Universe Storage Box

C3045 He Was Forced to Cooperate

C3045 He Was Forced to Cooperate

But Alex knows it's no use no matter how angry he is now. The enemy had come, all he could do was think of a way to resolve this matter. Otherwise, once he was defeated, his outcome would be very miserable.    


However, it wasn't easy to resolve this matter, but if it wasn't, Alex had to do it.    


"Contact the people above and ask them to send reinforcements. Tell them about my situation here, and also send people to talk to those idiots in New York City. Can we let go of our previous grudges and join forces to kill the enemy! " Alex told his deputy.    


Alex could only count on the people above to send reinforcements. After knowing the large scale attack of the Fengji Country army, the people above would definitely pay more attention. Sending reinforcements was almost certain. The problem was just which force would send reinforcements.    


Alex didn't care which force would come. As long as someone came, he would be satisfied. In any case, he didn't want to accept failure, and he couldn't fail.    


However, it would take time for reinforcements to arrive, and the Fengji Country had more people on their side. Whether they could hold on until reinforcements arrived or not was still a problem.    


Because of this, Alex could only lower his body and take the initiative to negotiate with the people of New York City. Only by joining forces with them could they block the attack of the Fengji Country army. Only then could they hold on until their reinforcements arrived.    


Although Alex still had some issues with the people of New York City, under the current circumstances, he had no choice but to suppress the disgust in his heart and seek cooperation with those people.    


Alex's meaning was quickly conveyed to the people of New York City.    


"Huh, wasn't Alex very arrogant before? Why is he asking us for help now?"    


"That trash must have seen reinforcements from the Fengji Country, and now he knows fear."    


"Previously, he wanted to monopolize the credit. Now that he knows that he can't defeat them, he came to ask us for help."    


The people of New York City mocked Alex's thoughts. Because Alex had played beautifully, it showed that the people of Newscity were incompetent. And, they wanted to get rid of them and take the credit alone. This naturally made the people in New York City unhappy.    


So, now that Alex came to seek cooperation, the people of Newscity naturally ridiculed Alex in their hearts.    


However, the people of Newscity weren't all idiots. They already knew that reinforcements from the Fengji Country army had arrived. They originally had the upper hand, but now that the enemy had reinforcements, their advantage had disappeared, and there was even a possibility of them being defeated. So, it was necessary to join forces with Alex.    


Of course, before they joined forces, they still had to show some attitude. After all, in their view, Alex was begging them now. And not them begging Alex, so, in terms of commanding, they felt that they could still fight for it.    


"These bastards, bastards! Even at this time, they are still thinking of fighting for power. They were simply pig brains. Did they not know that it was precisely because they had caused trouble previously? That was the reason why the battle was delayed, giving the Fengji Country a chance to catch its breath. Waiting for reinforcements? " After Alex found out that the people of New York City wanted to compete with him for the command of the troops at this time, his mind was even more on fire in his office.    


In Alex's eyes, the people of New York City were trash. If it wasn't for them dragging him down, he would have already defeated this army of Fengji Country. How could he let them wait for his reinforcements?    


In the end, not only did those bastards in Newss City not realize their mistakes and incompetence, but they were also fighting for the command of the army at this moment. It was really too much of a jerk to make him listen to their commands.    


However, after getting angry, the matter still had to be resolved. Not only did the people of the city think that they were right, but they also looked as if they were determined to take him down. Only when he and his subordinates accepted their orders would they be willing to cooperate. Otherwise, they would rather fight their own battles.    


Alex didn't have any good ideas about this. The people of Newscity obviously didn't care about the losses and losses of this battle. Even if the Fengji Country army won, they could still accept it. In any case, it was only the outcome of a battle. In their point of view, it wouldn't affect the overall situation.    


However, this battle had a different meaning to them. The people of Newscity could lose, but they couldn't!    


Although Alex also felt that the outcome of a battle couldn't decide the entire situation, changing the status of two countries, it could change his position and destiny. Once this battle fails, then it is very likely that he will be finished. My life is over.    


So, even though he felt aggrieved, in the end, Alex still accepted the "suggestions" of the people in Newscity and gave the leadership of the army.    


Alex's concession made the people in New York even happier. At the same time, they looked down on Alex even more, but they felt that Alex really had no other choice. That was why he handed over the command. Alex could only rely on them now.    


After getting the commanding authority, the people of New York City naturally wouldn't be polite. Previously, they were cannon fodder in front of them. Now, the tables had turned. After they got the commanding authority, they let Alex's people charge in front to fight the people of Fengji Country. And they followed behind and fought on the side.    


Alex obviously knew what the people from New York City were planning. But... There was no other way, because he needed to rely on those people right now. So, in the end, he could only be unwilling. Let his people charge in front of him.    


In fact, Alex didn't really care about the life and death of his subordinates. If he was cannon fodder, then he would be cannon fodder. As long as he won, he would be fine. As for the death of the soldiers, he didn't really care. What he really cared about was... The only thing he cared about was his own future.    


He was unwilling to just not be the chess piece of those people in News-City. However, in order to save the current situation, he could only accept this reality.    


Compared to the forced cooperation in Flaming Wind Kingdom, the army of Fengji Country... When they saw that their reinforcements had arrived, they were very happy. Many of them had even felt despair before this. Huang Feng and Alvin's performance had given them a lot of courage. However, in the face of absolute strength, the two of them had shown their bravery. * Hong Long...... *    


Now that reinforcements had arrived, everything was different.    


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