Soldier King's Beautiful Roommate

C458 He's Super Popular

C458 He's Super Popular

"He's quite strong, but no matter how strong he is, he can't possibly be stronger than you! I have high hopes that you can win the championship this time!"    


Chen Dong said disapprovingly, and then said, "By the way, Ruan Zhennan is your junior brother. How long did it take you to defeat him?"    


"Two minutes. If you really use your full strength, I'm afraid you can defeat him in one and a half minutes."    


No one would have thought that Xiao Zhan and Ruan Zhennan would be brothers.    


"That's right. It seems like Loong Fei is still weaker than you. So, I believe that you won't disappoint me."    


Chen Dong said with satisfaction. He thought that as long as Xiao Zhan was willing to use his full strength, it wouldn't be difficult for him to beat Loong Fei to death in the arena.    


Most importantly, in such a high-intensity competition, he didn't need to take any responsibility for accidentally killing a boxer. If he wanted to blame someone, he could only blame the boxer for not being as good as him.    


In an underground boxing match like this, as long as the boxer was in a boxing match, he was originally fighting with his life. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a high reward.    


After instructing Xiao Zhan, Chen Dong returned to the hall of the boxing match and sat with Du Qiang.    


"Brother Qiang, I have already arranged the things you instructed me to do. Just wait and watch the show."    


Although Chen Dong was the underground emperor of the southern part of the city, in terms of status and identity, he was much worse than Du Qiang.    


"Brother Dong, thank you. Don't worry! I have already gotten you a lot of support. You can just wait to earn big money tonight!"    


Du Qiang said politely as well, but he thought in his heart, Loong Fei, aren't you very arrogant? Today, I will let you die in the ring.    


Although Du Qiang and Loong Fei didn't have any deep hatred, since Du Qiang had chosen to cancel the engagement, he absolutely didn't want to see Loong Fei stand up for him.    


"Welcome, guests. Welcome to the 18th Fist King Competition of Loyalty Hall. In the past three days, six boxers have advanced to the second round. Today is the last two matches of the first round. Tonight, the last two boxers will advance to the top eight of the second round."    


It was also the beautiful female host three days ago, but she was obviously more excited tonight. Perhaps it was because there was a competition between the two new boxers tonight.    


Regarding Loong Fei and Xiao Zhan's competition, the organizers arranged for their boxing match to be the last.    


"Now there is only one person left who is qualified to enter the top eight. We will decide the last person among the new boxers, Loong Fei and Xiao Zhan."    


After the first match, the host immediately reminded them.    


"Loong Fei, go and prepare! It's your turn soon."    


Lei Dong reminded him. He was a little excited. After all, as the boss behind Loong Fei, this fight was very important to Lei Dong.    


Why would Lei Dong care about joining the boxing match of Loyalty Hall Fist King? As long as it was the Zhuang family behind the boxing match of Loyalty Hall Fist King, Lei Dong could get commission from the betting. Even if Loong Fei lost the match, Lei Dong might not lose money.    


But if Loong Fei lost the competition, Lei Dong would lose more money. After all, no one knew how much money the people who supported Xiao Zhan would bet.    


"Alright, Mr. Dong!"    


Because he was about to enter the ring, Loong Fei immediately left his seat and went to the boxer's lounge.    


After changing into his battle clothes, Loong Fei waited in the lounge for the match to begin. Before this match, Loong Fei had already decided to lose to Xiao Zhan. After all, it was not a good thing for Lei Dong to earn money.    


"The first one to go up is Boss Chen's boxer, Xiao Zhan! Please support Xiao Zhan's friends and start betting."    


At this time, a burly young man walked onto the stage. It was Chen Dong's boxer, Xiao Zhan.    


Xiao Zhan's face was resolute. He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and dark skin. He gave people the impression of a strong man. Just by fighting in the middle of the stage, he looked very domineering.    


"Five million..."    


"Eight million...!"    


As the betting began, the billionaires below the stage immediately started betting. The atmosphere was calm yet intense.    


"I didn't expect Xiao Zhan to be so popular!"    


Lei Dong frowned when he saw all the important people around him betting on Xiao Zhan. He didn't expect Xiao Zhan to be supported by so many people.    


However, the more people bet on Xiao Zhan, the happier Lei Dong became. The more people bet on Xiao Zhan, the more profits he would earn as long as Loong Fei won.    


"Mr. Dong, I didn't expect Xiao Zhan to be so popular. I wonder how many supporters Loong Fei has."    


Liu Suyun also didn't expect that more than half of the supporters of Xiao Zhan would be in Loong Fei and Xiao Zhan's match. It seemed like they all thought that Loong Fei would lose this match without a doubt.    


"It's alright. We have to trust Loong Fei. He won't let me down."    


Lei Dong acted as if nothing had happened. However, when he saw that more and more people supported Xiao Zhan, he started to panic.    


If Loong Fei lost this match, not only would Lei Dong not be able to earn money, he might even lose everything.    


"There are a total of 24 people betting on Xiao Zhan tonight, a total of 130 million."    


After the betting was over, the host immediately announced the betting situation. This was the first time he had invested 100 million in this match.    


"One hundred and thirty million? That much?"    


Liu Suyun said in disbelief. At the same time, she looked at Lei Dong worriedly. After all, if Loong Fei lost the competition, Lei Dong would lose almost 100 million.    


Although Lei Dong was worth hundreds of millions, he would not be able to handle losing 100 million yuan in a competition. Besides, he came here to earn money.    


"It's fine. It's just a hundred and thirty million yuan, isn't it? Even if Loong Fei loses, I can still handle it."    


Lei Dong said with disdain, but in his heart, he was wondering where Loong Fei's strength was. He might be able to defeat Xiao Zhan. Then wouldn't he be able to earn a hundred million?    


"The next person to enter the arena is Lei Dong and Boss Lei of West District, Loong Fei. Please support Loong Fei and start betting."    


The host continued. Loong Fei was wearing the red battle suit that Lei Dong had specially made for him. Then, he came to the arena.    


Compared to Xiao Zhan's tough guy image, Loong Fei's appearance was more delicate and delicate. However, Loong Fei's temperament was also extraordinary, giving people a calm and reserved feeling.    


"Is this Lei Dong's boxer, Loong Fei? He doesn't look like much."    


He had seen many professional boxers who were tall and sturdy. Although Loong Fei's body was perfect, he was relatively skinny. Therefore, many people began to talk about him.    


"In terms of physique, Loong Fei definitely can't compare to Xiao Zhan, but in terms of strength, I don't know. What do you think? Does Chief Tang want to bet on Loong Fei?"    


"I've already bet on Xiao Zhan. You can bet on Loong Fei. Who knows, Loong Fei might win!"    


Under the stage, the wealthy people sitting in the VIP seats immediately started to talk. After all, they were all new boxers. They did not know the exact strength of Loong Fei and Xiao Zhan.    


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