Strongest Villain System



On the southern continent of the planet, deep in the dense and primitive forest, the main city of God Race was located.    


In the depths of the ancient and majestic underground palace, there was a list of gold made dormitories. There were a total of 25 of them, and each of them was covered in a layer of golden energy.    


There were twenty-five consuls of the God Race resting here, which was also the Board of Patriarchs with the highest God Race. Although the twenty-five consuls were resting, they could still be awakened urgently, and that was only at the point of life and death in the God Race.    


A golden teleportation light pillar descended into the center of the twenty-five hibernation pods. The one who came was none other than the current consul in God Race, Yun Xi.    


Yun Xi's eyes were ice-cold, full of killing intent. In the middle of the control center, the energy supply for the twenty-five hibernating cabins was removed.    


"Yun Xi, what happened?"    


"Yun Xi, what kind of change is this, you have to summon us at the same time."    


"Yun Xi, quickly tell us what it is, don't disturb our sleep."    


The twenty-five hibernation pods opened at the same time and within the misty golden fog, twenty-five aged God Race Senators were awakened. Among them, the oldest was already a bag of bones and was a living Mummified Cadaver.    


Individual God Race s were very strong in terms of technology, and their genes were incomparably strong in terms of optimization, but they were still unable to escape the natural laws of life and death.    


The limit of the Tenth Order Senator's life was only ten thousand years.    


He could only rely on the hibernation pod to slow down the flow of his life.    


This was because a Tenth Order Senator was already the pinnacle of individual evolution.    


"Seniors, I have no intention of disturbing your slumber. Today, I have come to request a favor from all of you."    


Yun Xi's words were polite, her face was filled with an elegant yet enchanting smile, and she even displayed the highest etiquette of God Race towards the twenty-five consuls.    


"Speak!" Speak! "    


"Yun Xi, if you have something to say, say it. We'll help with it!"    


"Speak, don't dawdle."    


Although the 25th Senator was very impatient, he was very satisfied with Yun Xi's attitude. They were all consuls, but Yun Xi had the etiquette of a junior, which naturally made them feel a lot more joyful.    


"Seniors, I want to invite you to die!"    


Yun Xi revealed a smile, as if she was the ruler of a country of death, as if she was also the embodiment of death itself, giving people an incomparably terrifying will.    


Since he wouldn't be able to survive anyway, he might as well make use of the trash!    


The energy of twenty-five consuls should be able to continue evolving.    


Demon King of Confusion, Gu Huang!    


I'm going to kill you with my own hands to get my nose broken.    


"What?" What did you say? "    


"Yun Xi, I think you've gone mad, you dare to let us die!"    


"Yun Xi, do you believe that I won't remove your position as the leader?"    


The twenty-five consuls were shocked, angry and furious, all of them almost jumped up. All of them were the rulers of God Race, and they were the only ones who let others die.    


"Jie, jie, jie!"    


"Living is torture, why not make use of it?"    


"The first Lord of Sky Disaster, the King of the Dead Soul River, I sincerely invite all of you Senators to die!"    


"Death Devour!"    


A shadow squirmed on Yun Xi's scepter, and instantly congealed into an old figure that emitted death and decay, and passed down a tattered robe. A dry smile appeared on his lips, and his rotted yellow teeth were revealed.    


A dark shadow shrouded the ground, forming an invisible dark river. It was dark and cold, emitting a foul smell and a watery shadow. It made people feel horror and fear from the depths of their souls.    


"No, no, Yun Xi, you can't do this."    


"Yun Xi, you've gone mad, you've really gone mad, how dare you collude with Sky Disaster."    


"Traitor, you are a traitor …"    


The 25th Senator had a powerful superpower, but unfortunately, he was facing the most ancient Lord of Natural Disasters in the world, the Lord of the Dead Kingdoms that came from the depths of Soul River.    


Other than the technology of this planet, which could suppress all extraordinary powers, death was everywhere. The endless years of war between the three races had provided the Lord of Sky Disaster with an endless supply of nourishment.    


At first, it had only been a projection, but now it had become the weather.    


In the end, the twenty-five consuls turned into skeletons one by one in terror. Finally, they sank into the depths of the endless shadows, condensing into twenty-five lumps of light in the sky.    


"Yun Xi, this is the sincerity of our cooperation."    


"Twenty-five consuls are already dead. As long as you fuse with their energy, you can evolve once more."    


"The source of the God Race is the Star Spirit Clan. This bloodline belongs to the Star God Race, and has long since become extinct."    


"Open the God Race's genetic code above the Tenth Order, and you will become even more powerful."    


"This old man has no interest in you. As long as it's the Hero race, we don't have any conflicts of interest."    


"Even if you lose this round, in the future, I will represent the Death Nation's lineage and stand by your side."    


Finished speaking, the figure of the Lord of Sky Disaster faded away. In the empty and dark underground, only Yun Xi and the twenty-five clumps of light existed …    


Yun Xi no longer hesitated, instead, both of his hands gathered together twenty-five balls of light, and in an instant, they all merged into his own body.    


After witnessing that Gu Huang had already become a super evolved person, his stats had become a hundred times stronger than hers. Even if he had a special ability to teleport his soul to his, he might not be Gu Huang's match.    


Twenty-five God Race Senators would be the fastest way for her to open the Star Spirit Clan's gene coding …    


"Leader, the bug clan is attacking us now, we've already broken through 45 bases, some of them are heading towards our main city..."    


"Big... Lord... You. What are you doing? "    


"Twenty-five Elders …"    


A beam of energy teleporting light appeared in the underground palace, and the dark warrior of the sanctuary Xiaolan's figure appeared, kneeling down on one knee on the spot. However, the moment he raised his head, he saw Yun Xi merge his 25 balls of light into his body.    


"Xiaolan, what do you think?" Yun Xi opened her eyes. The light in her eyes seemed to solidify, as if they were filled with the will to strike at one's soul.    




"Leader, why? Why did you kill the Elders! "    


"There was a rumor in the clan a long time ago that you had always colluded with the divine calamity and the apocalypse. From start to finish, I never believed it."    


"So you really colluded with Sky Disaster, why?"    


With both hands on the sword, Xiaolan asked loudly with a complicated expression. The leader she had been following had actually colluded with Sky Disaster to personally kill the elder of God Race …    


"Since you know about it, don't blame me for it!"    


"Xiaolan, you know too much!"    


"So I can only ask you to die!"    


Yun Xi's golden eyes were merciless yet cold. An incomparably terrifying spiritual energy exploded forth, instantly enveloping Xiaolan's body and exploding into a bloody mist on the spot …    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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