Strongest Villain System



Third Donkey bit on Gou Ride as he sprinted along with Zhu Zhu Sha for thousands of miles, afraid that the Old Devil Huang would appear in the next moment. Then, they would see the moat separating the inner city and outer city.    


Donkey Three jumped in without a second thought, and Zhu Liu who was right behind him also jumped down.    


Beneath the shocking splashes of water, the three donkey, Gou Ride, and the pig six figures disappeared, sinking nearly fifteen kilometers into the water.    


Legend has it that the moat had existed since before the establishment of the Eastern Continent. This was an ancient river that had flowed for tens of millions of years without end. No one knew how deep it actually was.    


Donkey Three, Gou Ride, and Pig 6 ? 3 were already at the shallowest point of the moat, and were already at a terrifying distance of 15,000 meters.    


Relying on the three poisonous tumors and one Gu Sheng, as well as the cultivation of the two great saints, they naturally ignored the strange cold and water pressure below, but they could not go any further down.    


The river moat was very strange. Even the forbidden area wasn't too far away. There had once been a peak Great Emperor who had fallen here.    


"Three... Third Brother... Five... Fifth Brother... Brother... "I'm afraid it's cold..."    


"We ? We're afraid. He might not be able to report it... "Vengeance..."    


"According to Old Pig ? Why not break up? Forget it... "Everyone escape..."    


Zhu Liu, with a huge pig head on his head, stuttered as he spoke. The power behind Gu Huang's punch was simply too strong, it had directly killed Fourth Brother.    


Revenge? What was he supposed to use to take revenge? His boss had already given up.    


With just the three of them, they would probably be burnt like donkeys, steamed pork heads, and dog meat in a hotpot.    


I can't waste Big Brother Xiong's effort. It's better to run for my life!    


"Old Sixth, shut up!" If you don't speak, no one will take you as a stutter. "    


"What the hell, I've never suffered such a loss in my entire life."    


"Wang Da, I will bite you to death sooner or later."    


Gou Ride's face completely darkened, his small eyes started to roll, and it was unknown what kind of deadly poison he was thinking about.    


He thought about how his grandpa and brother had never failed in their pursuit of the Nine Prefectures for so many years.    


Fourth Bro had died, and the boss had also gotten cold.    


If he were to just let it go like this, how could he continue to be in the underworld in the future?    


Even if he had to leave, he had to kill Wang Da.    


"Fifth brother, sixth brother, don't be rash. Wang Da's inheritance is extraordinary, he killed fourth brother with a single punch."    


"If I'm not wrong, it's very likely that the fourth of the seven great Immortal Inheritance inheritances ?"    


"The Nine Ultimate Skill is the Martial Ancestor Art that started the era of martial arts. Rumor has it that it is suitable for all living things, regardless of their race."    


"Wang Da is indeed using the God Breaking Fist, he is able to dissipate 99% of the defense with one punch."    


"Fourth brother being killed is truly not a injustice."    


"Come out and play, kill or be killed!"    


Amongst his brothers today, he was the most cautious, while Ji Si was the least brave, but he was the first to fall.    


He might not be able to take revenge.    


Forget about the power behind the fourth inheritance, just with Wang Da's fighting strength, he would be dead without a doubt.    


Moreover, the Great Emperor or those in the Tenth Order occupation were not people that they could simply invite.    


"Bullshit!" Third donkey, this grandpa already knew that you were not loyal, but I never would have thought that you would be so disloyal. "    


"My brother was killed and my boss died. Even someone as heartless as him would be able to say it out loud."    


"Third donkey, if you're afraid of death, then scram!"    


"From now on, this grandpa will break all ties with you. No matter if it's ten thousand years, or a hundred thousand years, as long as this grandpa does not die, this grandpa will fight to the death with Wang Da."    


Gou Ride let out an insane, furious roar, his words were filled with righteousness, but his pair of small eyes were filled with malice and greed.    


Fourth Legacy, Nine Extreme Heaven Technique!    


