Universe Storage Box

C2084 There Is Danger Ahead

C2084 There Is Danger Ahead

As the group from the Cultivation Realm of Human World drew closer and closer, more and more disciples from the Demon Realm appeared in the Purple Flame Sect. Adela could feel that the pressure on his body was getting stronger and stronger.    


In the past, he was only a general. He only needed to listen to Arvid's orders. He just needed to do whatever he wanted on the battlefield. There was no need for him to think too much about it. But now, the situation was obviously different. Arvid was dead. He had gone from being a general to the leader of all the disciples in Demon Realm. The huge change in his identity also meant that the pressure on his body was increasing. He had to consider a lot of things.    


Before this, when Sect Leader De Hou brought the people of Cultivation Realm of Human World to attack Demon Realm, it was the first time Adela had brought the people of Demon Realm to fight the war. He had handled the situation appropriately, and accurately grasped the weakness of the enemy that they were not familiar with. He had dragged them down.    


It was also after that battle that Adela and the people of the Demon Realm felt their confidence rise by a lot. Adela also believed that as long as he was given a few more years of time... He would be able to restore the Demon Realm to its former level. At that time... Under his lead, they once again stepped onto the land of the Mortal World. They would completely conquer the Mortal World and accomplish what Devil Emperor had failed to do. They had become the number one person in the history of the Demon Realm.    


However, he had yet to show his ambition. Huang Feng had once again brought the people of Cultivation Realm of Human World to Demon Realm. This time, Adela felt an even greater pressure than before. Huang Feng was no match for Sect Leader De Hou. In the face of Sect Leader De Hou, Adela could deal with him alone. In fact, he could even... I can still have a slight advantage.    


However, no one in the Demon Realm dared to say that they could handle Huang Feng. Not to mention having an advantage. In fact, Adela felt that even if there were three or four of him, they wouldn't be a match for Huang Feng. One should know that even the Half-immortal Stage Arvid had died under Huang Feng's hands. Adela knew that he was far from being a match for Arvid, which meant that he was no match for Huang Feng.    


However, when Huang Feng just entered the Demon Realm, Adela still felt a tremendous pressure. However, he didn't feel despair, because he felt that... Huang Feng must be like the other disciples of the Cultivation Realm of Human World, unable to adapt to the environment of the Demon Realm. In this place, they were the true masters. They could make use of the advantages of the surrounding environment. Attacking the group led by Huang Feng was just like what they had done to the group of Cultivation Realm of Human World.    


However, very soon, Adela understood that it was all just an empty thought. Not only was Huang Feng powerful, he wasn't affected at all in Demon Realm. Their ambush would always be discovered by Huang Feng in advance. However, the result of their counter-attack was... The people they sent to ambush the Cultivation Realm of Human World team had suffered heavy losses. They hadn't caused much damage to Huang Feng and the others yet. Finally, knowing that this wouldn't work, Adela could only give up on this meaningless act of suicide.    


Once they gave up on this action, what they could do was... Actually, there was not much left. If they were to split up in the outside world... They would definitely be defeated one by one by the troops of Cultivation Realm of Human World. Therefore... They could only gather in the Purple Flame Sect and wait for the Cultivation Realm of Human World's team. The final battle.    


To be honest, this was the final battle, whether it was Adela himself. As for the disciples of Demon Realm, they didn't have much confidence in themselves. The war three years ago had caused a great loss to Demon Realm. Until now, they hadn't fully recovered. They were facing the group led by Sect Leader De Hou. They had already felt a tremendous pressure, but they had made use of the fact that they weren't familiar with the environment. In addition to their determination to fight with their lives on the line, they had finally defeated the team from Cultivation Realm of Human World.    


And now, when they faced the team led by Huang Feng... They no longer had the upper hand, although Huang Feng and the others were still unfamiliar with the environment here. However, Huang Feng could always find them ahead of time. In this way, their biggest advantage was gone. They could only fight passively. Under such circumstances, they had the confidence to win. That would be strange.    


"I hope that the Immortal Execution Grand Formation is as magical as the remnant scroll says." Adela looked at the people who had begun to set up the formation in the distance and thought to himself.    


Those who set up the formation didn't have much confidence either. After all, they had never seen the power of this formation before. At the same time... , they also knew that under such circumstances, they had to forcefully set up the formation... None of them could survive. However... They had no other choice. Besides this method, which could give them some chances of winning... The other methods were already useless.    


Therefore, they could only sacrifice themselves to increase their faith in setting up the formation. At the same time, they prayed in their hearts that this "Immortal Execution" formation was really so magical. If that was the case, their sacrifice would not be worthless.    


