Heaven Slautering War God



At this time, Bai Zijing did not know what expression to make. At the beginning, when he made up this nonsense, it really became a poke in the ass.    


"This Golden Powder City is probably using their own rumors to lure other cities to attack us! It doesn't look like a first offense! "    


Li Chen said, and then he started to attack different parts of the Golden Powder City, but none of them succeeded.    


If this continued, Luo Yishan and the others would be in trouble. This Golden Powder City was not as simple as Luo Yishan had said.    


Then wouldn't the group of Golden Powder City Captain in the city have more tricks up their sleeves?    


And Luo Yishan and the others, who were being thought of by Li Chen and Bai Zijing at this time, the situation was indeed not looking good.    


Ah!" Luo Min screamed miserably, his body was like a broken kite as he was sent flying far away by the enemy's palm.    


As for Luo Yishan, he was going to fight against the captain of the Golden Powder City, Mu Jin, and more than ten other small fries. Even though the strength of the Golden Powder City wasn't very high, they had a lot of people, and they had all kinds of strange moves. The most important thing was that Luo Yishan was locked into a formation within a hundred meters of himself.    


Luo Yishan could not go out, but the people of Golden Powder City could go in and out, and fight with Luo Yishan in shifts.    


Luo Yishan never expected that these Golden Powder City people would actually have Pills s that could restrain their auras. As long as they ate them, unless they were experts in Martial King Realm, they would not be able to detect their figures. Whether you released the Spiritual Sense to investigate or have some secret Method of travelling, it was useless eating this kind of Pills.    


Mu Jin had mocked Luo Yishan's words the moment she appeared, and that kind of Pills was Golden Powder City's secret.    


Aside from Luo Yishan who was locked in a small formation, Luo Min and the others were defeated one by one. Aside from the close to a hundred who died, there were still dozens of people who were taken captive.    


When all of them were caught in the formation circle that Luo Yishan was in, Mu Jin shook her red hair, and looked at Luo Yishan with a face full of ridicule. "Tsk tsk, your Luo Hong City is only so-so, you dare say our Golden Powder City's strength isn't good! "Look, look. You're not in our hands now."    


After seeing Luo Yishan's angry and humiliated expression, the smile on Mu Jin's face became even wider. "Hehe, how is it? Hahaha, let me tell you, before this, our Golden Powder City had already destroyed several cities. They were much stronger than you guys, so we managed to destroy them just the same. "    


As Mu Jin spoke, she indicated to her subordinates at the side. A moment later, a group of people dressed in shabby clothes, looking extremely haggard. They looked like hundreds of walking corpses as they were escorted over.    


Mu Jin pointed at one of the men and said, "Look, this is the captain of Wang Shuicheng, he's at the sixth level of War God. He's the strongest person we captured, but right now, he's still being treated like a little mouse. "So weak."    


As Mu Jin spoke, she stepped forwards and kicked out, kicking Wang Shuicheng's captain far away.    


However, that person still didn't have any reaction. This caused Mu Jin to become even more crazed. "Look, this is what happened to all of you."    


Mu Jin turned her head to look at Luo Yishan as she said this, "Luo Yishan, Luo Hong City leader, hehe, don't worry, I won't kill you today. You can just be my sparring partner. "Jie, jie, jie, jie!"    


"Bring the new captives down and let them see what the people we have the honor of taking special care of look for are like! He had to let them see it clearly! "Hahahaha!"    


After Mu Jin finished talking, she sat down next to Luo Yishan on the temporarily built spectating platform. She drank her tea and wasn't in a hurry to get Luo Yishan to hand over the flag.    


Oh, Mu Jin's goal wasn't to be the flag. Their goal was to make these people look down on them. Every single one of them was torturing themselves to the point of suffering a fate worse than death.    


No matter what kind of torture Luo Yishan and the rest suffered inside the city, to Li Chen and the rest outside the city, it was impossible to feel.    


Li Chen and the rest could only speed up their research on how to break the Great City Barrier Formation!    


But after the half an incense stick of time had passed, Li Chen and the rest had no other choice, so how could they just wait like this, until the captain of the Golden Powder City threw the corpses of Luo Yishan and the rest out?    


"I feel that our strength is lacking!" When Bai Zijing was once again flung back by the Great City Barrier Formation, he said with a look of bewilderment. He had continuously used spiritual strength s to attack for the time it takes to burn half an incense stick to burn!    


He felt that with his strength, he might not even be able to break through the great defensive formation even if he attacked day and night for more than a month.    


"Definitely, otherwise how could it be the Great City Barrier Formation!" Li Chen continued to stab from the side, choking Bai Zijing until he could only look up at the sky!    


