Heaven Slautering War God



Li Chen smiled faintly, not putting Wan Shenchong's words in his eyes.    


A flash of evil aura appeared in Wan Shenchong's eyes and a burst of powerful energy rushed in front of Li Chen.    


Li Chen's brows did not even furrow, a golden light shone from his entire body, and his fist seemed to have a ball of flames burning within.    




Wan Shenchong's spiritual strength directly struck Li Chen's body and made a loud noise.    


But Li Chen didn't seem to feel anything, his fist directly hitting Wan Shenchong's body.    


Wan Shenchong flew out with a "puu" sound.    


He never thought that Li Chen's body would actually be so strong, and that nothing would happen to him after this one strike from him.    


To deal with Wan Shenchong, Li Chen didn't even need to use his full strength.    


"I've underestimated you!"    


Wan Shenchong laughed coldly, and started to shout loudly.    


Following Wan Shenchong's roar, a blood-colored fog-like object appeared behind him.    


Li Chen stood not too far away, and seemed to be able to hear rustling sounds coming out from the blood colored fog. It sounded like the chirping of many bats.    


In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of bats the size of fists appeared in the sky. All of them opened their sharp and long mouths, wanting to bite Li Chen.    


A ray of light appeared between Li Chen's brows, enveloping him within, and then he activated the power of Manifestation.    


Tens of thousands of icicles appeared in the sky, glowing with a cold silver light.    


"It's just an insignificant skill!"    


Li Chen sneered, and the speed under his feet increased to the limit.    


"Then try the feeling of my blood bat sucking up all your blood!"    


A flash of evil appeared on Wan Shenchong's face, and his entire person looked extremely terrifying.    




Following Wan Shenchong's roar, tens of thousands of bats flew out.    


The blood bats were screaming, their voices seemed to be able to disturb others.    


However, Li Chen didn't react at all. His powerful mental force had already isolated him outside, and wasn't affected in the slightest.    


Seeing that the Blood Bats were about to arrive, Li Chen made his move. He suddenly moved forward like a streak of fiery light. Wherever he went, all the blood bats fell to the ground without exception.    


The blood bat that fell to the ground trembled slightly. It seemed as if its body had been burnt and quickly disappeared.    


At the same time, the blade edge that Li Chen had created started to dance towards the blood bats.    


Each ice shard would definitely stab a blood bat to death.    


In but a few moments, more than half of the blood bats had died.    


Wan Shenchong's expression was in panic, it was only when Li Chen was right in front of him that he felt a wave of fear.    


"What are you doing!?" My royal father will not let you go! "    


Wan Shenchong said, but his face was growing more and more panic-stricken!    


The spiritual strength s on Li Chen's body overflowed into the sky, and scattered a few bats that pounced towards him. They did not put Wan Shenchong in their eyes at all: "If that old fogey Nangong Jue came out, he might be able to fight against me, but if it's you, then forget about it!"    


Li Chen's hands, on his left and right, as well as the two heavens of ice and fire, slowly gathered together.    


The power was overflowing, and everything around them began to distort. Li Chen's eyes flashed, and immediately suppressed the two powers.    


Wan Shenchong's expression changed as she turned around to flee, but her speed was far from being able to compare to Li Chen's ice and fire. In an instant, she was completely engulfed and released an extremely miserable scream.    


Xiong Ke was surprised, who would have thought that in just a few years of effort, Li Chen's strength would be so strong.    


When that power appeared, even Xiong Ke felt a chill down his spine, and he couldn't resist the urge to bow down in worship.    


"Young master!"    


At this moment, a few people walked over from the edge of the forest. It was Yang Wei and the others.    


"Did you finish off the rest?" asked. Just now, he only looked at Wan Shenchong, and did not care about those small fries. Although he was not afraid of the King of Punishment, it was not good for him to reveal himself too early.    


"Leave no one alive!" Yang Wei had a trace of confidence on his face. If he couldn't kill Wan Shenchong, killing a few soldiers would be easy for him.    


Li Chen laughed: "That's good."    


When Yang Wei saw Xiong Ke, his eyes filled with excitement. "Greetings, General Xiong!"    


Xiong Ke looked at the man in front of him, and unexpectedly felt that he had seen him before, but he could not remember where he had seen him before.    


"You are ?"    


Yang Wei hurriedly said, "I'm from the Yang Gate escort company! General Xiong, you don't remember me, but you should at least remember the Yang Gate Escort Office! "    


After talking about the Yang Gate Escort Office, Xiong Ke seemed to have understood it in an instant. Back then, the Yang Gate Escort Office was also quite famous in the Imperial City.    


After hearing Yang Wei talk about what happened back then, Xiong Ke sighed and said, "I never thought that King of Punishment would actually do so many heinous things behind our backs!"    


Speaking about the King of Punishment, Li Chen asked curiously: "How did Wan Shenchong's strength break through so quickly?"    


Xiong Ke sighed: "It's still not that Nangong Jue!"    


Seeing that it angered the masses, Nangong Jue decided to pass down the Evil. There were countless people in the King of Punishment who were cultivating this evil technique.    


There was no other reason, the Cultivation Methods was simply too easily moved.    


