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C597 Restructuring of Hong Kong Island 2

C597 Restructuring of Hong Kong Island 2

The great general of the Qin, Wang Jian, was one of Ying Zheng's men.    


The Qin Empire had engulfed six countries, and five of them had been destroyed by Wang Jian and his son.    


According to the rules of past dynasties, a general who had achieved great deeds would end up in a miserable state.    


There was the Qin Nation's Wu An Lord, Bai Qi, and the Han Dynasty's Huai Yin Marquis, Han Xin. They were all killed by the King because their achievements shook the Emperor.    


However, compared to Bai Qi, Wang Jian was very smart. He deliberately pretended to be greedy for wealth, and during the attack on Chu, Wang Jian continuously asked the Duke of Qin for his belongings, from the servants in the fiefdom, to the gold and jewels, to the flour, to the rice flour, to the big Band-Aid. In short, as long as he could think of it, Wang Jian would use the military power in his hands to demand the King of Qin.    


Even as a great lord, Ying Zheng was also very annoyed by Wang Bian. Everyone in the Qin Nation had a low opinion of Wang Ba, and all of them thought that he was a short-sighted person who desired wealth.    


After all, in the hands of the entire Qin Nation's army, he was bargaining nonstop with the Duke of Qin over a fortune the size of a sesame seed. Anyone who looked at him would look down on him.    


However, because of this, Qin Wang and Ying Zheng relaxed their wariness towards Wang Jian.    


After all, in Ying Zheng's eyes, power was the only thing that mattered. As long as it didn't threaten his own sovereign power, everything was fine.    


In the end, Wang Mu's lifespan ended, and the children of his clan didn't get killed by Ying Zheng. However, this was a good story.    


"Mengyao, you are really smart to be able to think of this!" Lu Fanfeng could not help but sigh, if not for Lee Mengyao, he would never have thought of this.    


"The central government's intention in appointing you as the vice minister of a special department is by no means simple. Next, you cannot interfere with the government affairs of Hong Kong Island, you only need to constantly amass wealth. As for people like the Vermillion Bird, you can't put on airs as if you're someone with a high position! " Lee Mengyao reminded them again.    


"Alright!" Lu Fanfeng immediately agreed. To him, the authority of a mortal being was not even worth mentioning.    


Compared to the vast universe, the Earth was just a speck of dust.    


Compared to the boundless universe, the universe was nothing but a withered leaf.    


People pursued fame and fortune, but in the eyes of the truly strong, these things were perhaps just dirt and dung.    


Anyone with a great ability would be able to use their divine power to transform the world, and hide in a mustard seed. Maybe the world that Lu Fanfeng resided in, was the world that a certain great ability practitioner would evolve into.    


It was just that at this time, Lu Fanfeng still needed to obtain some things from Earth. To him, the wealth of this mortal world still had some meaning.    


"Do you have any thoughts on how to control the wealth of the Hong Kong Island?" Lu Fanfeng asked again.    


"I want to use Zheng Wentai. After all, he is the only bloodline in the Zheng Family. After Zheng Jiacai died, Zheng Wentai was already one of the legal successors!" Lee Mengyao said.    


"Where is Zheng Wentai now?" Lu Fanfeng asked.    


"She's in the ICU. She's not in a good condition. The doctor has sent out a notice of her illness!" Lee Mengyao said, "However, I've already asked Si Lijing to come yesterday. About tonight, she should be able to reach the Hong Kong Island!"    


Si Lijing possessed a top grade spirit attribute Spirit Root and a green bag secret technique. As of now, she was already the best doctor in Lu Fanfeng's possession.    


As long as she came, Zheng Wentai would definitely not die.    


"Mengyao, it's been hard on you!" Lee Mengyao had been extremely helpful to him, and she was fully deserving of the title of Lu Fanfeng's good internal help.    


From Hua Dong City to Jin Ling City, then to the Island Nation, if not for Lee Mengyao, it was impossible for Lu Fanfeng to possess such a great power.    


