Heaven Slautering War God



Actually, when Li Chen first heard the rules of the third round of competition, he also felt some hatred in his heart!    


Power! It really could crush someone to death!    


He was just a little unwilling and angry, so he might as well be alone.    


Thinking about that, Li Chen immediately laid down in the space with Gollum in his arms. He closed his eyes, and without thinking anything, he slowly activated Cultivation Methods.    


Li Chen was recovering his strength and adjusting his cultivation.    


On the other hand, on the side of the cheating royal family, Fen Cheng, who was immersed in the medicinal bath, was enduring the pain on his body, his face extremely pale. Li Chen would definitely take revenge on this grudge, and at this time, a few more pharmacists came in and helped him change the medicinal water.    


An old man outside the room disapproved. Fen Cheng was currently using external items to raise his own realm, and not to mention the millions of pain within, just a slight mistake would destroy his foundation. When he reached the Martial King Realm rank in the future, there would probably be side effects.    


When Li Chen released the Wind fire seal, he immediately activated a treasure to protect himself, but he was still almost engulfed by the seal. The immense power made Fen Cheng hate Li Chen even more now that he thought about it! The most important thing was that the treasure Fen Cheng used to protect his life was a protective barrier given by an expert of the Martial Saint Realm. It should have been able to be used twice;    


But who would have thought that this time, it would be destroyed by Li Chen's Wind fire seal. The power of Li Chen's last strike was unbelievably strong.    


Because of this, Fen Cheng's desire to trample on Li Chen grew even stronger. From a young age, all of the injuries he suffered and all of them came from Li Chen.    


That was why Fen Cheng was so unwilling, and even used his imperial family's power to change the genius competition into the third part. To the Brahma's imperial family, this was only a small matter.    


One could imagine how powerful the imperial clan was.    


Firstly, they were dissatisfied with the royal family's tyrannical dictatorship, but they did not have the strength to fight back. When the other powerhouses saw that the chosen seeded contestants were also returning to the third part of the competition, they did not say anything and gave in.    


Secondly, they only felt a little pity for Li Chen. He had directly offended the royalty! If he still won the third part, tsk tsk, no matter how talented Li Chen was, he would still be bumpy on the road to cultivation in the martial world. After all, his enemies were from the royalty.    


Furthermore, Li Chen was only a countryside boy with no background. His talent was a little higher and his strength was a little stronger, but he did not have the protection of his family's sect.    


No matter what, when the second day arrived, and he was still in the same stage realm, other than Li Chen standing alone on the stage, there were still the top four rankers, but there were no longer any green barley, and there were no Jian Wushuang among them. One was dead, while the other one went to train after losing the tournament.    


But all of them were not important, and out of the four, the most important person was only Fen Cheng, the others were merely there as a foil, this was something that everyone knew, even the cultivators that returned to participate in the competition were all aware of, but because of some reasons, they still returned to the stage, and started the farce of a competition.    


That's right, this year's tournament was already judged to be a farce in the dark. It was probably also to mock those royal fellows for randomly using their power.    


But Fen Cheng did not care about all these, in any case, it was just a small matter, their royal family had already done countless of foolish things, his uncles were even more tyrannical than him, and he did not think that doing so would mean he was just relying on his own power, he had promised others many benefits and given them the resources, they only needed to do things according to their needs.    


Thus, on the scene, only Fen Cheng had an excited look. After all, he could imagine that this time, he would definitely be able to trample over Li Chen, and the first place of the genius competition would definitely be him.    


This time, the old man who came up to explain the rules was no longer the same old man who explained the rules. The old man who came up to explain the rules was no longer the old man who came up to explain the rules.    


The person who came was a young man after all, but his cultivation was also at the third level of the Martial King Realm. No matter how young he looked on the surface, he was definitely not young.    


That person did not dawdle and directly said: "The third round is very simple, I have already explained the rules of the Genius Tournament yesterday. Today, I will add a point, for the next ten years, we will compete using the points gained from the three battles. This is the first time I've tried it this year, so I'll explain in detail. "    


In the time it took for half an incense stick to burn, it was the voice of the young man who explained.    


This time, everyone knew about the third round of the competition.    


If you are the champion in every match, then the first place of the genius competition will be yours. However, if you only have two matches to win the first place in the genius competition, then the last match will fall and someone else will be able to win the competition on that day.    


Who said that the third match had the most points?!    