A donkey was born of an extraordinary background; it was impossible for him to be mistaken.    


He had to avenge his enemy, and he couldn't let go of his Heavenly Arts.    


However, in the name of revenge, he was able to make a name for himself.    


"Fifth brother, I haven't finished speaking. It's not that I don't want revenge, but I need to focus on methods."    


"By acting blindly, he will sooner or later make us brothers his food."    


"Ol 'Five, have you forgotten about the wolf-eared girl that was brought by Wang Da's side? He is a person that all the great powers are wanted for, and even Li Yang has to capture him. "    


"I will pass this matter to the Temple of Destiny. You should secretly contact them."    


"The hatred between us bros is irreconcilable!"    


"Is that feasible?"    


The three donkeys had transformed into a handsome young man. With a pair of black donkey ears, coupled with the young scholar's face that was full of poetry and books, it was impossible to tell that he was this sinister.    


Being cautious didn't mean that he was afraid of getting into trouble!    


Only with caution could one live for a long time ?    


For Ji Si, he would die sooner or later.    


"Humph!" "Donkey Three, this is as f * cking human as ever. This lord has not misjudged you, donkey."    


"I was too rash just now. I'm very satisfied with this plan."    


"However, it does not mean that I will be able to find a way to retreat with a hundred percent success rate."    


"Old Six, your personality is simple and honest, this kind of thing really doesn't suit you."    


"Take my dog hair and go to the mountain range in the northern part of the Eastern Continent, which is thirty-five million miles away. There is a wandering monk called Withered Wood who lives in seclusion there."    


"Head out immediately. Once you're there, tell me your name. Grandmaster Deadwood will definitely take you in."    


"If my spirit dog hair burns up, it means that we brothers failed. Master Deadwood, please help out. He owes me a favor."    


"Sixth Brother, the lives of this grandpa and your Third Brother are in your hands."    


"If you don't die this time, I will invite you to the Ten Thousand Flowers House and have a good time for a few days."    


Gou Ride spread open his legs, and casually pulled out a strand of hair that was a foot long from his crotch, and handed it over to Zhu Liu in the blink of an eye ?    


"Five... Fifth Brother... I... Old Pig is an honest man ? ? But we old pigs don't. "I'm not stupid..."    


"You ? You. You pull your hair out of your pants. Also ? And you want me, Old Pig... Use your hand. "Pick it up..."    


"You took the old pig ? Old Pig, I... "What a joke..."    


"B ?." Old Pig, I... Even though he never took a bath ? But ? But you. You can't be so... "Bullying an honest pig..."    


Zhu Liu was pushed back seven or eight steps. Although he was stuttering and his face was filled with disgust and disgust, Old Pig was indeed lazy and dirty. However, when he stepped on his horse's crotch to pull out his fur...    


"Sixth, you stupid bran, you dare to despise me ?"    


"This is the dog hair that this grandpa saved, it represents the life and fortune of this grandpa ?"    


"You dare to despise me? If I tell you to take it, take it. Why are you spouting so much nonsense?"    


"Damn you, Old Sixth, have you forgotten that three years ago, the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden's prostitutes did not pay? You were almost cooked by someone!"    


"I spent three times the ransom to save you. As a man, you should not forget your roots. You should be more generous when you're a pig!"    


Gou Ride's voice immediately grew even louder, and he started to teach Zhu Liu a lesson on the spot, even ripping apart Zhu Liu's trump card ?    


"Release ?" Bullshit... You were the one who brought me there ? Acting ? "Pretending to be great lord ?"    


"This matter... After that..... He didn't have any money on him ? "You made up to me, the old pig ?"    


And." The boss ? To ? "Redeemed ?    


"Then let's go ?" Old Pig was avenging his boss... No ?. Otherwise, I wouldn't have picked you up like this ? "F * ck that bird hair on its head ?"    


Zhu Liu took the fur angrily and ran to the riverbank with a disdainful look on his face.    


? ? The content is from [Mick Read]    


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