Heaven Slautering War God



The moment Li Chen entered the illusion world, he started to slowly ponder about the hidden array. While Xie Lingtian was still researching the map, he kept looking for the array formation that the Kunlun Monolith had passed on to him when he returned to another place.    


Li Chen only saw one similarity after searching for a while, the time concealment array!    


Right now, Li Chen could only rely on the Sword Spirit and the theory of arrays, slowly feeling his way out of the array, but it was definitely not simple.    


The formation showed that if one found the correct breakthrough point from the start, they would have to be extremely careful with every step. If they took the wrong step, they would be met with the backlash from the formation.    


As the name implied, it was laid out to hide some important things. As long as a person stepped into it, they would sink into it and be able to see the thing that was hidden in the middle of the array. However, no matter how one walked, they would not be able to enter that object's land.    


If you could understand half or one-third of the path of this formation, then it wouldn't be difficult for you to exit this formation.    


It was just that right now, the Concealment Formation was surrounded by a powerful illusion, and was much stronger than the normal array. Li Chen reckoned that the object that was being hidden was the Wanfu Cave, and Xie Lingtian had explained it before, that there were some people who could see it from a distance, and there were even one or two people who had entered the Concealment Formation.    


It must have something to do with the power that was being released by the Wanfu Cave and the support of the illusion.    


From the outside, it seemed that the Wanfu Cave would not easily reveal himself.    


And at this time, there was another aspect of the array that made people crazy. That was, if someone could see through this array, then they would have to execute it according to the method of breaking it!    


At this time, the hidden array formation was an ancient array. It was said that once the array formation was activated, one would have a certain level of spiritual wisdom! That's right, it was the Spiritual Wisdom. The location of the Formation Aperture was the Spiritual Wisdom that was recognized by everyone.    


However, this intelligence was of a very low level and could only be used to determine if anyone had seen through the formation. If someone had, unfortunately, seen through the formation, then this intelligence would turn into a force of coercion that would lock down the person who had seen through the formation.    


It was not a good thing to see through the formation!    


Because you can see through the array, then you can only follow the time concealment array's method to break through the array. This is to ensure that you walk out and don't destroy the core of the array, so that the array can continue to exist.    


If you try to forcefully break through the location of the Formation Aperture, you will be courting death. The entire formation will drag you down with it!    


Thus, in the ancient times, only almighty experts were capable of executing an array like this, and the amount of power needed to set it up was enormous.    


It was not easy for Li Chen now, he had the power to suppress him, it was a time bomb like existence, if he was not careful, he would be killed by the power!    


Li Chen was now a little envious of those people who only knew a third or a half of the formation! If he did not have such a deep understanding of the array, even with the power of and him, they would have been able to destroy the array and enter the Wanfu Cave.    


Formations had a spirit, and the ancient legends were not false! Li Chen now truly understood what this array spirit looked like.    


As for Fen Xiangxiang and Xie Lingtian, who were following behind Li Chen, more than half the time had passed. From the time they were casual at the beginning to the time they were on guard, to the time they watched Li Chen disappear like he had walked into a sandbag, they could only suppress the shock in their hearts and follow behind.    


Along the way, they either strangely walked into a sandbag, or they met Quicksand who seemed to have been sucked into it, and they even seemed to have walked to the end of the desert, as if they could see the exit of the desert. However, when Li Chen turned left, the scenery changed, and the actual Quicksand exit was right there.    


The journey was not easy.    




Li Chen walked a few steps onto a sand dune before stopping. Following after Fen Xiangxiang and Xie Lingtian gradually caught up, the entire space shook a little. After Li Chen supported the two who could not stand steadily on their feet, they raised their heads to take a look.    


The yellow sand was nowhere to be seen, so a huge stone door appeared in front of him. No, it should be called a cave.    


Above the cave entrance, there were some vines crawling about, concealing the words' Wanfu Cave 'in half.    


"Is this the Wanfu Cave?"    


Fen Xiangxiang, who had also recovered from his shock, had a look of shock on his face as he looked around. The previously yellow and sandy ground had disappeared, and what replaced it were mountain rocks and vegetation. The scorching sun above his head appeared much gentler.    


"Big brother is amazing!" Xie Lingtian did not know what to say, and patted Li Chen's shoulder, his face full of praise.    


"I just happen to know about the illusion array!"    


Li Chen replied indifferently, at this moment he was relieved, the power was gone, and the feeling of being threatened was not easy to bear. All this time, if he did not have to worry about going in the wrong direction, Li Chen's resistance would burst out.    