At this moment, the people of the other sects in Demon Realm were silently looking at these people who were setting up the formation. They also knew what the consequences of this formation would be, but they also didn't know the exact effects of it. Therefore, despair slowly emerged in the hearts of some people.    


"Everyone, get ready, prepare for our most important battle! The life and death of the entire Demon Realm will depend on us!" Adela stood in the middle of the sect and said to the disciples of all the big sects in the Demon Realm.    


"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison. A solemn and tragic aura rose from the encampment of Purple Flame Sect. All the disciples of Demon Realm were just like the disciples of Cultivation Realm of Human World who had gathered in Heavely Profound Sect. They were determined to fight to the death. However... Now, both sides had switched positions.    


"Come, Huang Feng, let me see if you have become stronger in these three years!" Adela looked at the crowd in the distance, which was very close to him, and thought in his heart.    


Adela was ready to die. He was now in Demon Realm. He was one of the strongest people, and he was also the Sect Master of the Purple Flame Sect. The leader of all the disciples in Demon Realm. Therefore, in the face of such a matter, there was no way he could escape from the responsibility.    


However, Adela also knew that he was no match for Huang Feng. Even Huang Feng hadn't made any progress in these three years. He wasn't a match for Huang Feng. Therefore... Adela was ready to die. What he was thinking... It was nothing more than his own death, which would give the others of Demon Realm a chance to survive. In fact, he wouldn't ask for more time.    


On the other side, Huang Feng had already brought his men to the outer perimeter of the Purple Flame Sect's encampment. However, after arriving there, he suddenly felt a feeling that made his heart palpitate. This was a very dangerous feeling. It was rare for Huang Feng to have such a feeling. This indicated that there was a huge danger ahead. This danger was enough to bring him eternal damnation.    


Therefore, even Huang Feng, who had always been confident in his abilities, felt nervous and cautious at this moment. He didn't dare to make a move rashly.    


"Sect Leader Huang, what's wrong?" At this time, Huang Feng's actions had also attracted the attention of the others. After all, Huang Feng and the Huaxia Sword Sect had always been walking at the front. Therefore, when Huang Feng stopped, the others saw it too. They had already reached the outer perimeter of the Purple Flame Sect's encampment, but Huang Feng didn't want to leave. This surprised many of them, but the one who came up to ask about it... It was an elder of a sect. As for the people of the Huaxia Sword Sect... No matter what Huang Feng's reaction was, they wouldn't find it strange. Naturally, they wouldn't question him.    


"There's danger ahead." Huang Feng said faintly.    


Unexpectedly, the elder didn't take it seriously. He said with a smile, "Of course there is danger ahead. That place is the encampment of Purple Flame Sect. All the disciples of Demon Realm are gathered there. It would be strange if there isn't any danger there."    


Along the way, Huang Feng had used his sharp sense of smell to discover the ambush of the people of Demon Realm many times in advance. He had successfully prevented the people of Cultivation Realm of Human World from suffering any losses. Therefore, everyone believed in Huang Feng's sense of smell. If he said there was danger, then there must be danger.    


However, the situation was different now. They had already reached their destination. When they reached the place where the final battle was, everyone knew... All the disciples of Demon Realm were gathered in Purple Flame Sect. That place must be very dangerous. Therefore, they heard what Huang Feng said. There was danger ahead, so they didn't pay too much attention to it.    


"That's right. Now that all the disciples of Demon Realm have gathered there, we can eliminate all of them there." At this moment, an elder of another sect stepped forward and said.    


The journey had been smooth because of Huang Feng's presence. They didn't suffer any losses. Instead, they had killed quite a number of people from the Demon Realm. This caused some of the disciples of the Demon Realm to have such thoughts. However, this was the first time they had gone against ___. The reason why they had failed was because they didn't understand the environment here. They were caught off guard by the ambush of the people from Demon Realm.    


And now, with Huang Feng's presence, the people of Demon Realm had lost the advantage of the terrain and environment. They were instantly beaten back to their original form. They were simply no match for the people of Cultivation Realm of Human World. And now, the final battle was about to begin. This was a real fight. The people of the Demon Realm had no way to borrow the advantage of the terrain and environment. Therefore, everyone was facing the upcoming battle. They were very confident.    


"Don't be too careless. The disciples of the Demon Realm from the Purple Flame Sect are definitely not to be trifled with." Huang Feng reminded.    


"Sect Leader Huang is too cautious. If it wasn't for the geographical advantage, the people of the Demon Realm wouldn't be a match for us." An elder of one of the sects said.    


At this time, many of the elders and Sect Leader came to Huang Feng's side. Obviously, they were here to check on the situation. However, most of them were obviously very optimistic about the situation.    


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