Soldier King's Beautiful Roommate

C687 Refuse to Pay the Fee

C687 Refuse to Pay the Fee

"What? The Azure Dragon Hall can't even afford a single person?"    


Upon realizing that all the members of the Azure Dragon Hall were basically penniless, the silver-ranked messenger who was in charge of reviewing the test results was immediately shocked.    


"As the leader of the eight branch halls, the Azure Dragon Hall's results this year has disappointed everyone. I really don't know how these students of the Azure Dragon Hall got the right to enter the school!"    


The other Silver ranked messenger was also surprised. After all, every year, the Death Valley would be tested. The Azure Dragon Hall paid the most fees.    


"Who cares. Since we can't pay the fee, let's go to the ordinary class!"    


According to the rules, no one in the Azure Dragon Hall could afford the fees, so they could only be assigned to the normal class.    


As the members from the major powers passed through the pass, the two Silver Messengers soon discovered that most of the members were penniless. In the end, they were assigned to the ordinary class.    


Logically speaking, such a situation was very normal. After all, during the Death Valley test, the majority of the members' results would be very poor. Naturally, only a few of them had outstanding results.    


"Thunderbolt Hall Special Enrollment Student, Loong Fei!"    


When Loong Fei brought the team members of Thunderbolt Hall to the pass, he immediately walked up and reported his name.    


"Special Enrollment Student? Go in! Normal class!"    


Knowing that Loong Fei was a Special Enrollment Student, One of the Silver Messengers said immediately.    


"Normal class? Why not the Excellent class!"    


Loong Fei asked in confusion. After all, he had heard Mo Shaoyu mention that the number of energy stones would determine the class.    


"Why? Because you are a Special Enrollment Student. Could it be that you have a Special Enrollment Student and an energy stone to pay for it?"    


Another Silver ranked messenger said in disdain. This was because in the Death Valley's trial every year, the result of every Special Enrollment Student would not be very good. At most, they would be lucky enough to keep their energy stones.    


However, there were certain rules for entering the Excellent Class. Less than 20 energy stones were not qualified to enter the Excellent Class.    


"Of course I have it! My energy stones number is 250!"    


Loong Fei said honestly. As soon as he finished speaking, The two Silver Messengers opened their mouths in shock.    


"What? You have 250 energy stones with a single Special Enrollment Student?"    


Hearing Loong Fei's words, these two Silver Messengers naturally wouldn't believe it. After all, Loong Fei's identity was a Special Enrollment Student. Logically speaking, his strength should be relatively weak.    


"Of course. Don't tell me that I still dare to lie in front of teacher?"    


As Loong Fei spoke, he raised his wrist and showed the number of energy stones in his bracelet.    


"Oh my god! It was indeed two hundred and fifty stones. I really didn't think that a Special Enrollment Student would have so many energy stones!"    


"That's right. Moreover, it's the Thunderbolt Hall's Special Enrollment Student. Since when did the Thunderbolt Hall become so strong?"    


The two great Silver rank envoys ignored their status as Combat Kings and revealed surprised expressions.    


"Teacher, can I become a student of the Excellent Class?"    


Loong Fei smiled. He thought to himself that he had two hundred and fifty energy stones, which far exceeded the requirements to enter the Excellent Class.    


"Of course you can, but you have to give us ten energy stones as compensation!"    


Since Loong Fei had so many energy stones, Loong Fei naturally had the qualifications to enter the Excellent Class. Therefore, the two great Silver Messengers immediately agreed.    


"I'll give you a good treatment fee? Why should I give you a good price?"    


Loong Fei asked in confusion. His question had made the two Silver Messengers somewhat impatient.    


"There is no reason! If you hand it over, you can become a student of the Excellent Class. If you don't hand it over, you can only go to the ordinary class!"    


One of the Silver Messengers said disapprovingly. He thought that if he didn't even pay the good treatment fees, then wanting to enter the Excellent Class was simply a dream!    


"Teacher, you are doing this for personal gain! The War God Academy doesn't have such a rule!"    


Loong Fei reminded. Because it was right next to the checkpoint, the rules of joining the War God Academy had already been announced. Among the conditions to become an elite class student, there was not a single rule stating that one needed to pay ten yuan.    


"Fake public service? Do you think I, a dignified Silver rank emissary, would lack ten pieces of Medium-grade Energy Stones from you?"    


Hearing Loong Fei's words, the two Silver rank emissaries immediately flew into a rage. They thought to themselves that Loong Fei, this Special Enrollment Student, had the guts to take them seriously.    


As Silver Messengers, as an SSS grade Combat King, ten Medium-grade Energy Stones was nothing, but if one person had ten Medium-grade Energy Stones, a hundred people would be more than a thousand.    


Although their strength was already very strong, who didn't want to become stronger? Therefore, these two Silver ranked messengers naturally wanted to make a fortune while Death Valley was testing them.    


"Since that's the case, I would rather go to the ordinary class than pay the fee!"    


However, what these two Silver Messengers did not expect was that Loong Fei actually refused to pay a good price. After all, he felt that the actions of the Silver Messengers were simply bullying others.    


"If you don't pay the fees, then you can only go to the ordinary class. Don't regret it when the time comes!"    


"Why are you so stubborn?! Going to the elite class can get twice as many energy stones from the ordinary class every month. Could it be that you can't bear to give up such ten stones?"    


The two Silver Messengers said in confusion. After all, in their opinion, Loong Fei's decision was a fool's action.    


"I'm sorry. Even if I lose half of my energy stones, I can't let people like you get away with it."    


Loong Fei insisted on his decision. The two Silver Messengers had no choice but to give Loong Fei the right to enter the ordinary class.    


"Mr. Fei, you are really brave. I admire people like you the most."    


Seeing that Loong Fei showed no fear in front of the two Silver Messengers, Chi Fengyu immediately said with admiration.    


"These guys are asking for an inch. If we let him do it this time, we might be bullied by them in the future."    


Loong Fei explained. Of course, Chi Fengyu understood what Loong Fei meant. Once they paid a good price, they would be indulging in such unfair behavior.    


"Chi Fengyu, Medicine King Hall's Special Enrollment Student, 250 energy stones!"    


After Loong Fei passed the pass, Chi Fengyu immediately walked forward and reported his identity and results.    


"Another 250?"    


Hearing Chi Fengyu's words, the two Silver Messengers immediately exchanged glances. They thought that Chi Fengyu had so many energy stones in his hands. He was simply a tycoon among the students. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to reap more benefits?    


"Congratulations on becoming a student of Combat God Academy's outer court's excellent class. However, before entering the academy, you will have to pay fifty energy stones as a reward!"    


The silver-ranked envoy said with a smile. He thought to himself that Chi Fengyu, as the Medicine King Hall's medicinal Special Enrollment Student, had such a huge influence behind him. Fifty medicinal Medium-grade Energy Stones was nothing at all!    


"I'm sorry, I don't have a single cent because I want to go to the ordinary class to study!"    


Chi Fengyu said with a pleased smile, but in his heart, he was angry. He clearly said that he would charge 10 yuan, but he actually charged 50 yuan to his place. You might as well go and snatch it.    


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