Heaven Slautering War God



In the end, Hua Cheng Ling was still two realms stronger than Li Chen, and had not been injured by Li Chen before. However, his face was no longer as calm as it was at the start.    


He had used most of the spiritual strength, but he could sense that Li Chen seemed to still have plenty of them.    


This time, the spectators also realized this point. How could a person with a cultivation at the second level of War God and a stock of spiritual strength compare to someone two levels higher than him? But Li Chen had done it now.    


Hua Cheng Ling seemed to have consumed too much energy, while Li Chen remained calm and composed, the sword in his hand still in its sheath.    


"We can't lose!"    


If he lost to Li Chen who was two levels lower than him, Hua Cheng Ling would know. After losing, these guys wouldn't be so kind as to not mention it, they would definitely help him spread it to the whole world.    


Sigh, now that Hua Cheng has made it so that I can't back down, the rules of the city are limited, and I can't use my killing move. You have to understand, every time someone starts a competition, many powerhouses would pay attention to them, they would just put on a fight, their eyes would turn red, and if they were careless, they would have to use their killing move.    


"This guy looks like he's going to win!" You are truly worthy of being the person I, Hong Yu, want to protect. When Hong Yu saw the situation from the spectating tower, he knew that Li Chen had won for sure. The smile on his face no longer had the worry from the beginning.    


"If this goes on, this old flower is going to capsize!"    


I think that Li Chen must have calculated it well, so he continued to grind Old Hua until he used up all of his spiritual strength.    


"What a good plan. No wonder that kid only knew how to dodge in the beginning. He's really a resourceful person!"    


"Isn't that so? How could the people in the outer city not have a lot of foresight? All of them like to beat around the bush. This fight is really boring."    


On stage, as Hua Chengfeng listened to the crowd, his heart was in a mess. He was unwilling to accept this outcome! At the beginning, everyone had said that he would win, but now, they were saying that he would lose.    


The more they fought, the less discipline they had. It was a mess, making it difficult for Li Chen to deal with them.    




Fang Ying viciously thrusted at Li Chen, and Li Chen dodged. The power of the square hook directly smashed onto the stage, but forcefully caused the stage to shake.    


By now, Li Chen knew that Hua Cheng Ling had been grinded pretty much by him, and that it was time to stop.    


Li Chen suddenly turned invisible and disappeared. Seeing that, Hua Cheng Ming released the Spiritual Sense and carefully checked the area.    


Although his strength was not enough, he could still hide for the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. Furthermore, Li Chen did not need to spend even a cup of tea to deal with Hua Cheng Ling.    


"We won!" Hong Yu laughed and said, then sat down and drank his wine.    


Following Hong Yu's victory, the hilt of Li Chen's sword was placed horizontally across Hua Chengjin's neck, and he even pulled out a bit of the sharp blade's body from the sheath.    


This time, Hua Cheng Ling was incomparably dejected, he had really lost, lost to Li Chen who was of a lower level than him, truly, displeasing!    


Li Chen did not care about how many flower tokens there were, and said: "You've lost!"    


After Hua Chengjin heard this, he glared at Li Chen unwillingly and roughly pushed away the sword hilt that was threatening him.    


"Yes, laozi lost, damn it!" "You win."    


After shouting that last sentence, Hua Cheng Ling did not linger and immediately ran off. It was time to comfort his lost mood.    


At first, they thought that Li Chen would definitely lose, but by the second half of the competition, they already knew that Li Chen would win. However, after he won, everyone felt a little uncomfortable.    


Someone mocked, "These people from the outer city really have some skills!"    


Someone at the side also chimed in, "That's right, is the difference in a small realm at the War God Realm not too great? It seems like he won quite easily! "    


"Relax my ass!" Just then, someone in the group immediately retorted, "Look at Li Chen, there are quite a lot of wounds on his body, and at the end, Li Chen's strength is much weaker, so with one look, it is obvious that he does not have any spiritual strength. If Captain Hua was struggling just now, he would be the one to win."    


How could he still struggle? If he lost, he would lose, and everyone should disperse, everyone can go back and cultivate diligently, and this time, a majority of them were defeated by a kid who's at the Second Stage of War God. "    


The moment they went up to the spectating tower, Hong Yu punched him and said: "Brat, you actually know how to play delaying battle. This time, that arrogant Old Hua will definitely be able to hold a grudge for a period of time."    


Li Chen laughed: "There is nothing to be afraid of, as long as we win, there is no need to care so much about the process!"    


Hong Yu waved his hand and returned to his seat. "Yes, yes, yes, you've already won. He then took a sip of wine and said, "Oh right, when did you change swords? Let me see, previously I saw you holding a blade that weighed about a thousand pounds, but I didn't see you holding this sword before!"    


