Saint Sovereign of Nine Heavens

C641 Modifying the Martial Ultimatum

C641 Modifying the Martial Ultimatum

Streams of spiritual light shot out, whistling through the air. In an instant, they turned into afterimages that scattered in all directions. It was Chen Yu's Spiritual Soul.    


Flamingo, ice fish, Spirit Connecting Vine and Soul Devouring Sword Spirit all came out at the same time.    


Originally, one Soul Devouring Sword Spirit could kill all of these bandits, but Chen Yu's anger was boiling, he did not want these bandits to die too easily, and he had always felt that he could not meet any enemies that relied on the Soul Devouring Sword Spirit.    


Although the Sword Spirit was strong, it was not invincible. For a martial artist, cultivation methods and martial skills and supernatural power were the foundation. As for martial skills and supernatural power, they needed to be thoroughly tempered.    


The group of Black Wind Bandit Bandit's ran away very quickly. One by one, they rushed to the corner in an attempt to use the terrain to obstruct their escape from Chen Yu's line of sight. But the Spiritual Soul moved even faster.    


In the span of a few breaths, the Soul Devouring Sword Spirit pierced through the body of a bandit, and he fell down. The Soul Devouring Sword Spirit did not stop and continued to fly towards the second bandit.    


The Spirit Connecting Vine that was a beat slower than the Soul Devouring Sword Spirit caught hold of a bandit. The bandit cried out in alarm as he controlled his spirit seed to resist the Spirit Connecting Vine. However, the origins of the Spirit Connecting Vine was unpredictable and it was incomparably strange. It was more than enough to suppress the spirit seed of a middle stage Spirit Accumulation Stage practitioner.    


Twisting around the warrior, the Spirit Connecting Vine split into countless small vines and fiercely stabbed into the bandit's body.    


The bandit staggered, fell on the ground and crawled back up, then staggered a few steps along with the Spirit Connecting Vine. After running for about 10 metres, the Spirit Connecting Vine finally broke through his protective Spiritual Dipper, and crawled into his body.    


The Flamingo, on the other hand, was much simpler. It howled and crashed into a bandit, engulfing him in flames.    


Ice fish caused a bandit's body to freeze over, and his speed became slower and slower.    


However, compared to the Soul Devouring Sword Spirit's killing speed, Flamingo, ice fish and Spirit Connecting Vine could not be compared. Before the first three Spiritual Soul had the time to finish off the bandits they were attacking, the Soul Devouring Sword Spirit had already passed through the bodies of the two bandits in succession.    


Chen Yu did not carefully look at his Spiritual Soul killing someone. Instead, he took off his Blood King Bow and jumped up onto a house to look at the back of the village.    


A figure was running away rapidly. It was the middle-aged bandit with the peak Spirit Accumulation Stage.    


He patted the Storage Bag and took out a fire attribute Spirit Arrow. With bloodlust in his eyes, Chen Yu pulled the Blood King Bow to eighty percent and aimed it at the middle-aged bandit.    


The middle-aged bandit didn't know that he was being targeted by a bow and arrow and was running in a straight line.    


Chen Yu suddenly let out a sigh.    


Boom! The Blood King Bow's bowstring moved like a dragon, and at the instant the bowstring was pulled, the violent and terrifying energy gathered on the bowstring erupted. Accompanied by the thick smell of blood, the fire Spirit Arrow suddenly disappeared.    


Even with Chen Yu's eyesight, he was still unable to see the path of the Spirit Arrow clearly.    


The next moment, Chen Yu saw the body of the middle-aged bandit, who was running away, suddenly explode. Thousands of flames burst out and his body disappeared.    


This was being directly exploded by the arrow. His body could not even be maintained in perfect condition!    


Chen Yu couldn't help but be dazzled by this scene.    


This was a body tempering cultivation technique that only warriors with Ninth Layer of the Spirit Accumulation Stage trained in. Their bodies were stronger than the warriors from other sects, and with the addition of the pure protective Spiritual Dipper and the power of the Spirit Seed, their strength was actually very tyrannical.    


However, such a strong practitioner at the peak of the Spirit Accumulation Stage, regardless of whether it was the Spiritual Dipper s or the spirit seeds, none of them were able to block this arrow!    


The might of this arrow was terrifying!    


