Super Weapon Swap System

C1088 The Blue Army Wants to Win

C1088 The Blue Army Wants to Win

The preparation time is very tight, and in the blink of an eye, the drill time has finally come.    


This drill was the largest drill organized by the military in the last 20 years. It started after the aggressive drill in Bear Country. The eyes of the whole world were on it. Everyone was looking at this scene, wondering what kind of interesting content would appear in this drill in Han Country.    


Countless Reconnaissance Satellite had also adjusted their trajectories and were looking at the huge plain area in the western part of the capital of Han Country.    


Tanks were arranged in neat rows. This drill was organized by the capital's troops, and since the capital's troops had to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the capital, their weapons were also the first to be changed.    


For example, they now had a fully loaded 79 tank tank division!    


The 79 tanks were lined up neatly on the plains. Behind the tanks were Type 80 Chakram Infantry Tank. This type of modern tank was also allocated to the tank division. They had become a completely mechanical combat force.    


During this exercise, the mobilization of more than 100,000 troops would make this tank division the most dazzling star in the exercise. At the very least, Colonel Luo, the tank division's commander, thought so.    


And dozens of kilometers away from them, was their imaginary enemy force.    


This force did not have many people. It was only two companies in size. They had long worn the new uniform of Bear Country and were full of energy.    


As for the war chariots beside them, it made people's eyes light up. These war chariots were actually the equipment of Bear Country.    


The T-72 tank, the unique V-shaped anti-wave board in front of them, made people recognize it at a glance. If it was fake, it would be from Bear Country!    


A while ago, when the people of the Bear Country were organizing a military exercise in the west, this kind of tank left a deep impression on everyone. It was quite large in number. Although it was not as good as T-80, it was enough to crush it with numbers.    


Company Commander Liu Minggaang stood in front of the tank, his face full of joy. "Our mission this time is to charge forward."    


"Company Commander, no matter how hard we charge, we will still end up in failure." Wu Hao said from the side.    


They were simulating the enemy and belonged to the Blue Army. If they won, what would happen?    


For the past few days, everyone had been simulating the tactics of the Bear Country's army, charging at high speed. A few days ago, they saw the scene of the Bear Country's people's drill. It was really mighty. Such a tank charging was what every Tank Soldier looked forward to the most.    


Unfortunately, we can't win.    


"We are going to simulate the combat techniques of the Bear Country's army and provide materials for our troops to resist. It doesn't matter whether we win or lose. Besides, you don't know that our superiors are updating the rules of the drill. In the future, it will be a real fight between red and blue. We can use all kinds of methods to defeat the enemy."    


A few Tankers were lying on the ground, checking the loosening of the tracks. Every time a tank came back from training, it needed to be adjusted. Especially now, when the drill was about to begin, they absolutely couldn't just sit there and do nothing.    


Behind them was the mechanical footwork company. In the past, the mechanical footwork relied on two legs. Ever since they had the Infantry Tank, it was like adding wings to a tiger. They were holding the military textbooks of Bear Country. How to cooperate, how to charge, they fought like a model.    


Company Commander Li Bao was also in high spirits. "We must perform our skills in this exercise. When the exercise is over, we will all give him a third-class merit!"    


His words caused the surrounding soldiers to burst into laughter. In fact, when the exercise was about to begin, everyone was a little nervous. Especially the new soldier. Now that he said this, it made the soldiers relax.    


Playing the role of Bear Country's army could also get a third class merit?    


"Everyone, cheer up." At this moment, in the distance, a M-24 helicopter landed with a rumble. On the helicopter, Major Yang, who was dressed in military uniform, walked down.    


He was also wearing the uniform of Bear Country. He was in high spirits. Behind him, there was an AK74 rifle with a foldable gun handle. He shouted towards them, "According to the original plan, scout, prepare to follow me!"    


"Major Yang, this doesn't seem to be part of our drill plan." Yes, Liu Minggaang said.    


"Do you want to win?" Major Yang had a smile on his face.    


Liu Minggaang nodded. Although they were from the Blue Army, they were still soldiers.    


"Then shut up." Major Yang said.    


It had been a long time since he had stepped onto the battlefield. This time, he would perform on the drill ground. Major Yang thought to himself, I am bold enough, but if I am not bold enough, how can I make the army pay attention to me?    


The T-72 tank removed the filling hands, and those filling hands were already itching. Holding the rifle, they ran to the Mi-24 helicopter.    


In a corner of the drill ground, there was an inconspicuous house.    


Outside the house, more than ten antennas were set up, and there were even a few that were in the shape of pots. They were used to communicate with satellites, and this was the acting and observation department.    


Outside, there was a strengthening camp protecting it. There were even a few small caliber Antiaircraft Cannon on both sides, aiming at the enemies in the sky at any time.    


A convoy of Northern Warriors' off-road vehicles drove over smoothly. The yellow grass paint blended with the earth. The convoy did not move very quickly. The tires lifted up the dust and flew a few meters high.    


"Creak." The convoy stopped. Many strong men got out of the vehicles in front and behind them to protect the vehicle in the middle.    


The door of the car opened, and a short old man with bright eyes walked out. At this moment, the members of the Guan Mo Division also came out to welcome him. Everyone shouted in unison, "Greetings, Commander!"    


This was the largest military exercise in Han Country in recent years. The Commander had also attached great importance to it. Everyone was very excited to come and watch it personally.    


Qin Guan hid behind everyone. These people all carried General Stars on their shoulders, and he was too embarrassed to push forward. He did not have a military rank at all, so he could only be considered a temporary staff member this time.    


The commander smiled. "I'm looking forward to it. Come, let's go in and take a look."    


As he spoke, the commander pushed open the door and walked in. When he reached the door, he was suddenly stunned.    


An expression of disbelief appeared on his face. He even took a step back and said to the people around him, "I didn't go wrong, did I?"    


This was obviously a joke, but everyone felt the same way. When they saw what was inside, they thought that they had walked the wrong way, as if they had walked into an alien base.    


The entire wall of the Surveillance Division was flickering with light. It was filled with mirror-like objects, but now, the mirror was shining.    


No one had ever seen such a large screen before!    


It was different from a movie. The room in the movie was black, and there was a projection on the screen. However, the entire room was now bright, and the light on the screen was even more attractive.    


It was similar to a TV screen, but where could there be such a big TV?    


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