Heaven Slautering War God



Now, he could only think of a way to slowly reform and recover, if not, Li Chen felt that his cultivation would completely disappear.    


Realizing that there was still someone else's Spiritual Sense in the world, Li Chen was in no rush to go out. Fortunately, he had already sent Gulu's Dress back to the space inside the Pet Pouch at the start.    


At this moment, Li Chen was slowly pulling the energy of the Kunlun Monolith by his side, absorbing it in a cycle, using it to slowly condense the scattered energy within his body. Just like that, after waiting for Li Chen to recover, he opened his eyes in joy, not expecting his strength to break through to the sixth level of War God.    


This was definitely the power of the Kunlun's power. He spent so much time using the power of the Kunlun but still did not experience this situation, to be able to breakthrough this time around, it was likely that he had reached a certain level of comprehension. Li Chen could even sense that he had a slightly different level of comprehension, towards Kunlun Monolith s.    


Li Chen did not want to alarm the group of people who were chasing after him, so after his body recovered, he immediately tried to activate the spatial space to see if he could change his position and land.    


But who would have thought that after Li Chen tried it, some part of it ended up being exposed, and Li Chen directly sent himself to a reef mountain.    


Li Chen immediately exited the space, and the soil under his feet became extremely charred and brittle. Looking at the land in front of him, a large piece of the mountain range, and even the vegetation at the side was charred black.    


Only after releasing the Spiritual Sense to explore did they realize that they were on an island.    


Right now, he should find someone to ask him where he was, as he was in a hurry to go to the northwest to rescue him! Although he had ordered the elite soldiers to return to the Red Blood City, he reckoned that the blood qilin would still direct them to the northwest direction.    


Li Chen ran around for the time it took half an incense stick to burn before he spotted a person, no, more accurately, a group of people, standing in a forest.    


Those people seemed to have met with some trouble.    


Li Chen slowly walked over, and before he could say anything, the group of people immediately looked at Li Chen in alarm, and even pointed their weapons at him.    


"Who are you? What are you doing?"    


Seeing that these people were all cultivators at the third or fourth level of War God and had a lot of injuries on them, along with two people who were carrying heavily injured people, it was likely that these people were only here to train and had encountered many difficulties.    


"I'm Li Chen, but I'm just passing by. I want to ask you what kind of realm is this, and how far is it from the northwest border." Li Chen did not hesitate and directly asked all the questions he wanted to ask, with a face of warmth, he looked at the dozen people in front of him.    


The young lad who had spoken in the beginning looked at Li Chen a few times and finally let out a sigh of relief. It could be that it was because Li Chen was also in a slightly sorry state.    


"This is the Heavenly Thunder Island, if you are going to the northwest border, you should be heading south of it. There is some distance between here and the northwest border, and outside of the Heavenly Thunder Island, there is also a Town. There is a carriage there, and as long as it is a middle ranked spirit stone, you can reach the northwest.    


After the young lad finished speaking, he kept his guard up on Li Chen while protecting the people behind him as he retreated, slowly distancing himself from Li Chen, it seemed like they did not trust Li Chen at all.    


Li Chen did not mind, but before he left, he took out a bottle of Pills and threw it to the young man.    


"Take it. I thank you for your reward. If your three little friends don't take the antidote, I'm afraid they'll really die."    


With that, Li Chen did not turn back as he rushed towards the south.    


The young man who had just started talking came forward and picked up the bottle. After looking at his companion a few times, he opened the bottle.    




A girl by the side immediately tried to stop him, but it was too late. The young man had already opened the bottle and stuffed it into his mouth, releasing the aroma of Pills s.    


The girl who was originally obstructing him now moved closer. She received the porcelain bottle, and after smelling it a few times, she said, "This is a Hundred Poison Pill, it can cure a hundred poisons! It's true. "    


After saying that, the girl was very happy. She immediately took out three poison pills and fed them to her unconscious partner.    


After a few breaths of time, the unconscious person woke up. At this time, the surrounding people couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Even the girl with the lowest cultivation level started crying.    


The girl who recognized the Pills comforted him: "Don't cry, let's go back immediately and inform the person who bullied us that he will take revenge for us!"    


The little girl nodded, but her tears continued to flow.    


"That man from before should be a soldier. His clothes look just like that, and he has to go to that chaotic border in the northwest!"    


The young lad remembered the man he met a moment ago, he had a look of adoration on his face and gave Li Chen the impression that he was willing to help others.    


Hearing that, only the crying girl and the Pills girl understood what was going on. They all thought at the same time that if they met again in the future, they would have to thank that person properly.    


At this time, Li Chen did not expect his unintentional move to be remembered by others.    


At this time, he was about to leave the Heavenly Thunder Island, but suddenly heard wave after wave of heavenly thunder s' sounds. This caused Li Chen to stop in his tracks and look towards the heavenly thunder.    


