Heaven Slautering War God



He slightly focused, "With your strength, you will be courting death when you enter the battlefield."    


Xiong Ke's expression suddenly turned sorrowful, but Li Chen understood that it wasn't because he was afraid of death, but because there were still many things that he had not done well yet.    


He still wanted to rush to the battlefield and destroy the entire King of Punishment. He was worried that he would no longer be able to protect the citizens of the Beiming Nation.    


"Young Master Li, please keep this a secret for me." Xiong Ke said solemnly.    


Li Chen nodded his head, he still understood all of this, but if news of Xiong Ke's heavy injuries were to spread out, the army would be in a mess, and the Beiming Nation would quickly turn into a pile of scattered sand.    


"Maybe I can try and see if I can cure you." Li Chen muttered to himself for a while.    


"Are you serious?"    


Xiong Ke looked at Li Chen in shock. He had suffered such heavy injuries, so he had naturally sought out people who he trusted to take a look. They all said that there was nothing he could do.    


"Do you still remember when Nangong Jue struck a ray of Evil Qi into my body?" Li Chen mentioned what happened three years ago.    


Xiong Ke thought about it carefully. At that time, Li Chen also had some Evil Qi inside his body, but looking at Li Chen's current state, he did not seem to be affected at all. Did she really have a way?    


Xiong Ke was shocked, her eyes were almost red: "As long as you can cure me, I can beg Your Majesty to give you anything you want, even if you want to become a king with a different surname from the Beiming Nation!"    


However, Li Chen smiled and said: "I'm not trying to save you for those trash, I just don't feel that you deserve death."    


Li Chen looked at Xiong Ke's expectant expression, and then said: "There is one more thing, and that is, I cannot guarantee that you and I will be able to cure you."    


He just wanted to give it a try.    


But no one who was on the verge of death would be willing to believe that there was another possibility when they heard others saying that they could cure. This was how Xiong Ke felt, thinking that Li Chen would definitely have a way to cure him.    


"As long as I'm cured, I will definitely fulfill all of your demands!" Xiong Ke's face was excited.    


Li Chen laughed, he really did not lack anything, if one were to say what was lacking, it would be only strength, but these things could only be given to him personally, it was not something others could give him.    


Seeing that Li Chen did not seem to care, Xiong Ke clenched his teeth and said: "Although it will take me many years to drive King of Punishment away, but on that day, when Beiming Nation no longer needs me, Xiong Ke will follow Young Noble! You can even give your life to Young Master! "    


Li Chen was completely shocked. A Martial King's follower really moved his heart, because Li Chen had the Dragon Essence Source Spirit. In a few years, Xiong Ke had complete hopes of breaking through to become an extraordinary Martial Saint.    


This was what made Li Chen's heart move.    


"Calm down first, I might not be able to cure you!" Li Chen calmed Xiong Ke down first, but in his heart, he was determined to cure Xiong Ke. Even if it was for a martial king, it was worth it.    


In Li Chen's opinion, that year when he used the Life Transmutation Incantation to carefully expel the Evil Qi, it was actually a little troublesome.    


This was because Xiong Ke's spiritual strength had long ago mixed with that evil energy, making him feel troubled.    


The only way, was to use the power of transformation to purify all of the spiritual strength in Xiong Ke's body.    


That night, Li Chen began to treat Xiong Ke's injuries.    


Li Chen channeled his life force and carefully entered Xiong Ke's body.    


Xiong Ke closed his eyes and allowed Li Chen's power to sweep through his entire body.    


At this time, there was absolutely no mistake. Li Chen frowned slightly, because he could feel that Xiong Ke's power was rejecting him.    


This made him feel that every step forward was a huge obstacle.    


As time passed, Xiong Ke felt as if a flame was burning inside his body, and his internal organs became incomparably hot.    


Li Chen channeled his life force, and after entering Xiong Ke's body, he carefully turned into an earthfire, wanting to purify the spiritual strength in his body.    


It was easy to say, but extremely difficult. This required a very strong level of control to do.    


If Li Chen was not careful, the power of the Earth Fire would be too strong, and what was burnt would not be the spiritual strength, but Xiong Ke's meridians.    


So at first, Li Chen didn't propose to treat Xiong Ke, but in the end, he was willing to give it a shot for Xiong Ke.    


Li Chen had even thought about it clearly, but even if he knew the consequences, he was still obligated to resist.    


Even if he could become a cripple, Xiong Ke had to grasp onto this sliver of hope.    


The purification took a long time. Xiong Ke felt pain in his meridians, but he still did not make a sound.    


By the time Li Chen had finished circulating one cycle, Xiong Ke's forehead was already covered in cold sweat.    


"Let's stop here for now, I'll help you clean up again tomorrow night, until you recover."    


Li Chen said.    


Xiong Ke nodded his head, a complicated look in his eyes. He knew that doing this would take a lot of effort, and he was also severely injured, so he would not be able to recover from it for a while.    


After ending Xiong Ke's treatment, Li Chen was also sweating profusely, but his mental energy did not feel exhausted at all.    


Xiong Ke tried to inspect his body, and only felt that the Evil Qi in his body had greatly decreased. He was extremely happy, and was extremely grateful to Li Chen.    


