Almighty Life Winner

C722 The Cute Chen Qiaoqiao

C722 The Cute Chen Qiaoqiao

Chen Menglai heard Lan Tian's analysis and smiled. " Oh, I forgot that you have amnesia. You don't know about the rental situation of our shop."    


"It's like this. The development will be done by us, but after the development, it will not be us renting it to the merchants, but we will share it with the country at the agreed price. We'll rent it after the country takes over"    


" In other words, we only have the rights to develop it, we don't have the right to rent it That's why we're not afraid of not getting any money to develop this place"    


" But there's one thing you're right about. The country won't give us a single cent in the early stages. They'll only pay us after the completion of the building and acceptance test. "    


"So there is a certain risk to the bidding here. If the higher ups are unhappy and deliberately stop us, then we will be dragged to death."    


"After all, since ancient times, poverty does not fight with the rich. Civilians do not fight with officials. But then again, this was an opportunity after all. Opportunities always coexist with danger"    


" If you're always afraid of the wolf and the tiger, then don't do anything. That's why I still insist on bidding for the rights to develop Heaven Number One. "    


After Lan Tian heard that, he spread his hands and said, "Alright, then do as you see fit. In short, no matter which piece of land you bid for, we have to rely on ourselves to fight for it. Tang family and Boss Du definitely can't be counted on. "    


The disappointment in Chen Menglai's eyes became even stronger. She was just about to scold him for being a loser.    


However, she said with a smile on her face, "It doesn't matter. These three pieces of land, we are only trying to invest. It's not like we are determined to get it."    


"Please tell the Tang family about our plan to bid on other places and ask them to help us."    


Lan Tian knew that if he did not agree, cousin would chase him out on the spot. He hummed and picked up the documents on the table.    


He looked at the documents and accidentally saw the time of the bid. He immediately had a plan.    


It turned out that he found that all the times of the bid were different.    


Lan Tian immediately said, "Huh? It turns out that every piece of land has a different bidding time. Why don't you try to bid for Songhai Road first?"    


Chen Menglai impatiently waved her hand, "Aiya, why are you talking so much nonsense? I told you not to be a coward. I didn't want you to become brainless and barge in randomly. "    


"How many times have I told you? This piece of land has been chosen by countless big shots. If we go up there, we will die. If that's the case, why should I waste my energy on this? "    


Lan Tian shrugged. "Alright, count it as I didn't say anything. I'll help you send this document to Tang family tomorrow."    


Chen Menglai shook her head, "Speed is important in war. Don't send it over tomorrow. Just send it over now. After sending it over, don't come back today. Come back to work tomorrow morning. Don't worry, I'll count you in for coming to work today. "    


Chen Qiaoqiao looked at the sun outside the window and said, "Sister, it's almost time for lunch. Let brother-in-law eat before leaving."    


Chen Menglai glared at him, "You, brother-in-law, are so kind to the Tang family. Are you afraid that you won't have food when you come to the Tang family? It just so happens that he can settle the matter at the dining table."    


Chen Qiaoqiao stuck out her tongue and giggled, "Then I'll go over with brother-in-law and eat something good!"    


Chen Menglai was just about to get angry when she suddenly thought of this. She could still monitor whether Lan Tian had contributed or not. She immediately nodded, "Okay, okay. Then follow me."    


Lan Tian was suddenly in a dilemma. To be honest, he was actually prepared to take the documents and not look for the Tang family. He wanted to use his own strength to get two pieces of land for the Chen family.    


If Chen Qiaoqiao followed him, then he had to go. He shook his head immediately, "No, no, Qiaoqiao. You're not a three year old child. Why did you learn to follow the road? I'll go alone."    


Chen Qiaoqiao did not know what Lan Tian was thinking. She was completely childish and wholeheartedly wanted to go out and play with Lan Tian.    


Furthermore, because she was a child, in her heart, she did not have the scheming mind of her sister. She didn't care if Lan Tian was a useless person or a peerless hero.    


In short, you, Lan Tian, are my brother-in-law. And you are a handsome and bursting brother-in-law. I want to play with you.    


She grabbed Lan Tian's arm and almost hung herself on Lan Tian's arm.    


She shook her arm and said coquettishly, "No, I have to go with you. Unless you have a ghost with the young mistress of Tang family and don't want me to know."    


Lan Tian was shocked, "Damn, you can't say that. If your cousin finds out about this, it will be a disaster."    


Chen Menglai interrupted from the side, "Since you don't have that matter, why can't you bring Qiaoqiao over?"    


Lan Tian shrugged helplessly. "Alright, can't I bring ___ along?"    


"Yeah, I knew brother-in-law would be the best. Let's go. Our target is the Tang family. Charge!" Chen Qiaoqiao shouted happily and was the first to rush out.    


Lan Tian smiled and shook his head. He took the documents and followed behind.    


When they reached the shed, they saw that Chen Qiaoqiao had already untied her big red horse and even climbed up.    


Lan Tian was surprised and curious. "Qiaoqiao, where's your own horse?"    


Chen Qiaoqiao's small hand lightly touched the big red horse's mane as she replied, "My horse died from illness. Not long ago, my family did not have any extra money, so I did not buy it for me."    


Lan Tian said, "Oh, so it's like that. Then today, brother-in-law will buy one for you on the street."    


Chen Qiaoqiao's eyes lit up. She smiled and said, "brother-in-law, if you really treat me well, give this horse to me. This horse is really similar to the one I used to buy. "    


Lan Tian smiled and said, "It's not that I can't bear to part with it, it's because this horse's temperament is too fierce. My father-in-law also wanted it back then. In the end, he either kicked it or fell to the ground every two or three days."    


"You're just a little girl. If you get hurt by it, wouldn't you be crying your nose out?"    


Chen Qiaoqiao shook her head and said, "No, no, that's because uncle is not familiar with horse's nature. Look at me riding it. Did it resist?"    


After saying that, she said to the red horse's ear, "Big Red, you'll be Big Sister's mount from now on, alright?"    




What surprised Lan Tian was that such an unyielding horse actually nodded its head excitedly while shouting.    


"Holy sh * t, what a god! Alright, since you can subdue it, then it's yours." After saying that in surprise, Lan Tian walked out.    


Chen Qiaoqiao immediately rode her horse over. "Brother-in-law, come up first. After you buy a horse on the street, ride your own horse!"    


After all, there was a difference between men and women. Lan Tian shook his head.    


Unexpectedly, Chen Qiaoqiao grabbed his shoulder and smiled. "Aiya, why are you so old-fashioned? Seriously, I'm your sister. What's there to be afraid of? Come up. "    


At this moment, a few employees passed by and stopped to look. Lan Tian didn't want to be the center of attention, so he could only helplessly jump onto the horse's back.    


Just as he sat down, Chen Qiaoqiao shook the reins and shouted, "Jia!"    


The big red horse instantly ran up quickly. Lan Tian did not pay attention and almost fell to the ground. He instinctively hugged Chen Qiaoqiao in front of him. He looked scared, "Qiaoqiao, do you want to throw me to death?"    


He heard Chen Qiaoqiao giggling like a copper bell.    


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