Universe Storage Box

C2011 In the Hall

C2011 In the Hall

"The Fengjue Country envoy has arrived!" Just as the Emperor was thinking about his matter, a sharp voice sounded.    


"The Fengjue Country Envoy has arrived!" Another similar voice sounded. However, this time around, the distance between them and the hall was clearly closer.    


"The envoy of the Fengjue Country has arrived!"    


"The Fengjue Country Envoy has arrived!"    




One after another, shouts were heard. These were the shouts of the eunuchs standing outside the main hall. Ever since the envoy of the Fengjue Country had entered the inner city of the Imperial Palace, there had been people who began to shout, all the way until the main hall.    


As the voices got closer and closer, the ministers in the main hall... They subconsciously checked their appearances and straightened their bodies. They were the Heavenly Court Kingdom, and now a small country of the Western Regions had come. They couldn't lose the face of the Heavenly Empire, especially since the other party was a Fengjue Country. This country that had fought with their Great Lu Dynasty for many years, they couldn't show weakness even more.    


At this moment, a eunuch ran into the hall with small steps. After that, he knelt down in front of the Emperor from afar and said, "Your Majesty, the envoy of the Fengjue Country is waiting outside the hall."    


"Let them in." The Emperor sitting at the top said.    


"Yes." The eunuch stood up and faced the outside of the hall. He said in a clear voice, "Announce, the envoy of the Fengjue Country is here to meet you!"    


His voice was still somewhat sharp and lacked the air of an upright person.    


Following which, three people walked in from outside the hall. After entering the hall, the muscular man in the lead looked around the luxurious hall as though he was a curious baby. His eyes were filled with thick greed.    


The ministers of the Great Lu Dynasty in the hall saw the Fengjue Country's envoy. To think that he would act like he had never seen the world before. Each and every one of them was looking down on them in their hearts. They thought to themselves, 'That Fengjue Country is indeed a barbarian land, the people there...' They were all rude people who had no knowledge at all. Although they were good at fighting, they were still good at fighting. However, in other aspects, it was still far from being as good as their Great Lu Dynasty.    


This way, everyone actually had some underestimation of the Fengjue Country in their hearts.    


"The Fengjue Country Envoy greets His Majesty, the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor!" The three of them walked to the center of the hall. One of their arms was placed in front of their chest. They bent down and said to the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor.    


There were a total of three special envoys of the Fengjue Country. The one in front, one in the back, was standing. The one in front was a robust man. From their position, it was obvious that he was the leader of the three.    


However, when the two of them bowed, there was a respectful expression on their faces. Regardless of whether it was true or not, there were indeed some. However, the muscular man in front of them had a disdainful expression on his face. Most of the time, bending down was just a perfunctory act.    


"How dare you! Why aren't you kneeling down when you see His Majesty?!" A eunuch standing beside the emperor pointed at the three of them and berated loudly.    


A eunuch who could stand beside the Emperor in the main hall. His status was not low either. In fact, this eunuch was at the level of a chief steward. He usually held a high position, so even if he was also a eunuch... However, when he shouted, he had a sense of authority.    


However, the envoys of the three Fengjue Countries were obviously not scared out of their wits. Their expressions didn't change at all when they heard his scolding. The muscular man standing at the head of the group stood up straight. He looked at the eunuch who was shouting with disdain and said, "Our warriors of the Fengjue Country don't have the habit of kneeling to others. Not even the father of the heavens! "    


"Impudent!" The eunuch roared at him, "This is the Great Lu Dynasty, not your barbaric land!"    


"So what if it's the Great Lu Dynasty?" Not only was the robust man not frightened, he still had a look of contempt on his face, "Wasn't he beaten to the point of pissing his pants by our Fengjue Country's sons? Ah, haha. "    


After that man finished speaking, he laughed without any restraint in the hall. He did not put the surrounding ministers and ministers in his eyes at all.    


On the side of the Great Lu Dynasty, whether it was the emperor sitting at the top or the ministers standing below, all of them were filled with righteous indignation and anger. Of course, there was also some embarrassment hidden in their anger.    


After all, although the man's words were unpleasant to the ears, he was speaking the truth. The Great Lu Dynasty was indeed unable to defeat the Fengjue Country. They had not gained much in the past ten years.    


"The barbarians really do not understand the rules of etiquette!"    


"Bastard, this is simply disgraceful! How can my Great Lu Dynasty be looked down upon by you barbarians?"    


"Your Majesty, please kill these three people with your wands to raise the prestige of my Great Lu Dynasty."    


No matter what the ministers thought in their hearts, no matter what kind of relationship they usually had... At this moment, their expressions were very unified, and that was to denounce the emissary of the Fengjue Country. After all, they were all officials of the Great Lu Dynasty, and the people of the Fengjue Country had gone too far. In that case, wouldn't the Great Lu Dynasty be equivalent to slapping their faces in public?    


Therefore, everyone was very angry. In fact, many people even begged the Emperor to kill these rude people.    


