Strongest Villain System



Normal time and space, Great Land of Jiuzhou.    




With the Heavenly Jade Profound Master Profound, the two Martial Sovereign s each kept a set of Dharma Body s as guards. It had been three years since the arrival of the Qiankun Empire, and millions of cities stood tall, completely occupying the Yunzhou.    


Currently, the Zhuxia Clan of the Nine Prefectures were in a state of panic. Everyone knew that the Qiankun Empire had been established, that they would establish a nation as its emperor, and that it was only a matter of time before they would unite the Nine Prefectures.    


Naturally, he would not talk about the above.    


From that day onwards, the empire's Fourteenth Princess, Miao Xiaoxi, fell into a deep slumber. It had already been three years and it had never recovered from its slumber.    


There were also Demon Ox The Great Sage, Great Sage Demonic Dragon and Great Sage Peng outside. Each of them led at least a hundred Order Veteran s to patrol.    


Three years had passed, and on this day, in the capital of the Luo Family's Imperial City, where the current Qiankun Empire was located, a peerlessly talented figure descended from the skies.    


Inside and outside the capital, all the experts at and above the twelfth stage were suppressed by the Qi, and they could not move at all, be it Demon Ox The Great Sage, Great Sage Demonic Dragon, or Great Sage Peng.    


Furthermore, the strongest Holy Knight among the three thousand Order Veteran s, Ledis, could only watch helplessly as figures rushed in.    


"Who are you, state your name!"    


Deep within the recesses, Heavenly Jade Profound Realm's master, the Dharma Body, suddenly woke up. A terrifying aura erupted with a sound similar to the divine thunder of the ninth heaven, containing a majestic pressure.    




The divine light had disappeared, the world was quiet, and the figure of the person who had arrived completely manifested. It was shockingly the Great Emperor Jing Hong, the master of one of the three Divine Sword s of the Four Great s, and naturally a soulmate of the Great Monarch Tian Huang. From the first to the second life, there were countless entanglements, but none of them had gotten together.    


"Great Emperor Jing Hong, it's really you ?"    


"I didn't expect to see you again in this era."    


"However, I do not know who you represent in coming here today."    


A silver-haired profound figure walked out. Even though he was the Heavenly Master of Jade Profound Realm, who came from the 33 Heavens and above, and was also the ruler of a single sky, he did not dare to underestimate this Human Clan emperor whose fame had suppressed countless of times.    


Law Emperor!    


He was indeed worthy of being known as the Great Emperor of countless generations. Even in an era where the laws were incomplete, he was still able to walk the path of a Great Emperor.    


As expected of the sole Sword Master of Fleeting Time.    


"I am who I am, and I don't represent anyone. I no longer have any relation to the other Xia Dynasty."    


"Heavenly Master Yuxuan, you've been in the Nine Prefectures for three years. Could it be that you haven't felt it at all?"    


Great Emperor Jing Hong restrained his aura and looked towards Heavenly Master Jade Profound Realm in front of him. Aside from recovering his cultivation, he had been wandering around the Nine Prefectures for the past few years.    


"Great Emperor Jing Hong, this is not the place to talk. Please come in." Shock appeared in her black silver eyes, and she immediately invited him in. The Great Emperor Jing Hong did not reject, and inside, the Great Slaughter Devil Sovereign You had also appeared.    


"Martial Sovereign, Deicide Knife, Slaughter Fiend Lord, it's just right that you guys are here."    




The Great Emperor Jing Hong waved his sleeves and an image appeared in the air. It was a primitive mountain range that was located to the east of the Cyan Plains. Countless pitch-black, bizarre mists enveloped the mountain range and the forest.    


As the image changed, hundreds of areas were illuminated for a time. All of them were places where no one came from the Great Land of Jiuzhou, but disappeared after being eroded by the black mist.    


When a hundred scenes were connected, the light of the area sealed the Great Land of Jiuzhou ?    


"Hiss!" This was ? What kind of power is that? "    


"Devour. He's devouring the entire Nine Prefectures, from the level of energy to the level of matter."    


"If this continues, the Nine Prefectures will be destroyed!"    


The Martial Sovereign Dharma Body could see through his intentions at a glance, but even so, his heart was still filled with shock. This was a terrifying energy that he had never heard of before, devouring everything from the energy and materials to the basic level, which meant that the Nine Prefectures was about to be destroyed.    


Could it be the legendary great calamity?    


Since the beginning of the Nine Prefectures, why didn't there be any warning?    


"What should have come, finally came. The ancient prophecy of death has been revealed."    


Even the Deicide Knife's old man could only sigh. Against such a strange power, they were ultimately unable to resist.    


How powerful was the world in the Nine Provinces? It was not much weaker than the nine heavens and the eighteen layers of land above. Even such a powerful world could be eroded.    


One could imagine...    


This was truly a great calamity.    


"No, not devouring. This is an invasion of reality from the lower latitudes."    


"Damn it, someone has communicated with a hidden existence at a lower latitude, trying to pull the Land of the Nine Prefectures into a lower latitude."    