He was heavily injured! That's right, just by attacking the Great City Barrier Formation for half an incense stick of time, Bai Zijing had sustained some minor injuries. How much power did he use to attack the huge barrier of protection?    


At the beginning, Li Chen would pick him, but later on he made himself self-sufficient and ignored him.    


When Li Chen returned from circling the ocean's edge, he had a plan. But now, the people from Golden Powder City were on top of the city walls! All of them had a mischievous smile on their faces as they jeered arrogantly.    


"Come on! Come hit us! You can't come in, hahahaha! "    


"Tsk, still talking about powerhouses. Look, look. Even the defensive arrays that we have randomly set up can't break through them. You weakling!"    


"Ha ha-ha, your companions will follow suit. You will end up like this in a moment, ha-ha ha!"    


Following the laughter and insults of the people from Golden Powder City, corpses were thrown out one after another. Seeing that, everyone's eyes turned red, not to mention if they truly had some sort of deep friendship with their former teammates, Li Chen knew, that most of them were now powerless to fight back.    


"Hahaha, coward! Weak chicken, you're still strong? Let me tell you, even if you're strong, you still have to squat down properly! "    


"That's right, that's right. A bunch of idiots and weak chickens, break the teleportation stone and go back to your parents. Hahaha!"    


"Pfft, you're not convinced, are you? Not convinced!" "Hehehehehe ?"    


Laughter came out, and it caused Bai Zijing to be extremely angry as he smashed his fist into the ground, creating a deep crater. One could well imagine how Bai Zijing and the others were feeling right now, and how angry they were.    


Li Chen was obviously angered, but his logic was still there. There were many who were humiliated and mocked in the past, but now, they could easily control their own emotions.    


Li Chen went up to inspect one corpse after another. This action caused the people on the city walls to be extremely confused, while Bai Zijing and the others were also at a loss, not knowing what Li Chen was doing.    


Li Chen did not bother to explain anymore. He went forward one by one to check, and found that quite a few corpses had died two days or more, which clearly confirmed Li Chen's guess, this was not the first time Golden Powder City used this method!    


After he plundered a few identification items from other corpses, Li Chen then fought with the other corpses.    


The people on the city walls saw Li Chen taking a few things, as for what it was, they could not see clearly, but they knew it was trash, because they had already plundered it long ago.    


"Yo yo yo, look! These people even want to plunder the corpses of their comrades!" "How disgusting."    


"That's right, you self-proclaimed strong people actually like to loot corpses. Tsk tsk, the human heart is not ancient!"    


"You have a bad heart with one glance. Seeing your amazing Innate Ability, do you want this little brother to go to our Golden Powder City?!"    


"Ha ha-ha, he's an expert with an expensive body!"    


"That's right, hahaha!"    


Tsk tsk, what kind of people would guess what kind of attitude others would have, because they really wanted everyone to be the same as them. After that, all of their actions would be the most righteous and meaningful thing that they had ever done.    


"What are you looking for? Tell us, we can help too! "    


Bai Zijing saw the items that Li Chen had found, it was only a few pieces of cloth or jade pendants. They were truly useless, but he knew that Li Chen would not take them for free. That was why he asked.    


Li Chen shook his head, indicating that he did not need to, and after he finished looting all the corpses, he took out a lot of small parts, taking small steps.    


He also knew that he was not very familiar with the many big cities in Brahma. He took out all the small jade pendants or belts, as well as the pieces of cloth with special designs on them, and showed them to Bai Zijing and the others.    


"Can you see any other city signs among them?"    


When Li Chen's words came out, Bai Zijing immediately found out about Li Chen's conjecture, and fiercely looked towards the corpses. He also discovered a few unfamiliar faces, and even their clothes were different from Luo Hong City's.    


"This Golden Powder City really dares to use it. From a glance, I can tell that there are quite a few people wearing different clothes. They must be from some other big city."    


After Bai Zijing finished speaking, the rest of the people were not stupid either, they immediately knew why Li Chen was searching for corpses, he had seen a stranger's face!    


However, even if he recognized the names of other cities, what use would that be? Could it be that he had to rely on those cities?    


"This is from King's Water City. Hmm, this should be from next month. Oh my god!" There were actually people from the Red Blood City! Was the Golden Powder City going to dominate the Little World Battlefield? "He's too bold!"    


Following Bai Zijing's surprised cry, even after he had slowly picked out the names of the other cities, he still stood by the side with a look of disbelief, as he estimated that he had digested the shock brought about by the Golden Powder City.    


"Which of these cities are the most powerful?"    


Li Chen didn't care how unbearable Bai Zijing's little heart was, he only wanted to find out the strongest town.    


"Of course it's the Red Blood City and the next city. I heard that the captains of these two teams are already at the eighth level of War God! "If nothing unexpected happens, there should be a breakthrough in the next two years."    


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