These so-called points, the first two matches were based on the ranking, and the third match was decided by the other 22 powerhouses.    


Of course, if your strength was strong enough, then you would be able to suppress the entire audience in the third round and even if you won, the first place of the genius competition would be yours, so the vote of the twenty-two experts was just for show.    


What did it mean to win the third round? It meant to fight one-on-one with those who remained, until the other party admitted defeat. Otherwise, it wouldn't count as anything at all.    


Now that Li Chen was ranked first in the previous two matches, he could only accept others' challenges. As long as he could win three, he would win.    


As I said before, the three cultivators at the back of the list are only there as a foil, so Fen Cheng didn't even give them a glance before stepping out to challenge Li Chen.    


He really wanted to ruthlessly humiliate Li Chen!    


The young male invigilator was also straightforward, he allowed Fen Cheng to go up on stage, while the other three went to the side to arrange things.    


On the stage, there was only the expressionless Li Chen and the sneering Fen Cheng at the side.    


The number of people watching the battle doubled today. When they saw the two people on the stage, the people who had watched the competition yesterday were all shocked that Fen Cheng looked as if he had completely recovered today, and his strength seemed to have increased by quite a bit as well!    


Tsk tsk, the royal family has so many miraculous elixirs! Yesterday, a person who had already been beaten into a bloody mess and had even fainted, stood up once again in just one day. His cultivation base seemed to have broken through!    


However, with this situation, it was obvious that Fen Cheng had come to take revenge!    


"Ha ha, I was careless yesterday. Today, no matter what, you will be the one who loses!"    


In the face of Fen Cheng's threatening words, Li Chen laughed coldly with disdain: "Really? That will depend on whether you have the ability or not. I could beat you yesterday, but today, you're still just a loser ~"    


Fen Cheng stared fiercely at Li Chen and laughed: "Hehe, the one who lost today could only be you ~" After that, Fen Cheng took out the red tasseled spear, no, the red tasseled spear now is not the same as before.    


At this moment, the weapon in Fen Cheng's hand seemed to be a dark red color and looked incredibly strange. However, the aura the weapon was emitting was something that even the spectators in the distance could feel.    


Very strong.    


Li Chen didn't know what was wrong with Fen Cheng, but he could feel that Fen Cheng had changed into a different person today, and he had become much stronger than yesterday.    


But now, there was no time for him to think about it further. Fen Cheng waved his red tasseled spear and directly went forward to attack with a black power, fiercely striking Li Chen.    


The corrosive power was extremely strong, Li Chen had activated the Method of travelling when he was almost touching the red tassel spear, and even the Bloodthirsty Sword was affected, the Sword Spirit had been using all its strength to prevent the corrosive power from being corroded.    


After all, although the Bloodthirsty Sword had been repaired quite a bit by Li Chen, it was still a half incomplete product. In the face of the suddenly strong corrosive power, they still had to be careful, otherwise, if they were not careful, they might lack a few small holes. Although the red tasseled spear could not completely destroy the Bloodthirsty Sword, it could only create some small holes, which was very fatal!    


Clang clang, the red tassels spear clashed against Li Chen's Bloodthirsty Sword again. This time, the impact emitted sparks.    


Then, Fen Cheng suddenly pulled the red tassels spear fiercely towards the Bloodthirsty Sword and pulled it out of Li Chen's hand. They fought intensely in the air above the stage, but the red tassels spear did not give the Bloodthirsty Sword any chance to return to Li Chen's hand.    


"Don't forget, the method I'm going to use to challenge you this time is the [Seal Refining Technique]!"    


After Fen Cheng finished speaking, he suddenly held his hands in a strange posture, and began to practice. He then activated the seal with the black gas s, which immediately condensed into a half man.    


"Hehehe, this is a magic seal that I have practiced through the night, it is the bane of your spiritual strength!"    


After Fen Cheng finished speaking, he immediately threw the magic seal in his hand towards Li Chen, and the surrounding black gas s instantly surrounded the stage, as though they were trying to swallow the world, mysterious and dangerous, enticing people.    


When the people in the outer court saw this situation, they all exclaimed in shock. Basically, they were questioning the people who understood the power of this Devil Seal.    


Li Chen was extremely shocked, how could this Fen Cheng be able to activate a Demon Seal, one must know, this was the Demons's Cultivation Methods, the required energy was not spiritual strength's Qi or anything like that, it required a Demon Seal!    


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