Soldier King's Beautiful Roommate

C453 Counting the Bill

C453 Counting the Bill

"What do you mean? Don't tell me you want me to pay for the car repair fee?"    


Loong Fei guessed what Chu Han meant. After all, this car was very expensive. The last time Chu Han asked someone to smash the car, he almost destroyed it.    


"Hehe! One million is enough for me to have a meal and flirt with a girl. I wouldn't care about one million."    


Chu Han said with a disdainful smile. He looked at Loong Fei with a smug look on his face, but in Loong Fei's eyes, such a smile was not friendly at all.    


"Then what do you mean? If there is nothing else, I will drive the car away."    


Loong Fei walked towards Chu Han, thinking that he had to take the car today no matter what. After all, the car belonged to him.    


"Wait, you can drive the car away, but we still have to settle accounts."    


When Chu Han said this, he took out the car keys and threw them at Loong Fei.    


He took the car key. Loong Fei looked at Chu Han and said with disdain, "Do we still have anything between us? How are you going to settle it?"    


"Stop pretending to be stupid. My brother was severely injured by you and was in the hospital. He almost lost his life. " You have to give an explanation for this! "    


Chu Han's expression immediately turned cold. The brother he was talking about naturally referred to Zhao Rutian.    


"Are you referring to Student Zhao Rutian? I have already promised to compensate him for all his medical expenses. Furthermore, the people from the Public Security Bureau have already closed the case. Don't tell me you are looking for trouble with me?"    


Knowing that Chu Han was looking for trouble with him because of Zhao Rutian, Loong Fei immediately told him the truth.    


"The Public Security Bureau closed the case?" Loong Fei asked. But you still haven't given me an explanation. Are you going to let me go just like that after injuring my brother?"    


Chu Han said with disdain. In fact, he knew very well that he wasn't looking for trouble with Loong Fei for Zhao Rutian. He was just using Zhao Rutian as an excuse.    


"How do you want me to explain this to you?"    


Loong Fei said disapprovingly. Looking at these scum who bullied the weak, he really didn't put Chu Han in his eyes.    


"I know you are very good at fighting. You never put me in your eyes. Today, I won't bully you with numbers. " As long as you can defeat my brother today, I'll let you go. But if you lose, you'll be responsible for the consequences. "    


Chu Yankun said proudly, because he believed that as long as his brother Chu Yankun attacked, Loong Fei would definitely be eaten alive.    


"Your brother?"    


Loong Fei furrowed his brows and immediately thought of someone. This person was Chu Yankun.    


Loong Fei had heard of Chu Yankun before he met Chu Han. At the same time, he also knew that Chu Yankun was Chu Han's brother.    


"That's right! My brother will be here soon. Today, I will let you know that there are more people who can beat you! Don't be ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth. "    


Chu Han said proudly. He thought that it would be useless even if Loong Fei had the Municipal Party Secretary backing him up. After all, the reason he asked Chu Yankun to fight today was to make Loong Fei admit defeat.    


"Mr. Kun, why are you here?"    


At this moment, a flashy silver Ferrari sports car drove to the gate of the factory. The driver was Chu Yankun.    


"Guo Xiaohua? Why are you here?"    


Chu Yankun was shocked when he saw Guo Tianming standing at the entrance of the factory. He didn't expect that his brother would let him deal with a powerful man today. Could it be Guo Tianming?    


"Mr. Kun! I... I brought a message to Brother Han. It's none of my business."    


At the same time, Chu Yankun looked inside the factory.    


Chu Yankun was shocked to find almost a hundred young men in the factory. He thought to himself, "Yang has called so many people over. Can't he defeat them?    


"Did you see that? My brother is here. I will show you what true strength is later."    


Chu Han said proudly when he saw Chu Yankun. He thought to himself that even if he didn't call for help, he would still be able to defeat Chu Yankun. With Chu Yankun's strength alone, Loong Fei wouldn't be able to fly even if he had wings.    


"Chu Yankun? Is he your brother?"    


Of course, Loong Fei also saw Chu Yankun. He looked at Chu Han with disdain.    


"What? You know my brother?"    


Chu Han was surprised because he didn't expect Loong Fei to know his brother. Judging from his expression, it seemed like he didn't care about his brother at all.    


"I know him. Last time at the reunion, he was beaten down by me!"    


Loong Fei's words immediately shocked Chu Han. He thought that his brother was a reserve member of M Country's Seal Assault Team, and his alcohol tolerance was even more amazing. How could he let Loong Fei get drunk and get down?    


"You are not bragging, are you? My brother will be drunk down by you?"    


Chu Han said in disbelief. According to what he knew, when Chu Yankun was in high school, he was already very good at drinking. He was even better than Chu Han. How could Loong Fei drink Chu Yankun down?    


"Big Brother!"    


At this moment, Chu Yankun walked over. When he saw Loong Fei, he was shocked. He wondered if the person Big Brother asked him to deal with was Loong Fei.    


Thinking about Loong Fei stealing his girlfriend, Lu Xueyao, Chu Yankun had always felt good about Loong Fei. He was worried that he wouldn't have the chance to take revenge on Loong Fei. He didn't expect that enemies would cross paths with each other.    


"Brother, you're here!"    


Seeing Chu Yankun walk over, Chu Han immediately went over and said politely.    


"Brother, is this the man you want to deal with?"    


Chu Yankun guessed. After all, apart from Loong Fei, the rest of the people present were Chu Han's underlings.    


"That's right. It's this brat. Right. I heard that he knows you. He even drank you to the ground during the reunion. " Is that really true? "    


Chu Han asked in a low voice. After all, in his opinion, even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Loong Fei's alcohol tolerance could surpass Chu Yankun's.    


"I just came back last time, so I'm not feeling well."    


He didn't deny it. After all, he didn't expect Loong Fei's alcohol tolerance to be that good.    


However, alcohol tolerance didn't represent a person's strength. Chu Yankun had lost to Loong Fei in terms of alcohol tolerance, but in terms of skill, he was confident that he could teach Loong Fei a lesson at any time.    


"In that case, this kid really drank you down! Then it looks like you might not be his match either!"    


Chu Han's face revealed a trace of worry. After all, he did not expect Chu Yankun to actually know Loong Fei and had already competed with him a long time ago.    


"Haha, Big Brother, you underestimate me too much! Didn't I already say that? I just returned to China last time and the jet lag has yet to reverse. What's more, drinking is nothing."    


Chu Yankun said with a disdainful smile. At the same time, he looked at Loong Fei, thinking that this was a great opportunity for revenge. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.    


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