Strongest Villain System



Outside and outside the Primal Chaos, the vast world, the endless plane, the universe, the sea of stars, and the Billions of Worlds.    


In the past, the Emperor with the highest Qiankun Empire became the center of diversity in the world. At that time, the Nine Prefectures was extremely glorious.    


Suppressing the heavens and the earth, dividing yin and yang, determining life and death, controlling six paths.    


Even if it was the secret lower latitudes, the terrifying higher dimensions were all suppressed by the Emperor.    


The star, world, and time space outside the Nine Prefectures had already collapsed under the limitless cycle of Master God and Sister Wolf.    


However, in the end, they were not emperors. At the very least, they had to be wary of higher dimensions and lower latitudes.    


The existence of secrecy at low latitudes could cause uncontrollable threats. In the distant past of the Nine Prefectures, there were also examples of low latitudes invading reality.    


He didn't know how many changes he had caused ?    


The lower latitudes were hidden, untouchable, untouchable. Any living being that dared to come into contact with the lower latitudes would be suppressed by all forces.    


There is an unknown past that has disappeared from history.    


Furthermore, far before the Qiankun Empire, that was a terrifying era of chaos and disorder. A low latitude hidden invasion of reality had once caused countless uncontrollable changes.    


Spacetime, Heaven and Earth, Fate, All Living Things, All Spirits, and even the Samsara of Life and Death were invaded.    


Just one more step and the primal chaos would be pulled into the depths of this low latitude. In the end, a pair of experts from an unknown place stood out.    


Number one Chen Emperor, number one Emperor Yue! The roles of Zi Chen and Zi Yue, they had come online in the middle to late stages!)    


The picture of the Chen Emperor depicted Yin and Yang, determined the three talents, acted the four images, and was divided into five elements.    


Emperor Yue morphed into six parts, then into seven parts, then into nine parts, then into nine parts!    


The River Diagram!    


Book Luo!    


The fusion of one book, the suppression of primal chaos, and the fixing of the tripod.    


However, due to the low latitudes being too secretive and powerful, they had invaded the boundaries of reality. Luo Shu and the River Zong Diagram found it hard to differentiate between Yin and Yang. In the end, both Emperor Chen and Emperor Yue suspended the coffin and suppressed the low latitudes with their real bodies.    


Emperor Chen and Emperor Yue both entered the lower latitudes to exchange for the continuation of the Primal Chaos.    


In that moment, all Heaven and Earth cried out, and all living things cried out. Billions of Heaven and Earth, endless worlds, fell down with a rain of blood, for seven days straight.    


Who knew how much time had passed, or how much time had passed. One generation after another, each cycle was repeated.    


Heaven and Earth, Space, Fate, All Living Things, they had all forgotten the past. They had forgotten everything. They had even forgotten the existence of Emperor Chen and Emperor Yue.    


No one remembered them, no one remembered their sacrifices and sacrifices for Chaos.    


All living things are always forgotten!    


Time will smooth things over!    


Under the endless low latitude, there were too many mysteries and unknowns. There were no suns, moons, stars, or even the universe. There was also no time or destiny. There were only unknowns, unknowns, and other strange factors.    


Or a point, or a plane, or an infinite illusion.    


At the intersection of low latitudes and reality, there were two strange ancient bronze coffins that had been sealed for countless years floating in the air. Countless strange fogs filled the air, filled with the unknown and the unknown.    


On top of the strange lines, there was an ancient bronze coffin with a turtle shell floating on top of it. On the other side, there was a ancient bronze coffin with a jade scroll floating on top of it.    


The lower latitudes had an indiscernible corrosion to reality. Everything here might not exist, or might exist. Reality and illusion, energy and matter.    


The ancient River Diagram and the Luo Book had existed for countless years. They possessed a special book that could calculate the heavens and the earth, analyze fate, see through all forms, and peek into the cycle of reincarnation.    


No one knew that this book contained the true first River Diagram and the Book of Luoshen. Even if the primal chaos had a River Diagram and the Book of Luoshen, they were only the projections of the true River Diagram and the Book of Luoshen.    