The thunder was similar to the aura of the heavenly thunder slashing at him, but it was weaker. Li Chen was considering whether he should go in and take a look, suddenly, a Nine Heavens Mysterious Seal appeared in his mind, there was a reaction.    


With that in mind, Li Chen immediately ran towards the location of the heavenly thunder.    


When they reached the boundaries of the heavenly thunder, Li Chen finally stopped and found the territory with the most flourishing heavenly thunder and began to circulate the Nine Heavens Profound Seal, slowly pulling the heavenly thunder into his body.    


The heavenly thunder here was countless times weaker than before, but the heavenly thunder fire here was actually quite pure. Now that Li Chen had ignited the heavenly thunder fire again, it was only a small part of it, but it was enough for Li Chen to slowly fuse it into the fire seal.    


With different thoughts, he refined the heavenly thunder Seal, absorbed the heavenly thunder's power, and then gave out the little bit of heavenly thunder fire. If a cultivator with ill intentions appeared at this time, with just a casual attack, Li Chen's Qi would go berserk.    


Li Chen's current situation was not safe! When Li Chen came in, he used the Spiritual Sense to check, and found that this Heavenly Thunder Island was extremely sparsely populated.    


He had to search for those few youths for a long time before he found them. Furthermore, he was currently in the center of the heavenly thunder and without sufficient strength, wouldn't dare to enter.    


After Li Chen's heavenly thunder slowly decreased, it appeared again. It went through several cycles like this, time slowly passed. The Lightning Strike had already formed in Li Chen's hands.    


When the lightning seals were completely formed, Li Chen stopped the movement of the Cultivation Methods of the Nine Heavens Divine Seal, and immediately smashed the lightning seals on his hands.    




The thunderous roar immediately created a huge crater in the charred ground, with lightning attached. If one were to smash into someone, the weaker one would not die from the might of the Lightning Strike, but from the lightning bolt at the very end.    


The moment the Lightning Strike was completed, the surrounding heavenly thunder s all disappeared. Li Chen raised his head to look, only to realize this situation. If not for meeting with a group of heavenly thunder in this area, it was unknown when Li Chen would have the chance to cultivate his Lightning Strike.    


Just as Li Chen was lamenting about the fact that he had successfully cultivated the Lightning Strike, the cultivators at the edge of the Heavenly Thunder Island looked at the realms at the center of the Heavenly Thunder Island with amazement.    


Why did it feel like there were no more heavenly thunder, and the surrounding heavenly thunder also became fewer and fewer. In half an incense stick of time, a heavenly thunder came.    


Thinking about that, the surrounding people immediately rushed towards the center of Heavenly Thunder Island!    


Li Chen who was in the area where the heavenly thunder were gathered did not know about the situation of the battle that was about to occur, but he had cultivated Lightning Strike, so he was heading to the northwest border, and had delayed for a long time.    


Thinking about that, Li Chen turned and rushed towards the south, but just as he was about to step forward, the ground suddenly exploded.    


was immediately stunned, was this the Leizen?!    


Legend has it that after the heavenly thunder is down, a few Leizen will appear, and the Leizen has a lightning-attributed inheritance Cultivation Methods, which can also be used as a weapon.    


This sudden appearance scared Li Chen.    


That Leizen exploded just now, but Li Chen did not sustain any injuries. After hesitating for a moment, Li Chen decided that it was best to find some of the Leizen s to pretend to be away. This natural one-time use weapon was extremely rare.    


And after Li Chen had collected quite a few Leizen s, he immediately discovered that quite a few cultivators were rushing towards this place. Li Chen could only look for a place to hide at the edge of the reef.    


"Oh my god!" These were all one-time use Leizen weapons! Does that mean the thunder field is about to open! "    


"It's possible. Wait a minute, I heard that the Heavenly Thunder Island itself is a huge Leizen. There are a lot of legacies hidden inside the thunder field, and if it's true, then we're going to distribute it!"    


The first to arrive was the two middle-aged cultivators, and their words were heard by Li Chen.    


"thunder field?!" This was the first time Li Chen had heard of this name.    


In a short moment, a few more groups of people arrived, forming a circle with Li Chen a kilometer behind them. Due to concealing his presence, he wasn't discovered at this time, but he heard quite a few useful things.    


As time passed, more and more cultivators came to the Heavenly Thunder Island. Just as they were discussing about where the entrance to the thunder field was, a loud thunder came out of the sky all of a sudden.    


The Heavenly Thunder Island was also shaking, and then there was a cracking sound, before anyone could react, a huge suction force directly sucked all the cultivators in the Heavenly Thunder Island into a huge whirlpool!    


At this time, an irresistible force was stopping Li Chen from entering space. One could only imagine how strong this force was.    


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