Li Chen had nothing to hide, he handed the sword over to Hong Yu, "These are the spoils of war that you obtained from selling the flying horse. It seems not bad, but too bad you are half crippled."    


When Li Chen said this, he coincidentally pulled out the sword blade from Hong Yu's body. The Bloodthirsty Sword heard it, and weng!    


When Hong Yu saw the sword, he immediately said, "What a good sword! The voice just now was very smooth, it seems like you have some background."    


Looking up and down the blade, Hong Yu did not see anything. He was also unable to see what rank the sword had reached, but, after waving it a few times, it became light and healthy, with just a casual sweep, it released a bit of Sword Qi.    


Hong Yu's eyes turned red when he saw this, "They have not even used their own strength yet, the sword qi is truly tyrannical."    


Saying that, Hong Yu suddenly swept his sword towards Li Chen, with that speed, it was as though he wanted to kill Li Chen.    


Fortunately, Li Chen had been prepared from the start, and when the Sword Qi arrived, Li Chen had already dodged to the side.    


"Crack!" "Boom!"    


The structure behind him was not as lucky as Li Chen, as several pillars were directly sliced into pieces by the Sword Qi, and following the destruction of the pillars, the floor of the spectator tower started to shake.    


Li Chen did not give Hong Yu the chance to continue holding onto the Bloodthirsty Sword. He quickly stepped forward and with a twist of his hand, he removed the Bloodthirsty Sword that Hong Yu was tightly holding onto.    


"Swoosh!" With a sound, Li Chen placed the sword back into its sheath. Hong Yu seemed to have relaxed a little as he looked at the swords in Li Chen's and's hands and the broken pillars beside him, and said: "Brother, your sword is a little strange!"    


Hong Yu was after all, a cultivator of the fifth level of War God, and just based on his reaction alone, he knew that he was affected by the sword.    


They were all at the fifth level of War God, so Hong Yu would not fall for any of the bewitchment or normal soul attacks. Even if he was struck by any of them, he would only be able to sober up for a moment before entering into a meditative state.    


This could only mean that this sword was not simple!    


Hong Yu did not mind, but asked curiously: "Brother, what is the name of your sword? Is it a Soul Treasure? "    


Li Chen laughed and said: "Let's find a place first." Then, he turned around to see a person. He patted Hong Yu's shoulder and said: "You still need to handle this properly.    


After Hong Yu heard this, he also saw the shopkeeper. He was very straightforward, gave some spirit stone to the shopkeepers, then impatiently followed Li Chen back to Li Chen's residence.    


After a while, Hong Yu found out the level and name of the sword. Of course, Li Chen even told the two people he met earlier to find out which sect sect these people belonged to.    


Hong Yu also agreed, after all it was just to investigate the people, he had a certain position in the Red Blood City.    


Now, Hong Yu was still holding onto the Bloodthirsty Sword, sizing it up. After seeing the treasure, he could tell that he was moved.    


Sure enough, Hong Yu thought for a moment and said:    


"This sword is really a treasure!" "Bro, how about I trade some other good stuff with you?"    


Li Chen shook his head, "There's nothing I can do about this, I've already acknowledged this sword as my master. Furthermore, this sword is only a half broken piece. The only use of it is to bewitch people and have them go on a rampage. "    


Hong Yu did not agree, and said: "Even a half broken item is a Spirit Treasure! As long as the artifact spirit was still around, it was equivalent to gaining a right-hand man. "It's fine if you want to break the contract, but I'll give you the rest of the materials."    


The more he spoke, the more he felt it was okay. Hong Yu looked at Li Chen with an expression of anticipation.    


But Li Chen still rejected it, "No, I don't even know what this one side of the contract is, and this Sword Spirit said that if I want to rescind the contract, he would most likely be severely injured, and the only thing left to welcome him is dissipation."    


Of course, the Bloodthirsty Sword still had one more thing that Li Chen did not say. The Bloodthirsty Sword's last sentence was that if Li Chen was not directly devoured by it, he would be able to recognize its master.    


However, Li Chen had no plans to remember these words, and ignored them.    


However, the Bloodthirsty Sword still buzzed for a long time before it stopped. To protest against this, Li Chen was too lazy to bother with the Bloodthirsty Sword.    


"Ai, then there's really nothing we can do about it. Once the artifact spirit disappears, then this Bloodthirsty Sword would no longer be of much use to us. Bro, why do you have such a great fortune? You could casually kill a bandit's nest and pick up this treasure."    


Hong Yu did not force it, since he could not do it, he would just give up, since he had a Spirit Treasure, although he was envious, but it was still alright.    


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