Heaven Slautering War God



"Repel, reprimand ?" "..." Although that python was a Demonic Beast of the Martial King Realm realm that could understand some human languages, a Demonic Beast was still a Demonic Beast. At this moment, the python's heart was filled with greed. After hearing Li Chen's words, he rushed forward to attack Li Chen regardless of his own injuries ?    


Seeing that, the Elder Chen behind Li Chen took out a black green sword from his storage ring and was about to attack.    


"Elder Chen, you don't have to act in a hurry. It was only a heavily injured third level Martial King Demonic Beast. "You step back a bit, and look at my skills ?" Li Chen sensed that Elder Chen had the intention to take action, and immediately told him without turning his head.    


"Hm, how can I do that?" "In that case, I'll stand up for young master ?" Elder Chen thought for a moment, and then pushed himself to the entrance of the valley.    


Even though the python and the hedgehog Demonic Beast had been fighting, it was already severely injured. But in this situation, if an ordinary late stage War God cultivator came, he would probably be eaten by this heavily injured python. After all, a skinny camel was bigger than a horse.    


Just as it was about to approach Li Chen, it even opened its mouth and spat out a mouthful of dark green liquid towards Li Chen.    


Suddenly, a strange stench filled the air between Li Chen and the python. After the strange liquid was spat out, the python smelled the strange smell and suddenly had a strong wind.    


As for Li Chen, when he spat out the dark green liquid of the python demon, when the strange stench filled the entire area, that smell seemed like it could actually see Li Chen, and there were actually traces of what seemed to be illusory, but seemed to actually exist on the liquid which was flowing towards Li Chen, and actually rushed towards Li Chen even faster than the smell.    


One of them was to be more careful, it was only because Li Chen did not place this aura in his eyes. Instantly, some of the strange Qi made contact with Li Chen's body.    


Suddenly, Li Chen felt as if his head had fainted, and his body became a little numb. Although this feeling wasn't really strong, to the current Li Chen, it only had a slight impact on him.    


But don't forget, this merely caused Li Chen, who was in the late stage of War God, to feel a little faint and numb when his aura made contact with his body. If he came into contact with too much, it would be terrible.    


Suddenly, after Li Chen felt the changes in his body, he casted a technique and formed two wind seal s, allowing them to float around his body. They were used to disperse the aura, preventing the magical aura from approaching his body.    


If it was only these auras, then it wouldn't be a big deal. However, the Devil Snake had spat out a mouthful of liquid. The auras from before were just evaporated from the liquid, and now, it had become so powerful. If the liquid directly touched Li Chen's body, Li Chen would probably faint on the spot or his body would turn stiff from the liquid.    


Just as Li Chen was thinking of these, the liquid that the serpent demon spat out had already arrived in front of Li Chen.    


Li Chen did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took out a wind seal s and placed it at his feet. Then, he jumped in a flash, and reached a high altitude.    


Seeing Li Chen jumping high up in the sky to avoid his venom attack, the Snake Demon's eyes revealed a trace of human-like contempt.    


And then, the poison also changed direction and attacked Li Chen who was high up in the air.    


"Young Master, be careful of the ground below you," the Elder Chen warned as he saw Li Chen jump high into the sky.    


When Li Chen heard the voice of the Elder Chen, he immediately looked down. When he looked down, it startled Li Chen, because in that instant, the poison actually almost touched Li Chen's body.    


Seeing that, Li Chen jumped back twice more. During the jump, Li Chen thought that he couldn't always jump like this, he needed to make some attacks.    


Thinking about it this way, Li Chen took out the Thunder Seal Sphere from the inheritance space of his Thunder Lake Art and used it to display the power of a War God.    


As he retreated, he threw the Thunder Seal Ball at the dark green liquid.    


"Bang..." A muffled sound    


It was the explosion caused by the lightning ball coming into contact with the liquid. It caused the liquid to explode. But the following situation was beyond Li Chen's expectations.    


Originally, Li Chen thought that the lightning attribute would be able to cause the venom to immediately dissipate. However, he didn't expect that after the lightning ball came in contact with the venom, it would have some unknown changes. It caused the venom to dissipate into a dark green mist.    


Although he removed the fact that the liquid was no longer attacking Li Chen, it still blocked his vision. And in Li Chen's senses, the Snake Demon's speed actually increased by a bit after the liquid explosion.    


"Pa..." Li Chen took out another lightning ball and hit a spot in the mist. Then, he saw that where Li Jun had attacked, the python's tail had slipped and was pushed back by Li Chen's lightning ball.    


"Hiss ?" The Devil Snake cried out in pain.    


Seeing the dark green mist, Li Chen thought that it would not be a problem to let the mist constantly spread out.    