Wan Shenchong was a living example. Even though he was clearly not a very strong person, he did not put too much effort into cultivation and just used the Evil Door Cultivation Methods and became an expert.    


Li Chen frowned slightly, "No wonder the King of Punishment started to build a Hide Venerable Family. Is it because he wants to form an evil demon army?"    


"What Hide Venerable Family?"    


Xiong Ke asked, now that Wan Tongtian and King of Punishment were enemies, the two of them could not be forgiven, he had to watch every move of the King of Punishment, and would definitely not let it go.    


Li Chen told Xiong Ke what he saw between the Southern and Northern Regions.    


Xiong Ke frowned: "This matter, many thanks to you all for informing me. I will go and inform His Majesty."    


After saying that, Xiong Ke suddenly shouted loudly, "Not good!"    


Li Chen and Yang Wei looked at each other, "What's wrong?"    


"Since that old fox from the King of Punishment already expected that I would come alone to attack the city, if I leave, I'm afraid that the King of Punishment would have planned for me to do something later!"    


Xiong Ke was most worried about the Dengzhou City.    


The Dengzhou City and the Eastern Sun City were not far from each other. Since Yang Wei had led people to block him, who knew if he would have any backup!    


"Go!" I have to get back! "    


As Xiong Ke spoke, he was about to rush in the direction of the Eastern Sun City, but his vital energy and blood suddenly churned, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.    


Li Chen frowned slightly: "You're severely injured, if this goes on, it'll be of no use even if we hurry over."    


The veins on Xiong Ke's face popped out, he could not help but scold King of Punishment for being despicable, shameless and treacherous!    


"How about this! You two stay with General Xiong, I will return to Eastern Sun City to take a look, if there is anything I can do, I will take care of it. "    


Li Chen said, looking at everyone.    


"Then you must be careful."    


This was a foolproof plan. Although the grapevine didn't want Li Chen to take the risk, he still agreed.    


"I'll have to trouble you to take care of General Xiong along the way." Li Chen said to Little Charmer.    


The messenger nodded his head, the only person who accompanied him was a girl, so she had to take care of Xiong Ke.    


After making the necessary arrangements, Li Chen flew up into the air and headed towards the Dengzhou City.    


At this time, it was just as Xiong Ke had guessed, the Dengzhou City was engulfed in flames of war.    


"Everyone, guard the city gate! General Xiong Ke will be back soon! "    


A high-ranking officer guarding the city encouraged them.    


When they spoke of Xiong Ke in the Beiming Nation, everyone felt as if they had eaten a pill of reassurance. This was because Xiong Ke was an almost invincible legend, the eternal god of war of the Beiming Nation.    


The man on the other side sneered, "Don't think that there will be anyone here to save you. I'm afraid even the general can't protect himself!"    


"Pah! You traitor!"    


The general guarding the door of the Dengzhou City shouted, "We, General Xiong Ke, will defend our home and defend our country. You, a warrior, will be a good dog for that old man of the King of Punishment! Do you even have any face! "    


These words were not very nice to hear, so the eyes of the man who was facing the Dengzhou City scolded with bloodshot eyes, "Who cares about Xiong Ke! Isn't it also Wan Tongtian's lackey?! "    


These words really made people angry, the people from the Dengzhou City scolded the other party until blood dripped from the top of his head.    


Xiong Ke was an existence that couldn't be insulted, like a myth.    


The man laughed coldly, "You reckless fool, I think that you, General Xiong Ke, have already been killed by our Crown Prince! You're counting on him to save you! It was ridiculous! We should just wait for our deaths! "    


As he spoke, he waved his hand and the attacks became even sharper.    


Guard! General Xiong will be back soon! "    


The people of King of Punishment were also not kind people, but even though they relied on drinking blood essence, they did not have that much blood essence for all of them to use.    


The best warriors' blood essence had all been used by the King of Punishment, Wan Shenchong and the others, so ordinary things like them could only be used on normal things.    


A bloodthirsty look flashed past the man's eyes. In his eyes, the group of people from Dengzhou City were about to become the most delicious pastries in his mouth. Death was only a matter of time.    


"Just you wait!" Soon, all of you will be mine! " There was a strange cry from his mouth.    




More attacks flew towards the city gates of Dengzhou City, even the guards found it difficult to resist.    


Many began to be attacked and die.    


Of course, it was not that no one was injured on the King of Punishment's side, it was just that compared to the people on the Dengzhou City, they were injured less.    


Some of them were seized by the King of Punishment and died on the spot after drinking their blood.    


Watching the large number of soldiers die, the people of Dengzhou City started to worry.    




Waves of angry roars filled the battlefield.    


Seeing how much they had suffered, the people of Dengzhou City were filled with grief, but at this moment, no one could save them.    


They even began to believe the words of the opposing martial artist. Something had happened to General Xiong, otherwise, why hadn't he come to save them at this point in time?    


On the other hand, they were absolutely unwilling to believe the news of General Xiong's death, because in everyone's eyes, General Xiong was an immortal legend, how could he possibly die!    


To put it bluntly, the reason why Wan Tongtian was able to hold on until now was because he had Xiong Ke.    


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