Battle God Emperor

C926 Undercover Information

C926 Undercover Information



Hearing these two words, Yin Xue's pupils slightly trembled, and his eyes immediately became misty, as if these two words were too unfamiliar to him.    


"Can I have brothers too?" Yin Xue muttered to himself.    


"As long as you want to." Feng Lang laughed.    


"Murong? You are from the Murong Family? " Xue Wujue who had been silent all this while suddenly spoke out, a look of surprise flashed past his eyes. Previously, when Feng Lang called Yin Xue "Brother Murong", he was suspicious, and could not help but ask.    


"Xue Wujue." Yin Xue frowned, since he was already recognized, he immediately took off the mask on his face, revealing a snow white but extremely handsome face.    


The face under the mask, other than Murong Xue, who else could it be? Only Murong Xue, Duotian and the other two could recognize it.    


"This is not a good place to talk, let's leave." was being chased by Yama Mansion, if he was discovered by Yama Mansion, then there would be a huge problem.    


The few of them nodded, Xue Wujue also knew a bit about the Murong Family, they immediately flew towards the forest.    


After a long while, the few of them stopped in the middle of the forest. Only then did the gazes of Dou Tian and the others fall on Murong Xue.    


"I didn't join the Luosheng Sect, I just won a hundred victories in the Life and Death Arena under the jurisdiction of the Luosheng Sect." Murong Xue immediately shook his head as if he was afraid that Dou Tian was a taboo.    


Dou Tian had a speechless face. I don't care if you are someone from the Luosheng Sect, I was just casually asking that question.    


"Since that's the case, Brother Murong is always welcome to our Blood Tower." Xue Wujue laughed, he had seen Murong Xue's strength, if he could join the Blood Tower, he would definitely become a killing machine in the future.    


Murong Xue did not say anything, but looked towards Dou Tian. Obviously, he wanted Dou Tian to teach him sword skills.    


"I think that Luosheng Sect is also pretty good." Dou Tian said after thinking for a while.    


Xue Wujue looked at Dou Tian in confusion. If Murong Xue could join Blood Tower, that would be for the best.    


"Brother Xue, do you think that this time, Yama Mansion and Luosheng Sect targeting Blood Tower was just a whim?" A cold light flashed in his eyes.    


Xue Wujue's expression suddenly became serious, and he said: "Yama Mansion and Luosheng Sect have all come prepared against Blood Tower, Senior Brother's death, my Blood Tower must take revenge!"    


If Zhan Wuji was killed in a one on one fight, Xue Wujue had nothing to say. After all, as an assassin, he had to have the resolve to die.    


However, Zhan Wuji had died from the combined attack of Yama Mansion and four people, moreover, his methods were disgraceful, so Xue Wujue would naturally not let them off easily.    


"Brother Everlasting's head, we must get it back!" Xue Yaorao added, and tears welled in her eyes again. In the end, Zhan Wuji died because of her.    


If not for saving her, with Zhan Wuji's strength, he wouldn't have been attacked from all sides.    


"It was indeed my fault that I let Yuan Tianyi run away last time." The last time he appeared, if he knew that Yuan Tianyi had a brain on him, he would not easily let Yuan Tianyi go.    


Only, Dou Tian did not know that Yuan Tianyi had already been killed by Dugu Changyi.    


"This is none of your business. Yuan Tianyi is very strong, if he wants to escape, you might not be able to catch up." Xue Yaorao hurriedly comforted her.    


Feng Lang and Ying Feng nodded, only Xue Wujue knew that Dou Tian wasn't unable to kill Yuan Tianyi, it was just that he wasn't willing to.    


As for why, it was not Xue Wujue who was clear.    


Of course, he also believed that if Dou Tian knew that Zhan Wuji's head was on Yuan Tianyi's body, Dou Tian would definitely attack him without hesitation.    


"What you mean is, you want Brother Murong to join our Luosheng Sect and ask for more information on our behalf?" Xue Wujue suddenly reacted and looked towards the Dou Tian Dao.    


Dou Tian nodded his head, and looked at Murong Xue: "You are representing your Luosheng Sect in participating in the King-kill Trial right now, so if you suddenly join the Blood Tower, since neither side will be pleased with the other, it would be better for you to return to the Luosheng Sect. As for the information regarding the Luosheng Sect, that is not necessary."    


Dou Tian had long since passed over the information regarding the Luosheng Sect to the Eagle-claw Elder. The strength of the Eagle-claw Elder might not be much, but searching for information was still not something that Murong Xue could compare to.    


"Mister Dou …" Murong Xue wanted to say something, but was cut off by Dou Tian.    


"Actually, there's no need for you to learn sword techniques from me, and I can't teach you much either. When I fought with you before, I could roughly see where the flaws in your sword techniques were." Dou Tian said, "Your sword moves are fatal, but every sword strike is a deliberate attempt to kill. "Actually, sometimes when you're killing someone, there's no need to be too deliberate."    


At this point, Dou Tian paused before saying, "What you have comprehended is a very rare Floating Cloud Intent Domain. I have a later incomplete sword technique. You can try practicing the first few moves."    


At this point, Dou Tian took out a book with the words "Secret of the River Styx Sword" written on it.    


Looking at the River Styx Sword Mantra, Feng Lang's nose started to ache. In his mind, he instantly thought of the past Tian Can, in order to save him, Tian Can had used the River Styx Sword Mantra.    


"Thank you, Mister Dou." Murong Xue accepted the sword manual, and respectfully bowed to Dou Tian. Opening it, he instantly immersed his mind into the attack.    


With a "pa" sound, Dou Tian closed the sword manual and said, "The one month period is almost up. Let's leave the Decadence Valley first."    


"Alright, Mister Dou, farewell. Everyone, we will meet again in the future." Murong Xue cupped his hands towards the crowd and then disappeared. As a member of the Luosheng Sect, he naturally could not appear together with Dou Tian and the others.    


"Sigh, Murong Xue is also a pitiful person." Seeing that Murong Xue had completely disappeared, Xue Wujue let out a deep sigh.    


"That's right. His clan was exterminated, but his enemy was incomparably powerful. Although he was usually very arrogant and cold, for the sake of revenge, he had no choice. His heart was actually still burning." Ying Feng sighed and nodded.    


"You guys also know some things about Murong Family?" Xue Wujue looked at Ying Feng in slight surprise. After all, this was something only the people of the Sacred City knew.    


"Murong Xue told us that his clan was annihilated by the Lei Family of the Nine Heavens Palace." Ying Feng explained.    


"Is it just Lei Family? "It's not that simple." Xue Wujue shook his head, his expression becoming extremely solemn.    


"Is there anything else?" Feng Lang looked at Xue Wujue in astonishment. He had some understanding about Murong Family, but that was not so much.    


Dou Tian frowned. One Lei Family is not enough? Could it be more than that?    


"Murong Xue kills those with Yama Mansion the moment he sees them. Could it be that the enmity between them has something to do with Yama Mansion?" Dou Tian suddenly remembered something, and asked Xue Wujue.    


"That's right, Murong Family's enemy is not only his Lei Family, but also his Yama Mansion. Even his own brothers, the Murong Ye who was one of the four great killing kings in the previous tournament." Xue Wujue nodded, and said seriously.    


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