Heaven Slautering War God



A burst of comprehension entered Li Chen's mind. It was indeed similar to what Li Chen was thinking, but this stream of light was from the Wind Inheritance technique of the Quicksand Technique ?    


It was the same as before, when the first ring of light Sandman died. A teleportation aura appeared, and after a moment of dizziness, Li Chen once again found himself in the desert outside.    


After coming out this time, Li Chen was not in a rush to go to the third circle of light. Instead, he sat down cross legged, this was because when the two rays of light entered his body, Li Chen felt that he could feel the edge of the Quicksand Technique. Thus, after coming out, he was not in a rush to enter the third circle of light. He wanted to experience the enlightenment that the two streaks of light had brought him.    


Time passed minute after minute, and approximately the time it took for one cigarette to burn, Li Chen stood up once again. His eyes revealed a look of comprehension, and then, Li Chen made a seal with his hand, and started chanting. Then, Li Chen pointed at a patch of sand in front of him.    


Li Chen nodded his head in satisfaction, then walked towards the third ring of light.    


Furthermore, all of Li Chen's previous insights as well as his spell casting had been seen by the eyes of Shadow Repository in the sky. As expected of someone who received the inheritance of the Emperor's Nine Heavens Profound Seal, she was only able to execute a small quicksand whirlpool through two rings of light. Although she had only just touched the edge of the Quicksand Technique, her comprehension ability was absolutely rare ? Hahaha ? "Very good ?"    


This time, it was only a little bit of a dizziness, but he had already gotten used to it. After experiencing a few more of these spatial transportations, he would not even be able to feel a little dizzy if he were to feel a little dizzy this time, "If I were to experience a few more of these spatial transmissions, I won't be able to feel dizzy anymore ?" Li Chen thought.    


"Wa ?" The familiar voice sounded by Li Chen's ear. A Sandman was quickly forming not far from Li Chen, and was sensing the fluctuations being transmitted from the Sandman.    


Li Chen was a little shocked, "False Martial King, this jump is a little too big, but there's no problem, it's just a rigid sand monster ?"    


After he finished thinking, Li Chen didn't wait for the killing monster to condense for fun, and quickly made hand seals, and three Wind Seals appeared in front of Li Chen in the blink of an eye.    


"Bang ?" Three muffled sounds were heard, and it was Sandman, like the Sandman in the second circle of light, whose body formed a sand vortex, absorbing the three Wind Seals that Li Chen had shot over.    


"Sure enough, this again ? In that case... "Then let me let you try this Quicksand Technique that I have just comprehended ?" Li Chen shouted loudly.    


Then, he held up the Method of travelling of Quicksand Technique in his hands. Just as the Sandman was about to condense, Li Chen's Quicksand Technique was executed.    


A whirlpool of quicksand slowly appeared at the bottom of Sandman's feet, sucking in the Sandman and showing signs of sinking.    


Sandman felt the pulling force of the whirlpool, and jumped out of the whirlpool's range.    


"As expected, she's a Sandman who has just comprehended something. The vortex's power is still not strong enough and can't absorb the fake Martial King Realm. If that was the case, then he would have to fight in actual combat. saw that the spiral had no effect on the Sandman, so he was not discouraged.    


After circulating his cultivation to the bottom of his feet, his body flew up, and then he made a hand seal, preparing to use the wind seal s to deal with the Sandman.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the mustard seed bag couldn't be opened and he couldn't use the divine treasure, he wouldn't have to use such a troublesome method to deal with the Sandman. Li Chen thought.    


The Sandman s with fake Martial King were clearly much stronger than the two Sandman s before, and their bodies were also much more agile. With a jump, they actually dodged the wind seal that Li Chen just threw out.    


Li Chen saw that the wind seal that he just threw was dodged by the Sandman, and so he formed another seal again, but this time, he had indeed formed a lightning seal, and in the blink of an eye, three lightning seals formed. Li Chen was not in a hurry to throw out the three lightning seals, so he created another two small wind seal at the bottom of his feet to allow himself to fly a little faster.    


The wind seal was great, Li Chen immediately rushed towards the Sandman, but this Li Chen on the other hand, in order to prevent the Sandman from dodging the Lightning Strike, he closed in to increase his accuracy.    


This is because with the enhancement from the wind seal, both you and Sha Lie were originally rushing towards Li Chen. But in the blink of an eye, Li Chen and the Sandman were only three meters apart. Sandman had already raised his fist and was about to smash it into Li Chen's face.    


At this moment, Li Chen threw the three lightning seals in his hands out. At such a close distance, Sandman saw that this guy had flung the three lightning seals that he did not know about yet could clearly feel the danger towards him, so he did not continue to attack Li Chen. Instead, he turned around and prepared to avoid the three dangerous objects.    