Now, Lee Mengyao had revealed her own methods to help Lu Fanfeng control the Hong Kong Island.    


"The Zheng Family consortium is only one part of it. I have arranged for the corresponding personnel of the other consortia in the Hong Kong Island. Your classmate, I have also arranged some things for him!" Lee Mengyao said.    


Shen Xu, one of Lu Fanfeng's university classmates, was once a good brother.    


Lee Mengyao being able to think of Shen Xu was also equivalent to fulfilling Lu Fanfeng's wish.    


"Thank you, I'm so glad to have you!" Lu Fanfeng said with a grateful tone once again.    


"It's good that you know this!" Lee Mengyao revealed a coquettish expression, but her heart was filled with sweetness.    


This was how women were. They loved flowery speech and found it very easy to be satisfied.    


To them, what was important was not to be raised by a man in a greenhouse and be a delicate flower.    


What they wanted the most was the understanding of their loved one.    


It was better to have you than a thousand words.    


The following matter, he would leave it to Lee Mengyao to handle. Lu Fanfeng, on the other hand, began to find a way to resolve Lu Fanyu's problem.    


However, after walking around in a circle among the Heavenly Court Wechat, the group of spirits were helpless against this matter.    


For immortals, having two Spirit Root that could counter each other was already enough to sentence this person to death on his path of cultivation. No one would waste time on such a person.    


Since Lu Fanyu's physique was not suitable for cultivation, why did the Hong Kong Zheng Family still need to spend so much effort on her? In the end, it was Sunn Chuanting who helped Lu Fanfeng find a clue to solve the problem.    


"The Profound Yin Body, is because Loong Miaoyu possesses the Profound Yin Body!" Sunn Chuanting said, "Actually, our technique world is also divided into the positive and evil sects. Most of the Central Plains technique world belongs to the orthodox sects, while the South Sea technique world is dominated by the evil sects. In the evil sects, there are a lot of soul refining techniques, and among them is the need for a girl with a black yin body to become a furnace! "    


"Refining with living people is indeed an evil art. It seems that I cannot allow Nan Yang's evil art to continue to harm the common people!" Lu Fanfeng had already wanted to set foot in Nan Yang, but hearing about this matter, he became even more convinced.    


"Loong Miaoyu possesses the highest quality Profound Yin Body, and is an existence out of a trillion people. This is also the reason why Hong Kong Zheng Family is finding her!" Sunn Chuanting said.    


"What is the Profound Yin Body?" Lu Fanfeng asked again.    


"This matter is extremely complicated. Simply put, it means that they have an affinity with ghosts, which means, it is easier for them to see ghosts! Furthermore, the Mysterious Yin Body can also release Yin energy that will make ghosts feel extremely comfortable, and can easily cause the ghosts to stop and attach themselves to their bodies. " Sunn Chuanting explained, "The Profound Yin Body is very rare, out of a million, we can't even find one. One thousand and two hundred years ago, under the command of Huang Ji, the leader of the rebellion in the end of the Tang Dynasty, there was an evil sect, the Six Paths Demon Master, who obtained the best quality of the Black Yin Body and refined it into the Nine Sons Ghost Mother. At that time, the Nine Sons Ghost Mother lived in the Central Plains, and it was said that more than a hundred thousand of them died in her hands, becoming a legend worshipping to the Southern Ocean Art. "    


"Can the Mysterious Yin Body only be a woman?" Lu Fanfeng felt that it was strange, it was as if Sunn Chuanting had never mentioned a male's Profound Yin Body.    


"Men make the Yang, and women make the Yin. Naturally, only females have the Profound Yin Body!" Sunn Chuanting patiently explained.    


Even though Lu Fanfeng was well-versed in Cultivation Realm, he was in contact with all sorts of righteous sects and sects.    


"Since it has something to do with ghosts, then I should be able to find some clues from QQ of the Underworld!" Lu Fanfeng thought to himself.    


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