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C647 Shop Taobao

C647 Shop Taobao

The quality of this shop that was bound to a tour group could only be described as average.    


After all, the Sakha Republic was not the origin of jade, and it was impossible to find high-quality jade.    


Lu Fanfeng looked to be in a daze, but the other elderly people around him had already been attracted by the bait thrown by Kenoyev. They were extremely interested in buying the treasure at a low price.    


"I feel so bored!" Lu Fanfeng said to Ann Xia helplessly.    


Just at that moment, Xiao Ling suddenly rushed over, "Lu Fanfeng, you have to spend today, otherwise, don't think about leaving this place!"    


With Master Lu's temper, how could he endure all of this? He was about to make his move.    


But Ann Xia stopped them all, "Everyone went to take a look, you guys came over to take a look too, maybe you can find something useful!"    


While talking, Ann Xia brought Lu Fanfeng to a counter where there were fewer people.    


Immediately, a middle-aged uncle came over to greet them, "The quality of the jade here is very good. If you like it, I can tell the boss, it's cheaper!"    


From the identity of the shop assistant, Lu Fanfeng and the rest could see that the shop did not have any good impressions of them.    


The owner and the youngest and prettiest female shop assistant all greeted the few old people who seemed to be very rich. It was Lu Fanfeng's turn, and only this middle-aged uncle was left.    


Ayumi Chisa and the rest could only pretend to watch on.    


After all, for Ayumi Chisa, after she defected to Lu Fanfeng's side, she did not have to worry about the problem of funding.    


She might not be able to decide on a huge order worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but to her, hundreds of thousands of dollars was just a daily allowance.    


Right now, Lu Fanfeng's area of influence was gradually expanding, the amount of money he had to spend on intelligence every year was shocking, and Ayumi Chisa had completely changed her appearance, becoming a little wealthy lady.    


"Show me this!" Ayumi Chisa casually pointed to a jade stone and said.    


But right at this moment, Ann Xia pointed to another piece of jade and said, "I want to look at this first!"    


The shop assistant took out the two pieces of jade and gave them to the two of them.    


"Little Lu, what do you think about this rock?" Ann Xia brought the jade over to Lu Fanfeng.    


Lu Fanfeng originally wanted to say a few words, but right at this moment, he suddenly sensed a huge amount of energy.    


He anxiously looked for the source of the energy and discovered that it was actually the jade in Ann Xia's hand.    


Picking up the jade and examining it carefully, a moment later, Lu Fanfeng revealed an excited expression: "How much is this jade, I want it!"    


Lu Fanfeng understood, he had picked up a treasure today. This piece of jade that didn't look like it was of good quality was actually an immortal stone that only appeared in the Cultivation Realm.    


The Cultivation Realm in the universe also had their own currency.    


Different from the secular world, they did not rely on money. Instead, they used two rare items: Immortal Jade s and Spirit Stone s.    


This piece of jade that didn't seem to be of good quality was precisely this piece of Spirit Stone, the lowest ranked treasure in terms of Cultivation Realm.    


Through his mind search, Lu Fanfeng astonishingly discovered another thing. The amount of spirit energy this Spirit Stone contained was only about half of the normal value, but it was still extremely pure.    


In nature, Spirit Stone s that were naturally produced would definitely not have such pure spirit energy.    


The jade was the best storage container for spirit energy, this piece of Spirit Stone was like being excavated right after being half filled.    


In other words, this Spirit Stone was probably man-made.    


Thinking about it, Lu Fanfeng immediately became excited.    


In the mortal world, he already possessed a lot of wealth, but it was completely useless for cultivators.    


Although Lu Fanfeng had a way to obtain Spirit Stone, and even Immortal Jade themselves, those were still the God's final private stash.    


Once they entered the Heavenly God Realm, the items in the mortal realm would no longer be of any use to them. Only then could Lu Fanfeng exchange them for a large number of Spirit Stone s at an extremely low price.    


However, the Spirit Stone in the God of Heaven's hands weren't limitless after all. Lu Fanfeng still needed other ways to collect the Spirit Stone.    


"This piece of jade came from the State of Maine, so it's relatively expensive!" The middle-aged man could tell that Lu Fanfeng liked this piece of jade and immediately wanted to raise the price.    


"Not just this jade. Take out all your jade and I will buy a lot." However, Lu Fanfeng's words caused everyone to be greatly taken aback.    


The iron rooster, which was previously stingy, had to purchase a large number of items in the next second.    


In order to make them move faster, Lu Fanfeng had directly taken out a hundred thousand dollars as the deposit.    


"Take out all the rare items in your warehouse, don't be stingy!" Lu Fanfeng said.    


In the blink of an eye, Lu Fanfeng was treated like an emperor by becoming a VIP in this shop.    


Not only did he enter the VIP room, but he also had a thorough look at all of Kenoev's collection.    


Only, within these collections, there were only a few stones with a weak Spiritual Qi, they could not be considered Spirit Stone s.    


"Where did you buy these jade?" There was only one piece of Spirit Stone, which was of little value to Lu Fanfeng, but what Lu Fanfeng was truly concerned with was the origin of this kind of thing.    


After all, he was 90% sure that this kind of Spirit Stone was man-made and not made naturally.    


"If you want to know the origin of this jade, you will have to pay a great price!" Kenoev said with a smile, but his eyes were full of treachery.    


"One million dollars, don't bargain with me. My patience is limited. The cost of these stones will not exceed five thousand dollars. Your profit is already very high!" Lu Fanfeng said in a serious tone.    


"These stones came from the State of Maine. As for their exact locations, I will mark them on the map!" He then took out a map of the country and marked the location of the origin of the jade.    


The country of Maine was rich in jade and most of the jade in the Central Plains came from the country of Maine.    


It was because of the hype from the Central Plains that the price of jade had risen to where it was today.    


Lu Fanfeng just did not expect that Russia, which was thousands of miles away, would actually buy jade from the State of Maine.    


"Do you have any other jade stones? Show me!" Lu Fanfeng continued.    


Since the origin of the jade stone was the State of Myanmar, it had no value here.    


However, Lu Fanfeng noticed the expression in Ann Xia's eyes, as if it was hinting that there was still something valuable here.    


Regarding Ann Xia, even now, Lu Fanfeng still did not know where this woman came from.    


However, there was one thing that he could be sure of, and that was that Ann Xia was definitely not a self-combing woman from Southeast Asia.    


From the very beginning, Ann Xia had always been able to help him at critical moments.    


Lu Fanfeng even suspected that it was because of Ann Xia that the Russian army had failed to inspect him multiple times.    


Hearing this, Kenoev frowned, "I have taken out all the jades here!"    


"Is that so? Think about it, what we need is not only jade!" Ann Xia suddenly interrupted.    


After Ann Xia's reminder, Kenoev suddenly slapped his thigh, "I remember now, there are a few strange things in my storage room, you guys should be interested in them!"    


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