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C314 Dispatching

C314 Dispatching

"Today's exercise is very simple, it is the simplest of encounters. Both sides will start from the starting point and meet in the forest, after that you can use any method you want to attack the other, and if one side leaves the battlefield, it will be considered a failure. If no one is to be relegated by 6 PM, then count the number of relegations on both sides! " Zhou Tianxiang naturally caught the practice with ease.    


The rules were simple, but the simpler the rules, the more realistic the exercises were.    


However, in order to protect the lives of the soldiers, a laser simulator was used.    


Most military exercises use a laser smoker to determine casualties.    


Laser simulator is an advanced instrument which has been selected in practice. It is to install laser generator in practical weapon. Low energy laser without lethal power is used instead of bullet or projectile. At the same time, the various parts of the training suit are installed with the receiver, sound system and fireworks device. The lasers of pistols, rifles, machine guns, and artillery were slightly different, and could be distinguished by a computer.    


The specific use method is: Soldiers are equipped with a smoke tube, guns and other weapons on the installation of laser launchers (the strength is very low, will not hurt people).    


Cigarettes can smoke when exposed to enemy lasers.    


In combat exercises, both the attackers and the defenders attacked each other as if they were on a battlefield. If hit by a laser beam, the computer will analyze the location of the "bullet" and the "bullet" type, and the lighter one will issue the "wound" command, while limiting the power of the injured person's weapon, such as reducing the rate of reflection of the bullet; if hit a vital point, it will trigger the laser receiver on the hit person, issue the "death" command, the simulator will release fireworks representing "death", the weapon system will be shut down, and the person will be judged as having been hit by the enemy and withdrawn from the drill.    


It was a bit like the scene in Soldier's Assault, but more sophisticated.    


"In order to welcome Phoenix Cry, we have borrowed 10,000 laser simulators." Lang Gaode said.    


"Ten thousand sets?" I don't need ten thousand sets at all! " Lu Fanfeng shook his head.    


"Then how much do you need?" Lang Gaode did not understand.    


"How many people from your Lone Wolf are participating in this exercise?" Lu Fanfeng asked.    


"1500 people!" 1500 people! Lang Gaode replied.    


"Alright, I'll give a thousand!" Lu Fanfeng said calmly.    


Lang Gaode's expression suddenly became unsightly, and he was unable to speak for a long time. He only felt that the fellow in front of him had gone mad.    


Just based on Lone Wolf alone, there were five of them, and had to participate.    


On the other hand, Feng Ming was just a group of new recruits who had been trained for less than a month and had been trained for less than a day.    


It had nothing to do with gender discrimination. In many areas, women could play a greater role. However, in war, women could only play a supporting role. The main character of war could only be men.    


Lang Gaode held back for a long time, before he finally spat out a few words, "Don't say that my Lone Wolf is bullying people!"    


"That's what I wanted to say as well!" Lu Fanfeng replied with a smile.    


The two parties agreed on an agreement, and then each received their respective equipment before entering the predetermined practice area.    


At this moment, many people saw that most of Feng Ming's men were still on standby, with less than a tenth of them starting to pick up their equipment.    


"What's going on? Why isn't Feng Ming moving? Isn't this delaying time?" Jia Siguo anxiously said. For the sake of this exercise, he had personally come out and transferred sufficient laser simulators from the Navy and Air Force.    


As an important official of the temple, Jia Siguo could also be considered to be "doing his best".    


"Feng Ming had just decided to only send a thousand people to participate in the training exercise!" Zhou Tianxiang answered honestly.    


"What do they want with a thousand people? Don't tell me they're going to go back on their word!" Jia Siguo said worriedly.    


"Second brother Jia Family, you're thinking too much. With our level, how could Lu Fanfeng have gotten away with it? No matter how many people he sends, the result will not change. We just have to quietly wait for the result! " Zhou Tianxiang laughed.    


As long as the result was out, no matter how eloquent Lu Fanfeng was, he was unable to change the outcome of his defeat.    


On the other side, Lang Gaode brought a group of actual combat staff officers to discuss battle plans.    


"Enter from Area C. Squadron One will focus on the 509 Highlands, and Squadron Two and Three will encircle and feign attack from the sides. Occupying the 509 Highlands, immediately starting to lay down our positions and build up our offensive. We must turn our encounters into defensive battles, this will reduce our losses! " Lang Gaode seemed to be confident, as he explained everything in an extremely clear manner.    


Ma Taoyun, who was not far away, took a box from the soldier.    


There were at least five password locks on it, and all of them were made using the most sophisticated Swiss instrument. Ma Taoyun had bought all of them himself from his own pocket.    


Opening the layers of seals, Ma Taoyun then opened the chest respectfully, "Old partner, today we will be fighting side by side again!"    


Everyone was curious, what treasure was it that was worthy of Ma Taoyun's attention.    


"Could it be a miniature nuclear weapon?" The others guessed.    


Unfortunately, his guess was wrong.    


Opening the chest, there was an ancient treasure blade. The blade's body was like a dragon, the handle was like a tiger, and there were even seven gems embedded on it. It was the treasure of Northwest China Ma Family, the Dragon Tiger Seven Stars Saber.    


Trembling, he took out his treasured blade. When the blade was exposed to the sunlight, the seven gems immediately shone brightly like the stars.    


"A treasured blade!"    


The bystanders couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. Such a grand occasion had already surpassed the knowledge of many people.    


"Could it be …" Some people in the crowd had already recognized the saber, but they were too shocked to believe it.    


"That's right!" Elder Wang nodded helplessly, "This is Northwest China Ma Family's Dragon Tiger Seven Stars Saber!"    


With that, old man Wang's expression also became gloomy and grave.    


Those years when he had just entered the army and fought alongside the Grand Elder in Shaanganning, he had already heard of the mighty and illustrious Northwest China Ma Family.    


At that time, Ma Taoyun and a few of his comrades came to the Northwest China Ma Family together to challenge Ma Linliang who was still a nameless junior at that time.    


Ma Linliang relied on this Dragon Tiger Seven Stars Saber to win five battles and became famous throughout the world from now on.    


"I can't believe it. In my entire life, it's worth it to be able to see this treasure again!" Tears flashed in the old man's eyes, and he seemed to be lost in thought.    


As he turned to look at Feng Ming, Old Man Wang's expression darkened.    


"I'm telling you, women should massage regularly, which is good for physical and mental health. Here, put your hand up and I'll massage your ribs! " Lu Fanfeng said with a mischievous smile.    


But since he was behind Wang Sidi, the other party could not see his expression.    


Wang Sidi was not a playboy like Lu Fanfeng, and immediately followed his instructions, and stretched out both of her kidneys.    


Following that, Lu Fanfeng's big hands reached out from under the female officer's arms. He grabbed two balls of softness and started to knead them however he liked.    


Wang Sidi panicked and immediately dodged, but due to the pain she did not have as much strength as Lu Fanfeng, she struggled for a few moments before escaping the demonic palm.    


However, the clothes in front of her chest were full of wrinkles.    


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