Almighty Life Winner

C964 Starmoon's Mother Is a Witch

C964 Starmoon's Mother Is a Witch

Chu Danyu was stunned when he heard Lan Tian's question. He shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "God Lan, it seems like you have really lost your memory. There is indeed a starry sky in the north, but it is too far away from us."    


"For example, the southern part and the western part of the starry sky are only 50 stars away from us. But the northern part of the starry sky is at least 300 stars away from us"    


" Not only that, the ones living in the northern galaxies are either demons or demons "    


"Not only are those guys highly skilled in martial arts, most of them are demons that turn into immortals As humans, of course we don't want to interact with them"    


" Although a small portion of them are humans, they are from the Devil Cult, just like those demonic immortals, each and every one of them is incomparably savage. That is why after we fought with them a few times, we no longer interact with each other. "    


" How many rounds did we fight? We were so far away, how could we have fought? " Lan Tian asked curiously.    


Chu Danyu shook his head with a bitter smile, "It's because they want to expand, that's why they extended their devil claws to us."    


"Also, some of the Great Gods on our side also want to catch Demon Immortals and eat their demon cores to increase their strength."    


"There are also some big shots who are using the name of eradicating devils and defending the Dao to snatch the cultivation resources of the devil religion. Just like that, the two sides started fighting."    


"At first, it was the Western Starry Sky who fought with them, but later on, the Western people couldn't take it anymore, so they sent people to invite the Eastern and Southern people over to help."    


"The three sides joined hands, and only then did they manage to repel these demons. It was only after that incident that the three of us set up our own Star Lord"    


" Our goal was to have a leader in each of the places if anything were to happen. This way, it would be easier for us to handle the matter as quickly as possible. "    


"Originally, we were going to select a great ruler, who would be in charge of the three places."    


"But people are all selfish. None of the three places are willing to submit to the other. Whoever goes up, the people from the other two places will definitely join up and assassinate the other person. "    


" So once we do it twice, we might as well stop creating a ruler However, for some unknown reason this year, the three Star Lord actually agreed to elect a Great Lord. "    


Speaking up to this point, he smiled. "God Lan, it just so happens that you're back. I can see that your martial arts are so high, and you even destroyed our Eastern Star Lord. Then, you are completely qualified to participate in the competition of the Great Lord."    


Lan Tian chuckled," I say, Chu family Lord, don't you know that these three Star Lord are no longer the same as before? They have been exchanged for by someone else? "    


"Ah?" Everyone in the Chu family was stunned.    


Chu Danyu stuttered and asked, "Lan, God Lan, could it be that the rumors are true?"    


Lan Tian nodded, "At least the Chen Zhengnan of Chen family was replaced by someone else."    


"You just said that all three Star Lord this year have agreed to choose a Great Lord. That also means that there are problems with all three Star Lord."    


Chu Danyu swallowed his saliva and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked at the dead Chu Yunqing with a frightened expression. "My god! Chu Yunqing has changed so much. Could it be that he has been replaced by someone else?"    


Chu Dancheng shook his head. "Impossible. Although our Chu family is a member of the four big families, our martial arts has always been at the bottom. We want him to change, but he doesn't care about my family."    


"Besides, this unfilial son's martial arts hasn't changed much, so it's impossible."    


Chu Danyu was still unwilling to give up. He walked over and checked Chu Yunqing's head for a while, but he didn't find anything unusual. Only then did he relax.    


Lan Tian couldn't find anything useful here. He cupped his hands towards Chu Danyu and said, "Master of Chu family, I am the one who forced you to do what you did today. If you don't accept it, feel free to seek revenge from me."    


Chu Danyu was scared to death. He cupped his hands and said that he didn't dare to do so.    


In his heart, he was extremely happy. He thought to himself that he was looking for an opportunity to get rid of this old man and young man. Today, I have fulfilled my wish by borrowing your hands. I can't even thank you in time. How could I blame you?    


Lan Tian did not care whether he was happy or angry. He would kill them no matter what!    


With a swoosh, he flew into the sky.    


Before he left Eastern Starry Sky, Lan Tian decided to go to Xing family. What if the people of Xing family knew where Xing Yue was?    


Xing family    


The chief of the family with a goatee received the report from a spy and his eyes widened, "What did you say? Lan Tian, that little bastard, is flying towards us?"    


The scout cupped his hands, "Yes!"    


The goateed patriarch glared at Xing Yue's father. "Zhikun, why are you still sitting here? Hurry up and wait at the entrance of the courtyard."    


"Otherwise, if this little bastard were to kill his way in, wouldn't he be sacrificing more of our Xing family's people?"    


Xing Zhikun was speechless for a while, "Second Grandpa, why are you in such a hurry? It will take at least four hours to get here from the Chu family."    


"Besides, didn't you hear what the spy said just now? He didn't kill any innocent people in the Chu family. When he comes to the Xing family, he won't do anything reckless. "    


"Also, Second Grandpa, don't blame me for not reminding you. Don't always call him a little beast. Even if Lan Tian didn't want to be our enemy, he would still get angry when he heard you call him that."    


When the goateed man saw that Xing Zhikun dared to talk back to him in front of everyone, not only did he contradict him, he even turned around to teach him a lesson. He felt that his authority had been seriously challenged.    


The old man slammed the table hard, "Alright, Zhikun, you have finally revealed your true colors."    


"I know. You have been feeling uncomfortable after chasing your daughter out of the Xing family. You have been looking for an opportunity to take revenge."    


"Now, you are so proud of yourself when you heard that your son-in-law is here?"    


Xing Zhikun was speechless for a while. "Second Grandpa, where am I?"    


The goateed man glared at him. "Humph, do you think others don't know about it? Don't tell me I don't know about it? If I don't know, wouldn't it be a waste for me to be the head of this family? "    


"Let me ask you, do you often wake up in the middle of the night and cry alone outside the window? And call your wife and daughter's names?"    


Xing Zhikun was stunned, then his face was full of anger. "Second Grandpa, you sent someone to spy on me?"    


The goateed man sneered. "Can you blame me for this? Who asked you to get a wife? She's a witch!"    


"Hmph, a good immortal. You don't want to marry so many fairies, but you actually married a witch. And you even had a devilish child with this devilish girl. Can I be at ease with you? "    


"Take a look for yourself, you witch's daughter. How many Immortals have you killed?"    


"Fortunately, our Xing family has hidden the fact that you are married to the witch. Otherwise, not to mention the other three major families, even the two Star Lord in the south and west would raze our Xing family to the ground."    


"You have caused such a huge trouble for the Xing family. How can I not monitor you?"    


"I..." Xing Zhikun was speechless.    


The goatee glared at him. "What about me? What else do you have to say?"    


Xing Zhikun said, unconvinced, "Back then, I didn't know that she was a witch. Furthermore, didn't you all agree to bring her back? Now you're blaming me for this alone."    


"Besides, this matter has already been in the past few hundred years. What's the point of bringing it up again?"    


The goateed man sneered. "You know it's been hundreds of years. Why are you still thinking about that witch?"    


"Don't blame me for not warning you. If you don't forget her, it means that you are putting the Xing family in danger. Listen to me. Quickly find another woman and marry her."    


Right at this moment, a clear voice sounded all of a sudden, "Where is the patriarch of the Xing family? Lan Tian is here to pay a visit!"    


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