Chen Yu even felt that if he had taken this Blood King Bow when the caravan was ambushed, killing that burly Profound Dark Stage bandit would have been enough.    


After feeling shaken for a moment, Chen Yu immediately calmed down and looked at the other bandits who were running away.    


At this time, Spirit Connecting Vine and ice fish had finished off one bandit each and pounced towards the second bandit.    


The Soul Devouring Sword Spirit flashed, and in an instant, it passed through another bandit's body.    


Only five bandits were left.    


Chen Yu continued to urge his Spiritual Soul to attack, while he himself took out another arrow and nocked it onto his bowstring.    


A bandit had already escaped to the entrance of the village and was trying his best to escape. Chen Yu pulled on the bowstring of the Blood King Bow and only managed to pull it up to 30% of its original strength before letting go.    


Xiu! The Blood King Bow's violent and violent aura burst out again, but it was far inferior to the previous time, and this time, the Spirit Arrow shot out a sharp whistling sound.    


However, even if the Blood King Bow s were pulled apart to only thirty percent of its original strength, the arrows that were fast as light would still be much faster than the sound of breaking through the air.    


The warrior had been penetrated by the arrow, but his body hadn't been directly shattered by it.    


"Thirty percent of the Blood King Bow can easily kill a middle stage Spirit Accumulation Stage practitioner!"    


Chen Yu raised his longbow and jumped down from the roof.    


At this time, the Soul Devouring Sword Spirit had already killed the last bandit to escape.    


There were still two remaining bandits left, but they were the two that were attacked by the ice fish Spiritual Soul.    


The Ice Fish Spiritual Soul had the ice type and could freeze an enemy to death, but the process was undoubtedly rather long.    


Chen Yu walked towards the bandit that was frozen by the ice fish. He recalled the Flamingo and circled around the bandit once.    


"What's your name?" Chen Yu asked.    


The bandit trembled as he activated his Spiritual Dipper, his eyes filled with fear. It was unknown if he was frozen and unable to speak, or if he was unwilling to answer Chen Yu's question.    


Chen Yu swung his blade.    


Bang! A severed arm flew up and fell to the ground. Only a small amount of blood flowed out of the severed arm, but it had not completely recovered yet.    


"Ah!" The bandit was still in pain as he cried out miserably.    


"What's your name?" Chen Yu asked again.    


This time, the bandit hurriedly opened his mouth: "Liu Dong!" Perhaps he was provoked by the pain.    


"Very good, where are you going to meet up with the group?" Chen Yu asked again.    


"Liang Liang Gongshan, big, big hero, spare me!" The robber knelt on the ground and begged.    


Chen Yu ignored him and killed the robber with a single slash.    


Then, Chen Yu walked towards the last living bandit and asked the same question.    


After obtaining the same answer, Chen Yu killed the bandit with his sabre.    


Some houses were still on fire, others had been burned to ashes. There was the sound of wailing and wailing. Chen Yu looked back and saw that a few villagers walked out of the houses.    


Chen Yu began to search the bodies of these robbers, but his harvest was still limited.    


Perhaps it was because Chen Yu did not have any malicious intent, a few villagers walked towards Chen Yu, knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Yu, and said words of thanks to their benefactor.    


Chen Yu could only sigh as he ordered the villagers to stand up.    


After that, Chen Yu asked for Liang Gongshan's location and found out that he was in the southwest part of Cold Wind City, less than three hundred li away from the village.    


Chen Yu could not help but be on alert. His route was to Liangcheng, although he did not pass by Liang Gongshan, his route was very close to Liang Gongshan.    


Luckily, he didn't let any of the bandits go just now. Otherwise, Chen Yu would've been in a lot of trouble.    


Throwing a small bag of crystal coins to the villagers, Chen Yu told them to leave the village for now. After that, he left the village and continued on his way.    


Chen Yu rushed all the way. At dusk, he arrived at an official road and headed straight for Liangcheng.    


With the Bloodfire Eye Technique, travelling at night was not a problem for Chen Yu. Thus, he sped up overnight and arrived at Liangcheng when the next day arrived at dawn.    


There were a lot of hills and mountains around the Cold Wind City. The shortest route was through the city and Fongyin City, which was where Chen Yu had to go.    


The city gate was already open and there were warriors and ordinary people entering and exiting the gate. Chen Yu thought for a while and then walked towards the gate, preparing to enter the city.    