Everyone's behavior didn't scare the three emissaries. Especially the one in front. He held his head high and puffed out his chest. His eyes were wild and unruly. It was as if he was listening to the cries of a mosquito, but he wasn't afraid at all. The disdain on his face was even more obvious.    


"All of you shut up!" The emperor sitting on the throne suddenly slammed the armrest of the chair and said in a deep voice.    


The entire hall instantly quieted down, as if someone had suddenly strangled everyone's neck. At the same time, there was no sound.    


The emperor of the Great Lu Dynasty looked at the crowd and finally looked at himself. He said in a deep voice, "The emissaries of the Fengjue Country, are you here to provoke me? If that's the case, I, the Great Lu Dynasty, will definitely keep you company until the end!"    


"Right, accompany me to the end! Our Great Lu Dynasty's tens of thousands of children will definitely flatten your Fengjue Country!" Minister of War and Li Yuangu said loudly with a red face.    


Li Yuangu's face was red. Not only because he was shy, but because of the shame and shame in his heart. Being slapped in public by someone from the Fengjue Country was the most shameful thing to do. The one who was most ashamed was him, Minister of War. After all... He had always been in charge of the war with the Fengjue Country. However, after ten years, not only had they failed to defeat the Fengjue Country... He was even robbed of a lot of good stuff by the people of the Fengjue Country. This included food, gold, silver and porcelain, and even people.    


There were already many people in the Imperial Court who doubted his ability. Usually, all kinds of rumors would not stop, especially with Wu Yan in the lead. Therefore, Li Yuangu already had a lot of pressure on him. And now, he was being humiliated by the people of the Fengjue Country in front of everyone. Everyone else could feel the atmosphere. He was the one in charge. Naturally, they felt even more humiliated.    


The robust man from the Fengjue Country still wanted to say something. However, he was pulled back by the person behind him. He hesitated for a moment, then unwillingly shut his mouth. However, there was still no sign of fear on his face. Even if he was questioned by the Emperor of the Fengjue Country in front of him... He was not afraid at all.    


"Please calm your anger, Ferghana. You've misunderstood." A middle-aged man behind the strong man slightly raised his head and looked at the Emperor above, saying in a neither servile nor overbearing manner.    


The Heavenly Khagan was a small country in the Western Regions and the grasslands. The tribe had a respectful title for the Great Lu Dynasty Emperor, this title. It was a title exchanged with the blood of the previous emperors when the Great Lu Dynasty was founded. At that time, the power of the Great Lu Dynasty was at its peak, and its army was powerful. It attacked the surrounding small countries. The tribes all bowed their heads and became the vassal states of the Great Lu Dynasty, and the emperors of the Great Lu Dynasty were honored. It was the Khagan of the Heavens.    


However, the power of the Great Lu Dynasty began to decline, and the combat strength of the army continued to decline. Internal strife had also occurred in the Imperial Court, and their strength had declined quite a bit. At the same time, the surrounding small countries had developed quite well. They had used the Great Lu Dynasty to provide assistance to them. They had continuously developed themselves, and after becoming stronger, their hearts began to stir. The current state of uneasiness was that the Fengjue Country was just one of the countries.    


In fact, there were many countries around the Great Lu Dynasty. At this moment... They were all eyeing the Great Lu Dynasty. After all... The Great Lu Dynasty was a vast land with abundant resources. It was not something those small countries could compare with. In the past, they needed the Great Lu Dynasty to give them charity, but now... They had the strength, and at the same time, the Great Lu Dynasty showed signs of decline. They naturally wanted to obtain even more.    


It was also because of this that the Great Lu Dynasty needed to be found at various borders. They needed to set up an army to prevent sneak attacks from those small countries, causing their military forces to be scattered. There was no way to gather their forces to destroy the Fengjue Country, but the other countries... Although on the surface, they did not openly go against the Great Lu Dynasty, however... The small skirmishes did not stop. At the same time, they secretly sent soldiers. This way, they would be able to obtain benefits.    


It was also because of this that the Great Lu Dynasty and the Fengjue Country were a small country. They had fought for ten years, but they were still unable to completely defeat the other party. The Great Lu Dynasty was not facing a small Fengjue Country, but many small countries. And the alliance of the tribes.    


"Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding what?" The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor asked expressionlessly.    


"Our Crown Prince has no intention of looking down on the Great Lu Dynasty. The war at the border is just a misunderstanding." The middle-aged man said.    


"This misunderstanding lasted for ten years? Do you think Zhen is a fool?"    


"Of course not." The middle-aged man said, "The people of our Fengjue Country admire the culture of Great Lu Dynasty very much. The matters at the border are things that we have no choice but to do. The Heavenly Khagan should know about the situation of our Fengjue Country. We lack grain in winter, we lack cotton blankets, we lack food, we lack everything. Without these people, our people would have starved to death. "    


"So, you came to our Great Lu Dynasty to rob us?" The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor questioned.    


"I really had no choice but to do it." The middle-aged man said once again. Obviously, he didn't deny the matter of snatching things.    


"Hmph!" The Great Lu Dynasty Emperor coldly snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction.    


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