No matter what, it was because he wasn't strong enough! If he was strong enough, he wouldn't have been threatened by the low-level intelligence of the concealment array at that time.    


"What formation is that?" "I can see that your route is very strange, and it doesn't seem easy at all!" Fen Xiangxiang asked casually, with an extremely open and honest look in her eyes, revealing that she wanted to know the array's expression, it was quite magnanimous.    


"Temporal Concealment Formation! An ancient array formation should have one of the spirits, right?" Li Chen knew that he shouldn't go into details, talk too much and expose too much.    


"I just happened to see it by chance. After entering, I slowly realized that this array formation must be a time concealment array. That's why I wanted to try it out. I didn't expect it to be true!"    


Li Chen's words could be considered to be half true, he was not very familiar with formations. If not for Kunlun, he would have carefully investigated the Qi and position of the maze, and he was not sure. However, he still tried taking a few steps, but was immediately suppressed by the spiritual energy, before he could confirm anything.    


"Spirit in the formation?"    


Fen Xiangxiang on the other hand, knew how to grasp important points. After exclaiming in shock, she looked at Li Chen, and no one knew whether to believe his later explanation, but she still did not say anything else.    


Xie Lingtian asked, "Is this array very powerful? There seems to be no record of this formation in our clan's library! "    


Whether it's powerful or not depends on how high the items are, and whether they have the power to sustain themselves. It looks like this array has been used for more than ten thousand years, and the power gathered by the maze is also slowly weakening. But even if it has been weakened a lot, it's still not something we can fight against right now!    


Li Chen deeply felt it, that when he was struck by the power of the formation, he was firmly locked, how could he not feel it, it was so close that he was suppressed all the way.    


"Moreover, this array is a little strange. If one only knows one third of the array's route, they can use spiritual strength to break through the array to come to Wanfu Cave. But if one knows all the attributes of this array, hmm." When Li Chen said till here, he helplessly shrugged and said: "He'll do what I did just now, walk with great difficulty, and must follow his original method of breaking through the array."    


then explained the other characteristics of the time concealment array again. This time, Xie Lingtian and Fen Xiangxiang slightly sympathized with Li Chen.    


As expected, knowing too much was not a good thing!    


"Alright, let's not talk too much. Let's go in and take a look!"    


Li Chen ignored the sympathy in the eyes of the two and urged them on.    


"What is in this Wanfu Cave?" Fen Xiangxiang immediately changed his focus and became excited, as if he couldn't wait.    


Xie Lingtian was more or less done, he had come twice, and on the third try, he thought that he would return disappointed.    


"No matter how excited we are, it's still better for us to be cautious!"    


However, Xie Lingtian suddenly reminded him, after all, it was not as though no one in the Wanfu Cave had entered before, as long as it was a Martial King Realm Ranker, it was not difficult for them to enter, it was just that there had never been any rumors of good things being taken out, and they only flowed out a little, since the Wanfu Cave was a Sacred Ground for cultivation.    


After that, Li Chen and the other two carefully walked into the Wanfu Cave.    


As soon as they entered the Wanfu Cave, the light dimmed, but it was not completely dark. There seemed to be some fluorescent grass growing on the walls, by relying on the faint light of the grass, they could see clearly what was around them.    


They went deeper and deeper, and there were still no forks in the road. After about two cups of tea, Li Chen and the others finally reached the first fork in the road.    


Looking at the three doors in front of him, Li Chen stopped, "Do we need to go through that door first?"    


It was not easy to separate them since it was their first time here. The strength of the three of them were all at the War God Realm, and if they met with something difficult, the three of them could still fight together. But if they split up, it was unknown whether they would live or die.    


"Do as you wish. I wonder if these three doors have any other meaning." At this time, Xie Lingtian also could not make a decision on why there were three doors, and what was behind each door. To them, all of these were unknown.    


Li Chen did not waste time with words, he immediately spun the Bloodthirsty Sword, in which direction was the sword hilt, and walked towards the corresponding door.    


"To the left!"    


Li Chen did not say anything. Seeing that Xie Lingtian and did not have any objections, he took the lead and walked over.    


At this moment, it was so dark that he could not see anyone clearly.    


"Zizi ~ ~ Boom!"    


After a small sound, Li Chen saw that Xie Lingtian and Fen Xiangxiang were following closely behind him. Then, each of them handed over a fire piston.    


"No need, I have this!"    


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