This book and this map had long since suppressed the boundless low latitudes with Emperor Chen and Emperor Yue.    


None of the creatures here knew about it!    


This was because they knew that they no longer existed and that there were creatures that could transcend higher dimensions. However, they did not dare to descend below this low latitude.    


Sovereigns, Wolf Sisters, and High Dimensional Emissaries didn't dare to do the same.    


Except for the time when he was the supreme Emperor above the firmament!    


However, the matters of the world were always relative. No one descended below the low latitude, but that did not mean that no one was able to accomplish it.    


Under the endless low latitude, there was either a point or a plane. It was full of mystery, yet a three-dimensional ripple appeared.    


It was like ripples on a horizontal plane, and the plane was actually stretched out. There was only a long and wide plane, and originally there was no concept of height. However, at this moment, the plane turned from a flat plane to a three-dimensional plane.    


Length, width, and height. It was as though he had instantly entered the second dimension and advanced to the third dimension.    


A door appeared without a sound, and a terrifying tentacle extended from it. The moment it entered the lower latitude, even the darkness and strangeness around it began to dissipate.    


Under the extreme silence, whispers began to emerge, as if they were living beings.    


The tentacles spread out from all directions, supporting the flat surface of the gate. A shadow crawled out from the gate, and under the special suppression from the low latitude, it immediately turned from a solid into a flat surface.    


The faint shadow took the form of a chicken. The low latitude was not clear and strange. As the tentacles disappeared, whispers began to resound.    


In that instant, the lower latitudes were filled with different types of mist, forming tentacles, chains, and palms ?    


It tore towards the shadow like a chicken. However, in an instant, the shadow was torn apart. However, a ball of light burst out from the shadow like a matchman. The shadow was swallowed up by the hidden beings of lower latitudes.    


The matchmaker seemed to have been injected with chicken blood as he rushed forward at an extremely fast speed. In that short period of time, he saw a pair of coffins suspended at the point of intersection between reality and low latitude.    


However, he did not dare to stop, nor did he have the time to think. In an instant, he crossed the intersection point between the lower latitudes and reality.    


Countless bizarre and ominous hidden entities let out terrifying howls. Unfortunately, it was too late.    


From a flat surface, the matchmaker immediately turned into a normal phantom. A dot flashed in front of him, and a pitch-black giant hand with the word 'swastika' on it stretched out and directly grabbed the phantom.    




"The time is just right. Benefactor, thank you for all the hard work!"    


"Unfortunately, Flower Little Chicken, we Buddha are merciful. We hope that you can wait for the best!"    


The owner of the black Buddhist hand was a white-clothed monk with a handsome face. Seeing the shadow in front of him gradually condense, he chanted a Buddhist prayer and gave off an aura of extreme compassion, as if he were a great monk of supreme virtue.    


"Master, you are being too serious. If you didn't help me back then, I would have perished a long time ago."    


"As the Evil Emperor, I will definitely punish that wicked woman, Qi Yiran!"    


"If she doesn't die, this Heavenly Emperor will never be able to rest in peace!"    


"Master, please help me!"    


The illusory figure gradually became corporeal, and if one looked carefully, their facial features were actually eighty to ninety percent similar to Wang Zeyu's. And the one in front of him was not Wang Zeyu, but one of the four heavenly emperors of the past, the Heavenly Emperor of the North.    


Because the Seven Soils had taken away his most beloved, a war broke out between heaven and earth, and the Evil Emperor died from being surrounded by three great Nephium Nephium, causing a remnant soul to fall into six paths, but was saved by the Beast Master, Wu Chen.    




"Benefactor, I have prepared it in advance!"    


"With the help of Benefactor, great things can be accomplished."    


"God, Sister Wolf, Demonic Lord, High Dimensional Messenger of Disorder, and Miracle City, this little one has finally waited until this day."    


"However, before this, this little monk will transform and leave!"    


"Demon, I'm coming!"    


The young monk chanted a buddhist chant, sending the soul of the Evil Emperor into the depths of his being. Then, an incarnation appeared in his body, and he instantly disappeared! Bald ass! Master Wu Chen, come online!    


? ? The content is from [Mick Read]    


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