Super Weapon Swap System

C1035 A Snowflake

C1035 A Snowflake

Francois's fighter jet continued flying forward.    


Three days ago, the Silver Navy announced the scope of the target shooting area. In order to prevent fishermen from entering this area and causing accidents. Because it was in the eastern part of Malaysia Islands, it attracted a wave of protest from the Cattle Country. Of course, to the Cattle Country, this was a small matter of protest. Once the protest was over, the Silver Country would do whatever it wanted.    


After flying past the Malaysia Islands, Francois piloted the fighter jet and entered a low altitude. From now on, the real attack was coming.    


Since they were going to get closer to the real battle, they naturally had to make it as realistic as possible. In the distance, they would fly in the sky, and when they got closer, they would turn to the low altitude. Now, they would have to watch a good show.    


Super low altitude defense was a common method. Its principle was the Earth's arc. Due to the curvature of Earth, the radar search on the warship was limited. The fighter flying close to the sea in the distance is already below the horizon. How could it see?    


When it got closer, there was interference from the waves.    


That was why there was a warning aircraft. When the radar was lifted up into the sky and looked at the ground, there was no way to hide from the low-altitude flight.    


The Super Military Flag Fighter let out a series of rumbles as it flew at a height of ten meters above the surface of the sea.    


At this height, the high speed meter had already been reset to zero. It completely relied on the pilot's experience to fly. If the judgment was wrong, the height was too low. When the waves hit the top, it could shatter the fighter aircraft at any time.    


This was a test of courage and technique. Would the Han people work?    


Francois could not help but think in his heart.    


The Super Military Flag Fighter continued to fly. Francois lowered his head and looked at his own equipment. Now, it was time to start the radar. This professional attack aircraft also carried professional equipment. In the weapon system of Chicken Country, it was the first type of military aircraft with a inertial navigation system.    


It used an ETNA navigation and attack system that included the Motor General Company, Kerfott's SKN602 inertial navigation system. This navigation and attack system was also used together with Thompson VE120, Kurzak 97 navigation monitor, armed control panel / multiple-choice, Kurzak 66 aerospace data computer, TRT radio high speed, SFI triple axis posture indicator, and LMTACN system.    


With this system, without any fixed objects on land that could be used for reference, the error rate of every hour of flight was 2.2 kilometers. The accuracy was quite high, and there was absolutely no possibility of getting lost.    


Now, Francois looked at the GPS system and knew that he was close to 100 kilometers away from the target. The tequila single-pulse radar in front of him was heating up.    


There was a specialization in this field. This kind of radar was specially designed for naval missions. It had the ability to search, automatically track, and measure distance. It could be used for air and air missions. It even had a topographic image monitor and could provide target information for active radar guided missiles.    


It could be said that this radar was specially used to coordinate with the Flying Fish Missile. The distance of air to sea search was 110 kilometers.    


However, its air to air mode was rather useless. It only had an effective distance of 28 kilometers.    


Comparing all kinds of data, the planes of Chicken Country could not be compared to the planes of Han Country. As they had already used the Flat Gap Radar antenna and the advanced backup processor, the radars of the Flying Leopard Combat Bomber were even more heaven defying. Even against the sea, it was first-rate.    


Of course, Francois did not know that he was still immersed in the world of the best weapons in Chicken Country. When he was 60 kilometers away from the target, he suddenly pulled the control stick.    


The basic attack mode of the Super Military Flag Fighter was to cruise at high altitude, approach at low altitude, and fly at low altitude. Although the opponent could not see him, he could not see the opponent at the same time.    


Therefore, if he wanted to attack the enemy, he had to suddenly pull up again. It did not need much, just a little.    


The engine at the tail had already ignited the acceleration. Now, more than half of the fuel had been used up. The weight of the entire machine was quite high. He almost pulled the green onion from the surface of the sea and directly climbed up.    


A few seconds later, he jumped several hundred meters into the air. Then, he pushed the operating stick and pulled the plane flat.    


The tequila radar in front of him released strong electromagnetic waves that scanned the designated area. As long as he caught the target, he would press the control pole, and the fighter would once again enter the super low altitude.    


This way, his plane would flash on the enemy's radar, but it would only pass for an instant. The enemy would definitely think that his eyes were playing tricks on him and let go of this insignificant wave.    


This was the tactic of a super military flag.    


His flight time was at most two seconds, and then he would turn into a super low altitude. But now, he was suddenly stunned. Damn it, how could this be?    


His radar screen was filled with snowflakes!    


How could this be, how could this be?    


His Airborne Radar was being disturbed!    


Didn't they already agree that the Jammer had been turned off? Furthermore, that Jammer was too terrifying, wasn't it? It had actually successfully interfered with his Airborne Radar?    


Of course, he didn't know that the people of Chicken Country had helped the people of Cattle Country. It could be said that the people of Cattle Country were benevolent and kind. Not only had they given the parameters of the Flying Fish Missile to the Cattle Country, but they had also given the parameters of the Flying Fish Missile to the people of Cattle Country. The parameters of the corresponding Super Military Flag Fighter were also given to the people of Cattle Country. Therefore, this Jammer was basically used to interfere with the super army flag and the Flying Fish Missile's combination.    


The Cattle Country itself didn't matter. It would be fine if he changed the parameters of the radar. Actually, it was just a matter of leveling up. However, he couldn't do it in the Silver Country. He could only be disturbed and felt incomparably aggrieved.    


Now, it was the Chicken Country's turn. Looking at the snowflakes on the radar screen, Francois knew that something bad was going to happen.    


What should he do?    


According to the original plan, as long as he pulled it up, the radar would find the target. The computer would calculate all the necessary parameters to launch the missile, and then he would be able to launch the missile.    


But now it was not possible. He could not enter the super low altitude again and instead continued to climb upwards.    


Anyway, the opposite side was not a warship in actual combat, so there would not be a warship radar. He could just fly over openly.    


As the distance closed, his radar would definitely be able to lock onto the target!    


Fly forward, continue flying forward! At this moment, the people on the lifeboats could clearly see the Super Military Flag Fighter. They could not help but feel strange. "Didn't they say that they would be able to find the target 40 kilometers away? This seems to be 20 kilometers away, right? Why hasn't it been launched yet? "    


"It should be soon, right? Look, smoke is coming from there! "    


When he was 20 kilometers away from the target ship, Francois finally adjusted his radar and locked onto the target in the terrifying interference wave. Then, he fired the missile!    


The Flying Fish Missile's engine ignited and charged towards the target. In the sky, a clear belt of smoke was slowly spreading.    


Francois heaved a sigh of relief. His mission had been completed.    


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