"Only the existence of the lower latitudes can influence the reality, thus allowing the invasion of the land to take place ?"    


"This group of Zhuxia Clan which are rotten to the core, should really be annihilated."    


One must know that the hidden existences at low latitudes represented the invasion into reality. They had extremely strong corrosive properties and would even assimilate even if a powerhouse of the 14th step was pulled in.    


The existences of the lower latitudes had long ago used these methods to invade reality and gather countless worshippers. The most famous of them all was the God of Shadows and Slaughter.    


Although he was called a god, he was a lord that came from a secret place in the lower latitudes.    


Assassin's Association was established by their followers.    


"Heavenly Master Yuxuan is indeed knowledgeable. However, if it really is an invasion of the lower regions, then things would be much easier."    


"Keep reading..."    


Great Emperor Jing Hong's heart was filled with melancholy. She was a great Emperor of Human Clan, able to match the heavens and earth, and could match the Human Clan. She had only let Tian Huang down.    


In the battle of Da Gan Prefecture, the Brother Gu Huang had completely disregarded his past hatred, allowing him to come to an epiphany.    


It had been four years since they parted that she had been wandering the Nine Prefectures.    


Except for the discovery of the low hidden latitudes.    


The image of the void did not stop. As everyone carefully observed, they discovered that deep within the pitch-black fog, there was actually an enormous octopus-like tentacle that stretched out for tens of millions of miles ?    


Everyone's hearts were filled with horror. The hairs on the back of their necks were all standing on end, and they were all filled with extreme fear ?    


There were creatures in the fog. What was that?    


A void monster?    


Was it a terrifying creature that he had never seen or heard of, a middle or high level horde leader with a low latitude?    


What was it?    


"Martial Sovereign, Heavenly Jade Profound Lord, Slaughter Fiend Lord, this was recorded by me six months ago."    


"Let's not talk about what its original form is."    


"Just this one tentacle alone is enough to crush a powerhouse of the fourteenth or even fifteenth step."    


"Divine abilities, magical techniques, martial skills ?." "None of them are effective..."    


"I also went to the Mage Association, but did not find any records related to it."    


"Not only in the Nine Provinces, no matter which world, one will not be able to escape death."    


"No one knows what this thing is."    


Great Emperor Jing Hong sighed. He had once been unafraid of death, fighting against countless experts, but those were existences that he knew of.    


"In the name of the Lord of the Earth, summon the Universe Ruins and activate the highest combat preparation sequence!"    


"Third Senior Master, Fourth Senior Master, Aunt You, Great Emperor Jing Hong, Grandpa God Slaughtering ? I'm sorry. "This matter must be done from scratch..."    


"Master, brother, your disciple has come."    


Miao Xiaoxi's voice came out from the depths of the Imperial City. In the next moment, the entire Nine Prefectures trembled, and an ancient ruin from an unknown era drilled out from the ground.    


Each of the other eight continents also displayed a terrifying remnant. Clearly, they were all of the same era, filled with ancientness and ancientness.    


"The relic is activated, the highest combat preparation sequence is activated!"    


"Opening seal of the Nine Prefectures ?"    


"Prepare for the spacetime travel ?."    


"Correcting the space-time anchor ?"    


"Teleportation of personnel, Martial Sovereign, Mystical, Slaughter Demon Lord, Golden Lion Clan, Jiuli, Aaron, Ao De ? Teleportation coordinates, Cang Gu Sky and Great Flame Land ? The teleportation is complete ? "    


"In the process of being wiped out by unrelated personnel ?"    


"The extermination has been completed. The Echelon has been activated. The second in command, Your Excellency. Please name this particular Echelon mission ?."    


"In the process of the Nine Prefectures' migration ?"    


The vast Great Land of Jiuzhou was engulfed by the nine remnants' radiance and completely formed a circular arc, causing the air to be torn apart as it faintly entered the depths of the river of time. And all the subjects of the Nine Regions, other than Qiankun Empire, the ones who were related to Gu Huang, the ones who were from the three thousand Order Veteran s, the ones who were from the Martial Sovereign s, the ones who were from the Jiuli, were all teleported to the Cang Gu Sky ?    


The remaining people from the Zhuxia Clan of the Nine Prefectures, without exception, had all been wiped clean by the power of the nine remnants.    


"Name of mission, Nine Regions, battle to the death!"    


"Master, Big Brother... Elder Brother Di ? "I remember it all..."    


"Monk, I'll go to Source and kill you."    


In the vast Nine Prefectures, all of the citizens of the Qiankun Empire had been roused by the seal, and only Miao Xiaoxi was left standing alone in the center of the ruins.    


"Lord of the Earth ? You've finally recovered. I found myself. "Too late ?"    


"This little monk will wait for you!"    


The Great Land of Jiuzhou and seal disappeared from the Spatiotemporal River. In the depths of the endless void, a cold and emotionless voice echoed ?    


? ? The content is from [Mick Read]    


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