Battle God Emperor

C1217 The Plan of Heaven Fighting

C1217 The Plan of Heaven Fighting

"Didn't they already get poisoned? Should we make up for it by cutting them a few times?" The fatty looked at the Dou Tian Dao with a puzzled expression. After he finished speaking, he prepared to step forward.    


"It would be too wasteful to kill them just like that. I have a plan, which is to utilize trash." Dou Tian narrowed his eyes. His eyes were extremely cold.    


Suddenly, strands of green light shot out of Dou Tian's eyes. Fatty did not know what Dou Tian was doing, but Lee Feng knew very well.    


After a while, Dou Tian completed all of this. He looked at Lee Feng and said, "They are not as lucky as you. They have all lost their consciousness."    


"Many thanks, Young Master." Lee Feng trembled, he naturally understood Dou Tian's meaning, which was that Dou Tian had directly enslaved these people's wills.    


In Dou Tian's eyes, all these Primeval Chaos Battle Saint Stage s were no longer qualified for him to control his thoughts. It was only because Lee Feng had the Hung Meng Battle God Stage that he would be so lucky.    


Fatty was at a complete loss. He realized that Dou Tian was becoming more and more mysterious. He thought to himself, "As long as Ol 'Three still views me as a brother, he will always be my brother. No matter what happens to him!"    


After the time it takes for half a cup of tea to boil, they will truly die. You can keep two of the antidote, and in addition, use the rain to clean the area within a few miles. Dou Tian threw a few red pills to Lee Feng and said.    


"Many thanks, Young Master." Lee Feng ran off excitedly. Obtaining two antidotes that could cure the Divine Level Poison, Huang Quan, without feeling lonely.    


He didn't care at all that Dou Tian ordered his servants on. In his heart, being able to be ordered around by Asura Hall Master was already his fortune.    


Dou Tian did not mind. He threw two more Jade Bottle s over and said: "Second, here is a bottle of River Styx not lonely and there is also a bottle of antidote. There are around 20 of them.    


"Alright!" Naturally, the fatty accepted the two bottles of poison. After this incident, the fatty finally understood that sometimes, the strength of a single person was useless. Other people would be able to deal with them with just a bottle of poison.    


"Ol 'Three, where are the Xiaowu and the rest?" When he thought about Guan Xiaoqi, Fatty revealed a worried expression.    


Dou Tian's expression sunk. He didn't know how to find Guan Xiaoqi and the others right now, so he patted the fatty's shoulders and took a deep breath. "Don't worry, Lei Family and Chu Family are capturing them to deal with me. They will be fine temporarily."    


With their strength, it would be impossible for them to break into the Chu Family. At that time, they would not be saving Guan Xiaoqi and the rest, but harming them.    


Even though he said this, Dou Tian was extremely worried in his heart. Moreover, he had a nagging feeling that the following matter would be very troublesome.    


"There's still more than two days' time. We'll talk about it after we settle the matter of Lei Family. At least there's less of a threat in the shadows." Dou Tian thought to himself.    


In these hundred over Primeval Chaos Battle Saint Stage, Dou Tian had already guessed their identities. They should be the Lightning Shadow Guards that Lei Hao mentioned.    


After a long while, Lee Feng woke up all of the shadow guards with Lei. They were all enslaved by Heaven Fighting, so they were not afraid of going overboard.    


"Young Master, of these people, seventy-two are from the Lei Family's Lightning Shadow guard or something like that. The other people are all Death Soldiers of the Lei Family." Lee Feng ran over eagerly and said respectfully.    


Dou Tian nodded and roughly counted. There were one hundred and twenty people, and all of them had Primeval Chaos Battle Saint Stage. If this power was placed in the nine great immortal dynasties, it would definitely be extraordinary.    


Even Dou Tian had to admit that Lei Family was a strong foundation, and furthermore, Lei Family was only the weakest.    


Dou Tian could not imagine just how strong Chu Family that was ranked third in the Eight Noble Families would be!    


"Once all of you return to the Lei Family, you will only listen to Lei Hao's orders!" Dou Tian gave the order directly. His tone was undeniable.    


"Yes, master!" Everyone respectfully shouted as they looked at Dou Tian with gazes filled with reverence. This scene had scared the fatty quite a bit.    


With over a hundred Primeval Chaos Battle Saint Stage, he had just killed Dou Tian and killed him. Yet, in the blink of an eye, he had actually called Dou Tian his master. How could he accept that?    


Obviously, these people were all under the control of Dou Tian. But what was the point in letting them hear Lei Hao's words? Could it be that Lei Hao was also controlled by Dou Tian?    


Thinking of this, the look in Fatty's eyes towards Dou Tian changed. However, it quickly became resolute. In his heart, no matter how much Dou Tian changed, he was still his brother.    


"Second, let's go. I'll bring you to see a good show." Luo Tian suddenly laughed, then pulled Fatty to fly towards Wushuang Holy City. Lee Feng and the one hundred over Lei Family followed suit.    


Although the fatty did not have the identity badge for the Upper Sky, Dou Tian had carved a few of them, so they were able to easily enter the Upper Sky.    


"Third Bro, where are we going?" He simply did not have the mood to admire the night scenery of the Upper Sky.    


"Lei Family!" Dou Tian squinted his eyes and laughed: "This time, Lei Guyun should be about there."    


Where the Lei Family was, Lei Guyun stumbled into the hall. Seeing that, the people under the Lei Family wanted to support him, but were forced to retreat due to his angry shout.    


"Hao'er, where's Hao'er!" Lei Guyun screamed, as he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. His expression was extremely pale, and his eyes had an additional deep blood imprint on them.    


"What are you still standing there for? Quickly go and find the Young Master!" the Lei Family elder shouted in anger. Seeing Lei Guyun's appearance, they were also shocked.    


"The Young Master is here!" Suddenly, someone shouted. Looking over, he saw Lei Hao dressed in gold robes slowly walking over, his expression extremely wooden.    


"Hao'er!" Joy appeared in Lei Guyun's eyes, and then, he looked at the people from the Lei Family. "Everyone, listen up. This patriarch has been poisoned, and is about to go into closed door cultivation to heal his injuries.    


If anything happens to the Patriarch, Lei Hao will take over the position of Patriarch, do you have any objections? "    


"Patriarch Hong Futian, nothing will happen to you." Many of the Lei Family Warriors were crying bitterly. There were some who had gloomy expressions, and some who were secretly rejoicing in their misfortune, as though they were plotting something in their hearts.    


"I only want a single word from all of you. Do you have any objections?" Lei Guyun's face was gloomy, holding back his breath, he shouted.    


"Yes, Patriarch!" Everyone from the Lei Family all knelt down, even those who were unconvinced. A few people's eyes flashed with a sharp glint and the corners of their mouths slightly raised, Lei Jiu was one of them.    


"Everyone leave, Lei Hao will stay." Lei Guyun waved his hand and shouted.    


Seeing that, all the people left the hall, leaving only Lei Hao behind.    


"Hao'er!" Lei Guyun looked at Lei Hao with a benevolent expression, "I was unable to kill Dou Tian to avenge you, and instead fell into his trap. I will immediately start closed door cultivation to refine the poison mist in my body, and that's fine.    


After saying that, Lei Guyun patted Lei Hao's shoulder seriously.    


"Father, don't worry. Just leave it to me." Lei Hao nodded his head, suddenly his mouth curved into a smile.    


"Puchi!" A crisp sound came out. Lei Guyun held onto Lei Hao's shoulder tightly, his sharp fingers embedded into's shoulder. He looked at Lei Hao in disbelief, and then slowly lowered his head, and looked at his own chest.    


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