When Chen Yu walked into the city, there was a mirror at the top of the door that lit up, and the city guards asked Chen Yu to show them his martial arts ultimatum.    


Chen Yu handed over the ultimatum. After checking the city guards, he returned the ultimatum to Chen Yu and let him pass.    


The existence of such a thing like an ultimatum could be considered as a restriction on the movement of warriors with Spirit Accumulation Stage and above.    


Putting away the martial art, Chen Yu entered the city. He was not in a hurry to leave the city. Instead, he found an inn and asked for a quiet small yard.    


In the quiet room of the small courtyard, Chen Yu sat down cross-legged and took out his martial arts declaration.    


He cut his finger first and dripped his blood on the ultimatum. The ultimatum was wrapped by Chen Yu's Qi and blood, but this time, the drop of blood did not seep into the inside of the ultimatum. Chen Yu was not surprised by this. On the contrary, he felt that the natural martial declaration was like a magical tool. Only by injecting the first breath and telepathic thoughts would it be imprinted. If he wanted to create a new brand later on, he would have to erase the brand in front of him!    


Then, Chen Yu felt his presence within the martial arts ultimatum and made a hand seal. All of his attention was focused on the inside of the martial arts.    


A wisp of blood-colored aura moved slowly within the martial will. Without destroying the spell symbol within the martial will, it converged to form a tiny blood-colored lotus.    


This was a blood-red flame.    


When Luoxia Pass was creating the martial declaration, Chen Yu dripped a drop of his blood on it.    


The Blood Blaze was marvelous. It could gather and scatter. It scattered within the martial will. It was just a tiny bloodstain. Even when Chen Yu was inspected for the martial will, he was unable to find any clues.    


At this moment, Chen Yu started to use the Blood Refining Technique.    


The divine ability of the Blood Refining Technique was profound and extraordinary. It was able to remove the aura and soul brand of the original owner of the artifact.    


However, Chen Yu could not do so because he did not want to remove the martial art, but to change the information that Van Xianwang had left in the martial art.    


Divine will was unique to every warrior, and the information it contained was also one with the divine will. Chen Yu wanted to change the information in the martial arts ultimatum, but it did not affect Van Xianwang's telepathic thoughts. If other warriors were to hear it, they would only feel that it was too whimsical.    


But with the wonders of the Blood Refining Technique, how could they know?    


Chen Yu stared at the martial ultimatum, his eyes flashed crazily. The Star Soul had already flown out and hovered in front of Chen Yu.    


At the same time, the Astral Soul in Chen Yu's Sea of Consciousness was incomparably bright as it released the full power of his soul.    


After the blood flame had gathered, it dispersed. Under the guidance of Chen Yu's blood dripping from the surface of the ultimatum, the glyph restriction that was soaked in the ultimatum extended to the wisp of telepathic thoughts that contained information about Chen Yu.    


After that, Chen Yu's aura continued to expand. He sensed that the Blood Refining Technique Technique had already gradually soaked that wisp of spiritual will Van Xianwang left behind into his body, and under the Star Soul's starlight, that wisp of spiritual will had already become loose and thin.    


"I can't continue like this anymore, or else this wisp of divine sense will be erased!" Chen Yu hurriedly retracted the aura of the blood flame, keeping Van Xianwang's telepathic thoughts in a faintly discernible state.    


"Lin Ya, Spirit Accumulation Stage Warriors come from the Fulong County's Fulong City's Lin Family. They are given an ultimatum by Fulong City's guardian!"    


"Lin Ya, Spirit Accumulation Stage Warriors come from the Fulong County's Fulong City's Lin Family. They are given an ultimatum by Fulong City's guardian!"    


"Lin Ya, Spirit Accumulation Stage Warriors come from the Fulong County's Fulong City's Lin Family. They are given an ultimatum by Fulong City's guardian!"    


Chen Yu began to speak, focusing on the message left by Van Xianwang, imagining that the original message would be replaced by what he had said.    


Once twice, ten times, twenty times    


Chen Yu kept repeating it.    


The Star Soul's starlight shone on the martial ultimatum that was made from pure Spirit Crystal and was tainted by Chen Yu's heaven's will. Finally, after Chen Yu repeated it hundreds of times, the runes and restrictions that had been refined by the blood flame inside the ultimatum started to change and wiggle and open!    


Chen Yu was overjoyed!    


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