Therefore, while using his perception to determine the position of the Snake Demon, Li Chen focused and quickly formed three wind seal s, forming a small array formation. He then waved his hand towards the sky, and the small array formation rushed into the mist.    


As expected, the effect was very good. In just a few seconds, the mist completely dispersed.    


"Wow..." Right at this moment, the python demon had already arrived at the bottom of Li Chen, opened its mouth wide and bit towards Li Chen.    


"Aiyo, you're not slow, Snake Demon. "But you think you can eat me like this? Wouldn't that be underestimating me ?" Li Chen laughed and said.    


However, the reply he got was actually the python's tongue.    


The snake tail was moving as fast as lightning towards Li Chen, as though it was going to pierce through him.    


Seeing that, Li Chen did not dare delay. The snake demon that approached her was at the third level of Martial King. Thus, he hurriedly took out his Bloodthirsty Sword s from his mustard space.    


As the spiritual strength was injected, its body began to shine with a blood-red light. This scene stimulated the serpent demon's bloodlust even more. The serpent demon and its tongue moved even faster towards Li Chen.    


Instantly, the snake horn appeared in front of Li Chen. But this time, Li Chen did not dodge, and directly waved his Bloodthirsty Sword, hitting the snake's tongue.    


"Ka ?" "Second..." A metal clanging sound was heard.    


"It is unexpected that you have obtained this snake's tongue. It is quite tough ?" Li Chen said. Then, before the Snake Demon could retract its tongue, another Method of travelling hit the body of the Bloodthirsty Sword.    


Then, Li Chen turned around and slashed at the Snake Demon's tongue with his [Tornado].    


In the instant that the Bloodthirsty Sword shone with the blood-red light, the Bloodthirsty Sword slashed down onto the Snake Demon's body.    


This time, there was no sound of clashing of metals. Instead, the sound of a sword entering flesh rang out, and following the retraction of Li Chen's Bloodthirsty Sword, a streak of red blood jumped out from where Li Chen had slashed the serpent's tongue.    


It was Li Chen's slash that had broken the snake's defense and opened a small hole in the snake's tongue.    


"Si ?" The snake-demon let out a strange cry, but it was in pain.    


The Snake Demon was already severely injured, and now, under Li Chen's attack, his snake body that was charging towards Li Chen fell, revealing a weak look.    


Seeing that, Li Chen was happy.    


As a result, it descended a little, making it easier to observe the situation of this Devil Snake up close.    


Who knew that when Li Chen's body reached a certain height, the Snake Demon would make a sound. The snake head shook, and completely lost its previous weak look, and directly started to wrap around Li Chen.    


Seeing that, Li Chen immediately dodged to the side. When he came to descend, he did not relax his guard against the Devil Snake. At this moment, he thought to himself. The snake-demon's attack this time around was dodged.    


When the snake demon saw that his scheme had failed, he became somewhat angry. A trace of the aura of a breakthrough was transmitted from the body of the Devil Snake.    


"No way, burn your life, hmph. It's useless even if you burn your cultivation. "Just look at my methods!" Li Chen saw that even though the Snake Demon was heavily injured, her cultivation still had a breakthrough, and thought to himself that the Snake Demon saw that his attacks were ineffective and wanted to use his life to break through.    


Just as the serpent demon was about to break through, Li Chen shot out a few Method of travelling s. In an instant, a whirlpool of flowing sand appeared below the snake-demon's body, binding it and causing it to show signs of falling.    


Even after casting the Quicksand Technique, it was still insufficient.    


Immediately after, Li Chen cast the technique again. Following Li Chen's technique, a few lightning seals appeared in front of Li Chen, and after condensing the lightning seals, Li Chen waved his hand, and condensed the few lightning seals inside his body, which floated up to the whirlpool formed by the Quicksand Art.    


Instantly, it created a scene of quicksand binding the serpent demon, with Lightning Strike floating on top, preparing to attack.    


When Li Chen saw that the Lightning Seal was already prepared, he recalled the lightning lake technique, the Method of travelling. Following the thoughts in Li Chen's mind, Li Chen's hands were not empty either. A profound Method of travelling slowly began to take shape in Li Chen's hands as he made a hand sign.    


Li Chen chanted a strange incantation quietly, his hands forming hand signs incessantly.    


"Go ?" Finally, after a dozen seconds. The Method of travelling in Li Chen's hand had already been pinched, and with the form of a sword in Li Chen's hand, the profound Method of travelling rushed towards the few lightning seals floating in the air above the Devil Snake.    


As the profound Method of travelling stopped, a thread of connection formed between the Method of travelling and the previous Lightning Seals ?    


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