Almighty Life Winner

C960 The Blue Sky Had Arrived

C960 The Blue Sky Had Arrived

Chu Yunqing became anxious when he saw his ancestor pretending to be dementia and trying to escape. He stood up and shouted at his ancestor who had just jumped out of the door, "Great ancestor, you have left. What should I do?"    


The big ancestor who was jumping around cursed in his heart. What should he do? Motherf * cker, I am a clay Buddha crossing the river now. I can't even protect myself. I've been forced to jump like a rabbit, what can I f * cking do?    


While thinking this in his heart, his body suddenly stopped, and then ran back with a face full of anger. He grabbed Chu Yunqing's collar and roared angrily, "Damn it, a rabbit is so cute. Why do you want to eat a rabbit?"    


After he roared, he slapped him twice.    


The force of his slap was not light. It instantly made both of Chu Yunqing's mouths swollen.    


Chu Yunqing was confused for a while. "No, when did I eat rabbits? It was you who said you wanted to eat rabbit meat, okay?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the big ancestor's eyes go blank, and the hand that was holding him loosened. His old mouth muttered, "Rabbit rabbit, my little rabbit rabbit."    


After saying that, he turned around and slowly walked out as he muttered, "Little rabbit, be good, open the door. Mommy is back..."    


This time, the people from the Chu family were collectively dumbfounded. F * ck, could it be that they were really stunned?    


Chu Yunqing no longer dared to ask his ancestors. He looked at his father for help.    


His father, Chu Dancheng, wasn't an easy person to deal with. He knew that anyone who approached Chu Yunqing at this time would die.    


He immediately glared at his father. "What are you looking at me for? Back then, your big uncle and I tried our best to persuade you not to get involved in the matters between the Blue Star and Blue Star families. We cultivate ours."    


"But what about you? You don't have the ability to f * cking cultivate, but you do have a set of crooked ways. You don't even need to look at yourself. Xing Yue is so beautiful, and her martial arts are so high. How could she possibly take a fancy to you? "    


" It's good now. I haven't eaten the lamb yet, so I'm embarrassed. Don't count on others to save you. Quickly kneel down and be interrogated! "    


Seeing that his father had given up on him, Chu Yunqing knew that the situation was hopeless. He couldn't help but laugh towards the sky, "Hahaha, what a good Chu family, what a great loss of a carriage to protect your handsomeness!"    


"I know, all of you are trying to sacrifice me to protect all of you!"    


"Alright, I have no objections. Who asked me to be the main culprit!? However, Chu Dancheng, you old thing are really not a thing!"    


At this point, a hand angrily pointed at his father as he roared with bloodshot eyes, "Uncle wanted to kill me, so I admit it. Because in these 200 years, I have always been opposing him."    


"Moreover, back then, he had also sincerely stopped me from participating in the Blue Star Family and Blue Star Family's mess. But what about you? Have you ever f * cking stopped me?"    


" Mardi, not only did you not stop me, you even called me over several times. You guided me with words and words, as long as I get married to Xing Yue. That Chu family is not only mine, even the Xing family is mine. "    


"Now, you old thing have another trick up your sleeve. Good, you're really my good father! Alright, I'll do as you wish, I'll end this myself! "    


After saying that, he looked at Chu Danyu with a face full of grief and indignation and shouted, "Uncle, I have always been opposing you. I am truly sorry. If there is a next life, I would rather be your son and not be the son of some fence-sitter."    


When Chu Dan Cheng heard this, his face turned red, but he did not dare to say a word. He also knew that this kid was crazy before he died.    


If he went to provoke him at this time, he would definitely be dragged into the water. Just let him shout a few times. In any case, he was going to die.    


Chu Danyu let out a long sigh, "Yun Qing, Big Uncle has also let you down. Big Uncle is also very ashamed."    


"If uncle had been willing to use the name of being unfilial to go against the great ancestor to the end, you wouldn't have today."    


"So Big Uncle is also responsible! And now, even though something has happened to you, you are still a part of my Chu family, my nephew."    


"But big uncle is useless. As the head of the family, big uncle is unable to protect the people of the Chu family. Big uncle is ashamed!"    


Just as he finished speaking, a cold voice sounded from outside," You don't need to be ashamed. I will give you a chance to protect the Chu family! "    


After saying that, Lan Tian strode in.    


Everyone in the Chu family was shocked. One should know that the disciples of the Chu family were guarding outside. If they saw Lan Tian coming in, they wouldn't let him in without saying a word.    


Could it be that Lan Tian had already cracked all of them?    


Chu Danyu was so scared that his body was trembling. He pointed at Lan Tian and said furiously, "Lan Tian, you are too cruel!"    


"Although I was unable to control Chu Yunqing back then, I made him harass Xing Yue from time to time."    


"But you also know that Chu Yunqing's martial arts is not as high as yours. Every time he went over, he would either be scolded by Xing Yue until his head was full of bruises or bruises. "    


"Also, on the day of your accident, I also received a letter from your Second Grandpa's son, which was sent by Lan Bao. He asked our Chu family to send some experts to assassinate you together with the Chen family."    


"But, I rejected it at that time. Not only that, I also sent someone to keep an eye on Chu Yunqing."    


"But what I didn't expect was that this kid was so bold that he knocked out the person who was watching him and escaped."    


"But according to what he said afterwards, when he arrived there, the battle had already come to an end. You were beaten to death."    


"However, in order to show that he was on the same team as this group of people, this kid did an extremely despicable thing. That is, when you were with them, each of them grabbed one of your arms and legs. Tear your corpse apart. "    


" At this moment, Xing Yue also received the news and flew over. Seeing their atrocities, she immediately swore to take revenge on them one by one."    


"As for Chu Yunqing, that brat, he shouted at Xing Yue at that time, saying that he didn't kill them. He also just came over and only tore your corpse apart."    


"However, whether it was killing or tearing your corpse apart, this is an unforgivable crime."    


"For so many years, our Chu family has also suffered a lot of revenge from Xing Yue. Not to mention the death of a few highly skilled reverends, Chu Yunqing's grandfather was also killed by Xing Yue's sneak attack."    


At this point, the patriarch of the Chu family said to Lan Tian in an even more furious tone, "We don't blame Xing Yue for this, because it was indeed Chu Yunqing who did it wrong."    


"Furthermore, I am in the middle of a family meeting. I am preparing to tie Chu Yunqing up and wait for you to deal with him."    


"But Lan Tian, you shouldn't have used the means to deal with the Chen family to deal with the Chu family."    


"That's right. The Chu family is in the wrong, but we can't kill all of them. What do you think is the difference between you and the Chen family?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Chu Yunqing, who had a look of justice on his face and was about to die, suddenly kneel down in front of Lan Tian.    


He kept kowtowing, "Mr Lan, don't listen to this old man. He is just an old fool. Mr Lan, I think you have done the right thing. As long as you are willing to let me go... You can kill as many people as you want. Right, if you are afraid of dirtying your hands... I can do it for you!"    


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