Heaven Slautering War God



However, even if he died, he couldn't let these people sully his body.    


Thinking about that, Fen Xiangxiang's eyes were extremely determined, even if his cultivation was sealed, his Imperial Family still had a secret technique that could injure and injure one thousand enemies while harming eight hundred enemies.    


However, this time Fen Xiangxiang hated the group of people in front of him, especially the witch. Even if she used this technique, she would not be able to harm the witch, so Fen Xiangxiang directly ignited his soul force, ready to explode.    


Just as Fen Xiangxiang was about to use his secret technique, a loud explosion came out.    




The situation immediately became chaotic.    


"Who is it?"    


The red clothed female could not laugh anymore, and immediately went to where Fen Xiangxiang was, only to discover that he was no longer there.    


"Chase them! They won't be able to hide far!" This cave entrance was not big, and it only had one direction: either out or inside.    


The woman in red was furious. There was actually someone who dared to save someone from her presence. Hahaha, you have quite the skill, but don't let her find you, otherwise, you will definitely make them feel worse than death.    


But now, Fen Xiangxiang was lazily stretching while carrying him, as he quickly sprinted in the direction of the Burning Fire Cave. From time to time, he would place a few lightning profound seals at an inconspicuous place, which could only be regarded as small obstacles, and was more than enough to delay the people who were chasing after him.    


The further they ran, the wider it became. After that, Li Chen stopped in his tracks, placed Fen Xiangxiang down and fed him another Pills, and he even helped Fen Xiangxiang remove the seal.    


Now that he could use his cultivation, Fen Xiangxiang did not waste any more words. He sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breathing, and waited for Li Chen to finish feeding the Pills, then took out two Pills s from his spatial ring. Just by looking at the quality of the Pills, he knew that it was definitely higher than Li Chen's.    


Li Chen did not mind, after seeing that Fen Xiangxiang was alright, he investigated the place.    


The temperature here was extremely high. Moreover, the closer they got to the red platform, the higher the temperature became. The surroundings were all caves of varying sizes.    


It seemed that this place had an unspeakable feeling of a foreign land.    


However, there were close to a thousand caves, surrounded by rocks. No one knew where the fire came from, but here it was orange, reflecting the color of a person's skin. They were all warm and warm.    


That's why, the further in they are, the more spacious the place is. Li Chen casually found a cave that was not too far away from them and placed Fen Xiangxiang inside, then began to go towards the gigantic round platform in the middle. With his strong body, he was not afraid of the scorching heat.    


However, the temperature was really getting higher and higher, until he could vaguely see the scene of the hot air rising. Li Chen had no choice but to add a protective cover on the spiritual strength, but it was still useless, and only reduced the burning sensation a little.    


And the strangest thing was that no matter how Li Chen walked, he could not enter. This time, Li Chen knew that there was an array formation inside.    


After Li Chen studied the array for a while, he realized that this array would either be broken directly by him or he would have to find a way to unlock it slowly. The former's method of breaking through the array would only be temporary, if an expert were to rush into the round altar, the array would be broken for the time being, but after a period of time, it would automatically open again.    


The latter could not completely destroy the formation.    


This time, Li Chen added another layer of mysteriousness to the Wanfu Cave, regardless of whether it was array formations or illusions, this place felt as if it had gained a consciousness of its own, and could not be destroyed, and could even create its own, yet Wanfu Cave's power was still so plentiful, it was able to support these array illusions.    


"Find them one by one for me!"    


When Li Chen saw that a few people had entered from the previous entrance, he immediately hid to the side. The leading lady in red, whose face was extremely gloomy, commanded the people beside her to search through the caves one by one.    


There was one benefit to being in this type of situation, and that was no matter how strong the Spiritual Sense was, it could not be summoned. As long as the Spiritual Sense was released, it would be immediately swallowed by the Burning Qi.    


And because of the dense fire element here, you could tell by looking at the round table in the middle. The fire element had already evolved into lava.    


Li Chen was not someone who just sat there and waited for death. After placing Fen Xiangxiang a little further away, Li Chen then walked towards those people who were looking for him.    


Currently, Li Chen's spiritual strength had also recovered immediately after drinking a few mouthfuls of Kunlun's water.    


These people who were scattered out in their search, just happened to be suitable for Li Chen to kill one by one.    


Li Chen finished one of them in three moves, and then started to walk around the other caves, using this method to solve the problem. Before anyone could call for help, Li Chen had already used his sword to cut off their throats, but there were a few who were not bad, Li Chen still needed a few more moves, and with the movement being too big, he attracted others over.    