On the second day, Li Chen helped Xiong Ke cleanse the spiritual strength once again.    


The top of Xiong Ke's head seemed to be vaporized, but the mist was actually a patch of red, and the moment it touched the air, it instantly disappeared into thin air.    


Li Chen's life force was like a small snake swimming inside Xiong Ke's body, and wherever it went, the red demonic energy would be mostly evaporated.    


Three days later, the spirit energy in Xiong Ke's body had almost disappeared.    


Xiong Ke's smile became wider and wider, the confidence returning to his body once again.    


On the fourth day, Li Chen cleansed all of the Evil Qi in Xiong Ke's body, and casually refined Xiong Ke's spiritual strength to be a little more pure.    


Xiong Ke was so excited that he almost wanted to shout a few times.    


"King of Punishment that little bastard! Your father's strength has returned! This time, we must completely annihilate him! "    


Li Chen looked at Xiong Ke who was happy: "I think it's better if you don't show it."    


Xiong Ke originally wanted to ask why, but he quickly understood Li Chen's intention. He patted Li Chen's shoulder and said: "You brat, you can! Play the pig to eat the tiger! I like this move! Let them think that I, Xiong Ke, am still severely injured, and summon the King of Punishment to attack me! "    


Li Chen laughed, Xiong Ke was indeed not stupid.    


Initially, Li Chen wanted to send Yang Wei and the others there to leave, but Xiong Ke's words to follow him made his heart move. He immediately felt that he could not let Xiong Ke suffer any loss, he had to make Xiong Ke healthy and healthy before defeating the King of Punishment.    


After all, that was his trump card in the future!    


A few Li Chen would not mind having too many people even if there was a Transcendent Martial Saint.    


Three days later, Xiong Ke spread the word that he was severely injured, and looked around for alchemists.    


When such news came out, both sides were extremely shocked, but Xiong Ke did not wait for King of Punishment's attack, which actually scared Wan Tongtian.    


Lian Ye sent a few doctors over, and accompanied those doctors over was a person that Li Chen recognized.    


Wan Tongtian's most beloved princess, Jia Yi.    


Thinking about it carefully, Li Chen understood why he had sent Princess Jia Yi out.    


In order to stabilize his morale, Wan Tongtian did not hesitate to send his most beloved Palace Mistress to the front lines.    


But Li Chen was also very surprised, didn't they want to marry Palace Mistress Jia Yi back then?    


Why he did not succeed.    


smiled as he explained. It was extremely chaotic back then, and the King of Punishment had rebelled not long after the competition ended. Naturally, Wan Tongtian was not in the mood to find a prince consort for Jia Yi.    


This matter was delayed for three years.    


Seeing the Princess Jiayi again, Li Chen was a little surprised. The Princess Jiayi seemed to have become a lot more stable, and there was even a special kind of Emperor's might on his body.    


It was obvious that the Princess Jiayi was extremely worried about Xiong Ke's injuries, and anxiously asked to find out what happened to Xiong Ke.    


Only after knowing that it was just a plan did Princess Jiayi heave a sigh of relief.    


In order to not let others know his identity, Li Chen had always disguised himself as one of Xiong Ke's bodyguards, and even his small talk about him had always been about girls disguised as men's clothes.    


That was why the Princess Jiayi did not recognize him.    


After Princess Jiayi left, Xiong Ke said: "If only Princess was a man."    


It was a pity that she was a woman. If she was a man, Xiong Ke felt that under Jia Yi's control, the Beiming Nation would definitely develop even better.    


Of course, Xiong Ke had only said those words in front of Li Chen. If it had spread to the emperor's ears, even if Jia Yi was a woman, it would easily attract a fatal disaster.    


After speaking a few more words with Li Chen, Li Chen returned to his room.    


"That Princess Jiayi is so beautiful." Little Charmer said to Li Chen.    


She suddenly felt that every single woman Li Chen met was extremely outstanding. There was only her, alone, without any status or money, and no money or status.    


Li Chen laughed faintly: "It's a pity, no matter how beautiful you are, living a life without freedom is useless."    


What Li Chen said was the truth. He gently hugged Little Zheng and said: "You are jealous of her wealth and her identity. Maybe she is jealous of you too!"    


Little Charmer was surprised. "Stop teasing me. What does she envy me for?"    


Li Chen smiled faintly. He remembered that when he saw Princess Jiayi many years ago, he was envious of the yearning from the outside world and the things that the Princess Jiayi had.    


Li Chen lightly pinched the face of the herald: "She envied you for growing up in the palace, for being able to freely roam the cities without being bothered by others, for being able to do things without being cared for by others, for being able to love people, for being able to go wherever you want to go, is that not enough?"    


Hearing this, the grapevine was immediately overjoyed.    


Li Chen's words seemed to make sense, she was able to be with someone she liked, and as a princess, even marriage was arranged by the emperor himself. As for her, she had passed down many times since she was young, even though she had more paths than Jia Yi, Jia Yi was always accompanied by people, and could eat as he pleased, but he was not free to do so either.    


As long as they thought of where they were going and what they were doing, there would always be people watching them and they would feel uncomfortable all over, so it was best to be themselves.    


Thinking about it this way, Little Charmer's envy of Jia Yi lessened a lot.    


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