Although it was impossible to dodge at such a close distance from the Sandman, for safety's sake, Li Chen also threw the two small wind seal s under his feet out, smashing into the Lightning Strike, speeding up the Lightning Strike.    


Because the power of Lightning Strike was too great, it was already very berserk. With the addition of Li Chen's two following wind seal, Lightning Strike was directly detonated.    


In the blink of an eye, the three lightning seals collided with the Sandman s of the false Martial King Realm in a situation where they were unable to dodge in time.    


Even though Sandman had used the Quicksand Vortex this time to counteract a portion of the explosion damage, because of the three Lightning Seals and the fusion of the two small sized wind seal, the explosion power was simply too great. The larger part couldn't counteract Sandman's Quicksand Vortex at all.    


Amidst the somewhat human-like eyes of the Sandman, with a "bang", it dispersed into yellow sand that filled the sky, and scattered into the air.    


Just like before, another stream of light rushed into Li Chen's body.    


Feeling the perception of the Quicksand Technique brought about by the flowing light, as well as the ripples of the spatial teleportation that came from his body, Li Chen smiled. Li Chen returned to the desert.    


Because there was another stream of light, this time Li Chen did not continue into the last circle of light. Instead, he sat cross-legged in the place he had just exited from, and tried to comprehend the enlightenment that the light had brought him.    


Not long later, Li Chen stood up. After saving himself the time to make his decision, Li Chen pointed at the sand field in front of him, and a quicksand whirlpool appeared in a ten meter radius around the sand field.    


After nodding his head twice, Li Chen walked towards the fourth and last circle of light.    


A familiar feeling of dizziness came over, but Li Chen didn't feel uncomfortable at all as he didn't know if it was because he had experienced it a few times or not.    


Looking around him, there were no Sandman s appearing. This was slightly different from what Li Chen was thinking, logically speaking, once he entered, a Sandman should have formed to attack him, but this time, he did not appear. This made Li Chen a little surprised, but it was only a little bit.    


Just as Li Chen was observing his surroundings, when Li Chen did not realise what was happening, a whirlpool of flowing sand slowly appeared beneath his feet, and it was enlarging.    


"Ah, what's going on ?" Amidst Li Chen's shocked cries, Li Chen finally discovered the sand vortex that had suddenly appeared, and at this moment, his legs were already trapped inside it. And as time passed, his calves were also gradually being swallowed by the sand vortex.    


After Li Chen became slightly flustered, he calmed himself down and made a seal with his hand. He wanted to condense two wind seal s under his feet and then borrow strength from his cultivation to fly out of the quicksand swirl. However, Li Chen was obviously looking down on him for this last circle of light.    


After trying for a while, Li Chen realized that it was useless. Just like this, he did not show any signs of flying out.    


"Eh, I can't fly out. Could it be that the last test tested one's understanding of Quicksand Technique, causing the challengers to be caught in this quicksand whirlpool? It doesn't matter if it's true or not, we have to give it a try." After Li Chen sent the thought that he was unable to reach the point where he could only fly out, he calmed himself down a little. Since this is a desert and a trial of the Quicksand Technique, and there are Sandman s in the first three rings of light, only this fourth ring of light does not have a Sandman, but instead has a Quicksand Vortex.    


This was worth thinking about. If this was not to test the comprehension of Quicksand, then what else could it be? In Li Chen's opinion, this ring of light had a 90% chance to test a person's understanding of Quicksand.    


With this thought, Li Chen started to circulate the Method of travelling of the Quicksand Technique. Because of the previous fusion of the third stream of light, Li Chen had almost reached the level of mastery in the Quicksand Technique, to the point where he did not even need to form any hand seals. As long as he silently chanted the Method of travelling in his heart, he would be able to unleash the Quicksand Vortex.    


Under Li Chen's incantation, a new Quicksand Vortex appeared at the bottom of Li Chen's feet, and it just so happened that it was the opposite direction of where it was originally at.    


Li Chen thought so. If you really want to test the immediate effects of Quicksand Technique, then I will create a Quicksand Vortex that flows in the opposite direction as you do so. I will cancel out the original Quicksand Vortex so that it will dissipate.    


The truth was that Li Chen's previous guess was not wrong. This trial tested the challenger's understanding of Quicksand Technique, because after Li Chen cast his technique, the previous Quicksand Vortex had become less restrictive towards Li Chen.    


Seeing that his guess was right, Li Chen increased the amount of time he spent on the Quicksand Vortex.    


As time passed, Li Chen's Quicksand Vortex slowly expanded to the same large range as the previous one, and its speed gradually reached the same range as the previous one as well.    


Just as Li Chen was secretly happy that he could fly out, something strange happened.    


Li Chen could not help but almost scatter the quicksand whirlpool that he created.    


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