However, the cave was very complicated and there was no way to release the Spiritual Sense. Even his aura was probably covered by the fire element, so the red-clothed girl saw that she had lost so many people, so she called a group of people to search for him.    


Seeing that, Li Chen followed his plan, suddenly appearing, and then throwing out a few attacks to escape. In that moment, the entire cave filled space exploded with sounds.    


When the red-clothed female saw this situation, she was incomparably furious. Once, when Li Chen appeared, she immediately flew over there and ruthlessly swung her hand a few times. However, she was still slipped away by Li Chen.    


Fighting here was only good for roundabout tactics. Even the slightest bit of movement could not be heard because of the suppression from the array.    


Thus, the woman in red could only silently feel angry. Seeing that her subordinates were becoming fewer, there was nothing she could do!    


Following that, two or three more people came to the entrance and whispered something to the woman in red. The woman in red's face became even gloomier and more afraid. She swept a fierce glance around the cave before unwillingly calling her men to leave.    


Seeing that, Li Chen secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to Fen Xiangxiang's side.    


Seeing Li Chen coming over, Fen Xiangxiang's face became uneasy, but after a moment he recovered and said: "Thank you for saving me once again!"    


Li Chen said: "No need for thanks, we were originally partners to begin with, that's right, where's Ling Tian?"    


Fen Xiangxiang replied: "He's too injured. I helped him activate the teleportation talisman and sent him away."    


Li Chen laughed, and looked at Fen Xiangxiang: Then why did you stay? And it even appeared here! "    


When Li Chen thought about it, he could understand the reason why. Presumably, Fen Xiangxiang had already wanted to come to the Wanfu Cave a long time ago and coincidentally Xie Lingtian had suggested this so he came along with him.    


And Fen Xiangxiang, he definitely knew this place better than Xie Lingtian, this was Li Chen's intuition! Otherwise, she wouldn't have stayed behind alone. Un, she even ignored him as she came to the middle tunnel.    


He had to suspect that Fen Xiangxiang knew how to enter the Wanfu Cave from the start. It was only because of them that he pretended not to know.    


Fen Xiangxiang started to explain. After saying a few words, Li Chen found out about the Wanfu Cave.    


Fen Xiangxiang did indeed know how to enter Wanfu Cave. She had a ring on her hand that stored the power of her true essence, which could be used by her three times.    


Furthermore, Fen Xiangxiang had been thinking of using these three waves of true essence power to attack and enter the Wanfu Cave, so he would be able to save his life if there was any danger.    


However, because of Li Chen's existence, and because she did not use him when entering the Wanfu Cave, she had used it twice when she met the red-clothed female's group, killing two of her most capable subordinates. Both of them possessed a Martial King Realm of at the third or fourth level, which was why the red-clothed female wanted Fen Xiangxiang to live a life worse than death, and ordered her subordinates to sully this imperial princess.    


Originally, Fen Xiangxiang wanted to use the explosion to protect himself so that he could attack the woman in red with his last attack. But now, Li Chen had come and even saved him.    


Therefore, Fen Xiangxiang did not hold back at all and even told them about him being able to unravel the mechanism.    


Li Chen didn't really care. Since he had the chance to look around the Burning Fire Cave, he might as well look for some good things.    


Li Chen ran to the entrance, looking out for the woman in red or someone else.    


Fen Xiangxiang's body had more or less recovered. According to the location that he remembered, a cave would be connected to another cave as he searched for the location of the mechanism.    


After the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Fen Xiangxiang turned on all the mechanisms in the cave and came to Li Chen's side.    


The thousand or so caves began to move on their own. After a series of rumbling sounds, the thousand or so caves in front of them formed a winding, winding tunnel.    


"Let's go!" Fen Xiangxiang called out to Li Chen and then leaped up with his light body, looking for the path.    


Li Chen followed closely behind. The originally huge land boundary looked as if there was no end to the tunnel, as it curved left and right, one after another.    


Li Chen then appeared in a lush green area, at a place filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers.    


Li Chen felt that this was a little against the rules, and she also didn't think that she would come to such a place. She knew about the situation after entering the Burning Fire Cave, but the scene in front of her was not one that should be found in the Burning Fire Cave.    


"This should be an illusion!" Li Chen reminded from the side. Then, he slowly touched the mountains and rivers, the streams and waterfalls, and the dense forest filled with the fragrance of the flowers.    


This place was simply too beautiful, and the spirit energy here was extremely dense as well. When Li Chen breathed in, he could feel the comfort within his body, but exactly because this place was too beautiful, he became extremely cautious. With every step he took, he had to inspect it carefully, and the Spiritual Sense also slowly seeped into the distance.    


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