Super Weapon Swap System

C822 Make up for the Lack of Large Transport Planes

C822 Make up for the Lack of Large Transport Planes

Qin Guan finally started carrying the transport.    


If one wanted to have the ability to transport strategic aircrafts, they needed to have a large transport aircraft. And now, looking at the entire world, the Shawte brothers had to have a large transport aircraft.    


The company's SC-5 "Bale's Fester" four large turbine transport aircraft was the most suitable choice.    


As a large transport aircraft, its initial model weighed nearly 100 tons and had a maximum capacity of 36 tons.    


It could transport heavy military equipment such as large-caliber cannons, missile systems, and armed personnel, and could load about 200 fully armed personnel.    


It also had considerable potential. For example, its last improved model was SC-5 / 41. This model went further and aimed at the C-141 transport plane in Y Country. It used a brand new design of the wing and the RB178 to form a combination, and the T-shaped vertical tail wing was the same as the C-141. The maximum takeoff weight could reach 190 tons, and the maximum load of the military model could reach 54 tons.    


This meant that this transport could transport Main Battle Tank!    


Unfortunately, in history, the dream of creating a large-scale jet transport for the people of Cattle Country was finally shattered. Although Shawte was ambitious in the political struggle, he was still disappointed to see off this magnificent transport overlord. The Royal Air Force of Cattle Country finally bought about 10 of them symbolically, and invested most of the money into the Titan transport plane for the people of Y Country.    


Now, Han Country had started to develop the Shipping Ten. Under Qin Guan's push, the Shipping Ten would not end without a hitch like before. The latest passenger plane of Han Country must be developed.    


Looking at this, there was already Shipping Ten. Did they still need other transports?    


The answer was yes.    


Shipping ten, although it was the beginning of the word transport, it was a passenger plane. There were many differences between this type of passenger plane and transport, and it could not be simply replaced.    


It was mainly due to different purposes of usage, resulting in different technical requirements.    


For example, the transport plane was mainly for military transportation. So... It needs to meet the needs of the army. For example, it needs to have the ability to fly in a field airport, have good low-altitude and low speed... It was convenient for airdrop operations and had good quick loading and unloading abilities, including the cargo transport system in the aircraft, the ability to transport large objects and vehicles. The cargo cabin floor was strong enough to carry heavy goods, and it had special airdrop facilities.    


These characteristics were not needed by passenger planes. Compared to transport planes, passenger planes attached more importance to the passengers, such as safety, comfort, easy to deal with, and reliability. It could ensure the departure rate and low noise.    


Because these main requirements were different, it determined that the transport and passenger planes were two very different large planes.    


In terms of layout, the airplanes often used one wing, low Horizontal Tail, three conventional landing gear, and two pairs of wings below the wing. The airplanes used one single wing, high Horizontal Tail, Aircraft Belly multi-wheel landing gear, and four pairs of wings below the wing.    


Up! The upper wing was the wing at the top of the plane. This way, it can ensure that the engine below the wing is free from the ground. After all, for a transport, most of the time, they had to land and disembark at a non-paved field airport. This way, they could avoid the sand and stones that rose up when they landed on the rough runway from damaging the engine.    


At the same time, multiple landing gears were necessary to reduce the pressure on the runway of field airports. It was also beneficial to reduce the height of the cabin floor and the rear door - the loading and unloading angle. It was convenient for the loading and unloading of the aircraft and the vehicle to drive out. The high speed Horizontal Tail reduced the impact of the air wash under Horizontal Tail on the tail airdrop; the four disks guaranteed strong power. It could shorten the distance of the takeoff, or accelerate and leave after the enemy's fire was completed. It also increased the ability to defend against war.    


For a passenger plane, if it was arranged like this, not only would it be difficult to repair the engine, but it would also be very difficult. At the same time, the noise of the engine could be clearly transmitted to the interior of the cabin. To the passengers, this was definitely not a good enjoyment. It was simply torture.    


At the same time, the Mech was also different.    


In terms of the cabin section, the passenger plane was used to transport passengers. The height between the floor and the ceiling needed to ensure that the passengers could stand comfortably, and there was no need to go higher. At most, it could be used to ensure that the floor could accommodate standard air containers, making it easier to transport goods. On the other hand, the side cabin wall of the plane was more suitable to stand upright. Otherwise, the window passengers would either be squeezed in the head space. Or the space in your legs is squeezed, and it's not comfortable.    


However, the transport plane needed the cabin capacity to be maximized so that it could load items that were not too heavy even though they had grown up. For example, missile carriers, special vehicles, etc... so the floor was as low as possible... The ceiling was completely empty, maintaining the largest and most complete space. Apart from the extra reinforcement, the floor also needs a large amount of spare space. It was used for fixed equipment; there was also a rolling wheel, a rail, and a vehicle that could help the cargo move within the cabin.    


Besides, for convenience's sake, apart from opening at the tail of the plane, there were even some heads and ports that could be accessed from the front and back.    


These requirements were two different types of requirements. To change the passenger plane to a passenger plane was extremely difficult, and to change the passenger plane to a passenger plane was very uncomfortable.    


Another example was, for the warning plane, the Y Country used a passenger plane to modify it. Therefore, the members inside were very comfortable, and there was even a lounge. The Bear Country used transport planes to modify the planes, and the interior was quite unpleasant. The noise was loud and the space was tight. It was not good for maintaining combat ability.    


Right now, the Han Country was also a blank space when it came to transport aircraft.    


It was already good enough for the transport team to transport 10. Not to mention competing in the international market, the domestic passenger market was huge.    


As for the transport, it mainly satisfied the military, so they needed to import them.    


What was there in the country now?    


The most it could do was transport 8. This kind of transport modified from the An-12 Transportation Transportation Transportation Portal in Bear Country was only 50 tons. Even if it was a mid-range transport, in terms of heavy transport, Han Country had always been empty. This was until the appearance of the 20 transport aircraft in the future. Only then could they be considered to have solved the pressing matter.    


Now, when Qin Guan mentioned this transport, Royce was immediately surprised. "You want the SC-5 transport?"    


Although it was from the Shawte Brothers, the Aerospace Company of Cattle Country could pass on the message on behalf of Qin Guan. If Qin Guan used this agreement as an additional agreement for the Sky Flash Missile, it would be troublesome.    


Qin Guan nodded. "Yes, we need this transport. As for its use, you don't need to ask. In short, we want it. Also, we need to introduce technology and produce it ourselves in our country."    


Could the other party give it to him? The first use Qin Guan thought of was naturally to use it to exchange for good stuff in Parthia. Moreover, if they produced it and had a source to prepare, they would be able to convince Parthia to give their good stuff to them.    


Furthermore, after Han Country produced it, it would be very beneficial to Han Country. Now, Qin Guan had made up his mind to take it when he needed it.    


And those supporters and submarines, they would slowly get the advanced technology from the other side to achieve the cross-border development of the motherland!    


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