Super Weapon Swap System

C751 Don't F*ck with Me Dad Won't Let You

C751 Don't F*ck with Me Dad Won't Let You

When Qin Guan said this, the faces of the people from the Grumman Company turned ugly.    


Qin Guan's meaning was obvious. If the Grumman Company was sincere in cooperating, then everyone should cooperate. If the Grumman Company wanted to scam the Han Country, the Han Country wouldn't be willing to be cheated.    


Organ donation was a method used by the Parthia in the future. Remove some parts of the fighter aircraft that could not fly and satisfy the flight of the other parts. At the same time, he could also produce some parts himself and buy some from the firearms smuggler market. This way, he could meet the minimum requirement for maintaining the fleet.    


In a situation where he had no other choice, this was a plan.    


If the Grumman Company cheated, then dad wouldn't let you cheat.    


Self-reliance and hard work. Han Country had always been like this. Back then, they were poor, but hadn't they developed to this point?    


Under the seal of the outside world, Han Country achieved two and a star, and created a nuclear submarine. These were the results of Han Country's self-reliance. In the future, whatever the west sealed off Han Country, Han Country would be able to break through in any way.    


The global positioning system, originally Han Country wanted to join Europe's Galileo Navigation Satellite plan. However, Europe offered a high price, and Han Country could only provide funds. They could not share any technology, so Han Country was furious. They would do it themselves!    


First, he would do the first generation of the Big Dipper, and then he would do the second generation of the Big Dipper. When Han Country's Global Positioning System started to be used for business, Europe's Galileo Navigation Satellite Plan... It was still a plan. They were arguing and making noise, and there was no actual action.    


Relying on them was unreliable.    


The Cnc Machine Tool was a monopoly in the west, and it was locked down. By the year 2020, the Cnc Machine Tool in Han Country had already achieved synchronization with the world.    


The Chip Industry was the same. Wait.    


Now, the Han Country had a breakthrough in the Flat Gap Radar. On the engine, there was already a mature engine like the Spey and the modified Spey, and there was only one body left.    


It could be said that other than the welding technology of the titanium alloy wing box which they had not mastered, they already had a replacement plan for the rest.    


If the Grumman Company cooperated with them, they would complete the repair of the aircraft and hand it over to the Air Force as soon as possible. They would fly into the blue sky.    


If the blades of the Grumman Company were too sharp, then they would be cast aside. He would do it himself and donate some of the organs to some of the planes. He would let these airplanes fly first. These airplanes donated by these organs... He would produce the components himself and use his own equipment to replace the equipment of the Grumman Company. This way, they would be considered the new planes saved by their own side. Although it would be more difficult to quickly master the technology of this plane, it would be much more difficult. However, they would definitely get the most.    


Elder Lu said firmly on the side, "We can try to fly a part of the plane first, then use our own parts to let the other part fly."    


Elder Lu was duty-bound.    


Kearney Er's face could no longer look up at the sky. His brain was working rapidly, and the other party's meaning had been clearly expressed. If they insisted on killing their opponent, they would leave them alone. Although the other side might not develop it, it might take more time. However, if that was the case, the Grumman Company would not be able to obtain anything.    


They were here to earn money. In the Super Seven project... They did not earn a single cent, but they were still counting on the male cat maintenance to earn money. If they failed to negotiate with the Han Country, then they wouldn't be able to make any money. In this case, how would he explain it to them when he returned?    


Furthermore, what was even more terrifying was that the progress of the Han people in the research and development of the plane was swift and fierce. The Super Seven and the J-14 had already been completed. If they were to continue studying it, perhaps the Male Cat Fighter would be completely dismantled by them. Finally, they would be able to replicate it.    


In that case, the gains would be even greater.    


In that case, in order to avoid such an outcome, they could only give them spare parts. Furthermore, the price could not be too high. They had spare parts. They would directly repair the fighter aircraft and would not study how to use their spare parts to replace them. This way, it could also ensure that the spare parts in the future would continue to earn money.    


After all, the maintenance of the fighter aircraft at the later stages was also a huge expense. If the Han Country was solved by itself, then the Grumman Company would not be able to make any money.    


Just like the Intel Company, under their pressure, the L Think Corporation actually gave up on developing their own chips and bought all the chips in the Intel Company. It was a good move.    


"Alright, then we can provide a batch of parts. But... Your payment must be settled within the year, not delayed... Otherwise, we will go to court and cause a ruckus to that point... No one looks good. " Kearney Er said.    


Hearing his words, the people of Han Country were overjoyed. Even General Liu, who had been silent all this while, he was truly the best foreign trade talent in Han Country. After a few verbal exchanges, the other party actually agreed to export the spare parts at a low price. He borrowed it from them.    


"Of course. We have always been best friends with the Grumman Company. We still remember the time when we went to the Grumman Company, we were warmly welcomed." Qin Guan continued.    


Last year, they went to the Grumman Company. At that time, the other party treated them as their big clients. They thought that the Han Country would buy a batch of them. Even if the Han Country did not have money, there was still a large armory plan.    


Who would have thought that the Grumman Company would not be able to earn even a fart? Speaking of this, they could only feel dissatisfaction in their hearts. With a smile on their faces, they said, "We are still looking forward to our cooperation to continue. If your aircraft is used smoothly... We can also buy the 80 aircraft ordered by Parthia."    


Han Country had a huge market, and only 79 second-hand male cats were not enough. The second batch of 80 Male Cat Fighter that we produced for Parthia will definitely not be handed over to Parthia. If the Han Country could buy it, they could also make a fortune.    


"Is that so? Then we can find some time in the future to take a look." Qin Guan said.    


If they wanted to take a look, then so be it. Anyway, they didn't want to buy it. They had already made up their minds. They wanted to replicate this batch of planes and research their own J-11 series fighter jets. The country didn't have that huge amount of money to buy them from Y Country. They would also not accept the large armory plan with harsh political conditions.    


"Alright, let's talk about the airplane maintenance plan here. There's another important thing." Kearney Er continued, "After the maintenance of the aircraft, there is no pilot on your side that can fly. How do you plan to train the pilots? "    


Of course, there was more than one way to earn money in Grumman Company. There was also a way to train the pilots.    


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