother always wore by her side. So, the meaning was different. Since then, Princess Qi had always worn the jade pendant on her body. She had never taken it off. Because it was her mother. It was her last gift.    


Therefore, what was the significance of this jade pendant to Princess Qi? Needless to say, the Emperor clearly knew this as well. Therefore, when he saw that there was no jade pendant on Princess Qi's waist just now... That was why he was so surprised.    


On the other side, Princess Qi rushed to her residence. She did not think much of the difference between her and Brother Emperor. In Princess Qi's heart, but now, she was a little anxious because she had already remembered. When she had just returned from the palace, when she had changed into a female outfit... It was as if she had never seen that jade pendant. However... He did not pay much attention to it at that time, and then rushed to the Imperial Study in a hurry. He didn't think about the jade pendant.    


But now, after being reminded by her Brother Emperor, ... Princess Qi remembered that it had been a while since she last saw that jade pendant. At least, after returning to the Palace, she had not seen it again. Usually, that jade pendant was placed at her waist and she had already developed a habit. On the contrary, she would not go and take a look from time to time, which was why... That was why she only discovered it after such a long time.    


"Xiao Huan, quick, help me look for the jade pendant." The moment they returned to their own chambers, Princess Qi said to Xiao Huan.    


As Princess Qi's personal maid, Xiao Huan naturally knew what that jade pendant looked like. She also knew the importance of that jade pendant to Princess Qi. So... Seeing Princess Qi in such a hurry, Xiao Huan was not surprised but understood. At the same time, she quickly helped Princess Qi find it.    


However, the two of them searched the entire room, especially the men's clothing. They had carefully searched several times, but they still did not find anything. They still did not find the shadow of the jade pendant.    


"Princess, we have searched the entire room. There is nothing." Xiao Huan said to Princess Qi.    


"How could there be nothing?" Princess Qi said anxiously. In fact, she had been searching just now, but she also did not find anything.    


After that, the two of them found even more eunuchs and palace maid. They almost turned the entire room upside down. In the end, they still could not find the jade pendant. It was as if the jade pendant had suddenly evaporated into thin air.    


After palace maid and the other eunuchs left, Princess Qi sat at the side of the table with a dejected look on her face. It was as if she was about to cry at any time.    


"How can I not be able to find it? Where did the jade pendant go?" Princess Qi muttered to herself. Her face was filled with frustration and frustration. She was angry that she had lost the jade pendant.    


"Princess, could it be that the jade pendant was lost when we left the Palace? Or was it stolen?" Xiao Huan was also trying hard to figure out where her jade pendant was. But... She was also unable to figure it out. In the end, she could only think of this possibility.    


After all, if he were to lose it in the Imperial Palace, it would be very easy to find it. Usually, palace maid and eunuchs would not dare to casually hide the things of their Mistress. If they were discovered, they might be beaten to death. Even if they were picked up on the ground, it would not work.    


Thus, if they couldn't find it in the Imperial Palace, then it was very likely that they would be left outside the palace. After all, they had previously left the palace, but on the streets outside the palace... There were many people, and the environment wasn't as complete as the palace... It was normal for the jade pendant to be lost or stolen.    


Hearing Xiao Huan's words, Princess Qi's eyes also lit up but immediately dimmed, "If it was really lost outside the palace, where would I find it? The outside of the Palace is so big, it is not easy to find a jade pendant."    


Indeed, the outside and inside of the Palace are different. There are many people there, and the environment is chaotic. They don't know where they lost it. And who had picked it up, or stolen it, and wanted to find it again... It would be very difficult. After all, those people didn't know... That jade pendant belonged to the princess. If they found it or stole it... They either kept it for themselves or sold it. If that was the case, it would be very difficult to find it again.    


Furthermore, Princess Qi could not go and look for it openly. He and Xiao Huan secretly left the Palace. If he said that his jade pendant was lost outside the Palace... Didn't Brother Emperor know that she had secretly left the Palace? Then it was very likely that she would be grounded.    


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