Universe Storage Box

C913 A Huge Bald Eagle

C913 A Huge Bald Eagle

But for these people, the dangerous moment has passed. They survived and entered the desert... Although the conditions here were very poor, there was yellow sand everywhere. At least, there was no Zombie in their field of vision. This allowed them to finally heave a sigh of relief.    


"It's not easy. We have finally entered the desert. Finally, we can have a good sleep." Marcus's face was filled with exhaustion as he spoke. He was the leader of this convoy. Therefore, he was under the greatest pressure. He wanted to bring these people into the desert. He wanted to find the oasis.    


"Yeah, I can finally sleep well." The others agreed. During this period of time, they had experienced battles and life and death. Therefore, everyone was very tired and did not dare to relax at all.    


After entering the desert, their field of vision was very wide, and they could not see the existence of the Zombie. Thus, they could finally relax.    


However, just as everyone put down the weapons in their hands and wanted to rest, they heard a "bang" sound coming from above their heads. It was as if the entire car was shaking.    


"What's going on? Damn it, who can tell me what's going on?" Marcus, who had just closed his eyes, opened his eyes wider than a cow's. He picked up the walkie-talkie and asked. He was obviously asking about the cars behind him. What happened above his head must have happened to the people in the cars behind him. He could see it.    


"Captain, it's a bald eagle. Oh my god! This bald eagle is too big. I feel like it can swallow us in one bite. Oh my god, I've never seen such a big vulture before. " A member of the convoy replied from behind. His tone was filled with surprise and fear. Obviously, he was very shocked by what he saw just now.    


"Bald Eagle?" Marcus muttered to himself. He never thought that it would be such a thing.    


Soon, the bald eagle attacked Marcus's car again. Obviously, its actions just now were not intentional. It had set its eyes on Marcus's motorcade.    


"Oh my god! This bald eagle is too powerful. A hole has been dug into the roof of the car!" Someone in the car suddenly cried out.    


Marcus looked up and saw an irregular hole on top of his head. The hole was not big, but at least it showed that the bald eagle had the ability to break into their car.    




Just as Marcus was staring at the hole on the roof, the bald eagle attacked again. Its sharp claws clawed at the metal sheet on the roof of the car like a knife cutting through tofu. It was hard to tell how difficult it was. The hole in the roof was under the attack of the vulture. It became even bigger.    


"Quick, everyone, get ready to shoot. If that damn vulture comes again... All of you, shoot!" Marcus said to the people in his car, then he said to the people in the other cars through the walkie-talkie, "You people in the other cars, find an opportunity to shoot that vulture!"    


Instantly, all the people in the car picked up the weapons that they had just put down and were ready to fight at any time. The relaxed atmosphere just now disappeared once again.    


"Captain, be careful. That beast is here again!" The reminder of the other members in the car was heard from the walkie-talkie. Then, there was a loud gunshot outside. Obviously, those people had already started shooting at the bald eagle.    


Marcus and the others saw a black shadow rapidly approaching through the hole in the top of their heads. Marcus said without thinking, "Shoot!"    


Then, everyone in the car aimed their guns at the black shadow outside and started shooting crazily.    


Then, the sharp cry of the bald eagle came from outside. Under such a concentrated barrage of bullets, the vulture was inevitably shot. However, the defense of this vulture seemed to be shockingly strong. After being shot so many times, it actually struggled to fly up into the sky.    


"Everyone get out of the car!"    


After that, he was the first to open the carriage and jump down. Then, he shot crazily at the bald eagle that was still in the sky.    


All the cars stopped at this time. The surviving humans also got out of the cars and started to shoot into the sky like Marcus.    


Finally, under the crazy shooting of everyone, the bald eagle finally lost its balance and fell to the ground crookedly. Marcus quickly brought his people over to take a look.    


When everyone got closer and saw the bald eagle, they all took a deep breath.    


This bald eagle no longer had any feathers on its body, and there were even some parts of its body that didn't have any flesh. Everyone could easily see the skeleton inside, and there was only one eye left. Moreover, it seemed like it could fall off at any time. However... Its mouth and claws seemed even sharper, making one shiver in fear.    


This bald eagle was also much bigger than what everyone usually saw. Its body was five or six meters long, it was definitely a huge monster.    


Marcus frowned and squatted down next to the huge bald eagle. After looking at it, he said in a serious tone, "It seems that this desert is not as safe as we thought it would be."    


"Captain, do you mean that this bald eagle is also a Zombie?" A team member said.    


Marcus nodded, "That's right. It seems like there is a Zombie in the desert. Also, looking at this bald eagle, it should be at least a Fourth Grade Zombie."    


When everyone heard this, their hearts sank. Previously... They all thought that they would be safer after fleeing into the desert. There wouldn't be any more Zombie here. However... Looking at it now... Their previous thoughts were clearly wrong. Not only was there a Zombie here... Furthermore, the Zombie here was very strong. It was even harder to deal with than the ones in the city.    


Marcus had only guessed earlier. That was why he had ordered the convoy to stop. The reason why he had killed this Zombie was to take a look. Now, it seemed like his guess was right. This was indeed a Zombie, and it was a Fourth Grade Zombie. Its attack and defense were both very strong, and its speed was also very fast.    


Although he had guessed it right, Marcus wasn't happy at all. This meant that the last place here could be considered a safe place. It was no longer safe. Furthermore, because of the unique nature of flying creatures like the vultures... The Zombie here would be even harder to deal with.    


After a long time, Marcus stood up and said, "Everyone get on the carriage, let's continue forward!"    


Everyone was slightly startled, but they quickly got on the carriage again. Although they had also found the Zombie here, this place was no longer safe. However, there was an oasis in the desert. There were still many humans there who could meet up with them. It was also a good thing.    


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