Heaven Slautering War God



Li Chen and Fen Xiangxiang did not die even after falling into the abyss. Just as Li Chen had thought, they had fallen into the water source.    


After falling down, Fen Xiangxiang wasn't unconscious, he had only sustained some internal injuries from the fall.    


However, Li Chen was different. When he was being hunted by the King of Blades, he did not hesitate to waste his own lifespan in order to escape the King of Blades's pursuit.    


Li Chen! Li Chen! Wake up! Li Chen! Don't scare me, Fen Xiangxiang cried. "Why! Why is it like this? Fen Xiangxiang held onto Li Chen's hand and continued to cry.    


Suddenly, she felt Li Chen's hand move again. However, Li Chen did not open his eyes, as he was still unconscious.    


Fen Xiangxiang continued to wail and say: "You'll be fine, you'll be fine, we're not married yet, I'm still waiting for you to marry me!"    


Fen Xiangxiang carried the severely injured Li Chen on his back while crying. After all, Fen Xiangxiang was a girl, and this kind of girl walked with difficulty while carrying a boy on her back.    


Just like that, they walked for about three hours. It was already late in the night, and they saw a cave in front of them. At that moment, Li Chen woke up.    


Li Chen said weakly: "Xiang Xiang Xiang, where are we! Am I dead? It's so dark around us. "    


Fen Xiangxiang heard Li Chen's weak voice, and immediately put him down.    


Fragrance, where are we? Am I dead?    


Xiang Xiang replied: "Li Chen, it's really great that you woke up. You didn't die, and neither did I.    


That bastard from King of Blades didn't chase us right? Li Chen asked.    


No! No! We've lost him, Fragrance replied. Oh right, Li Chen, you are severely injured, so don't speak anymore. There is a cave in front of us, let's go there to recover!    


Li Chen looked at her fragrant face with deep emotion, with tears in her eyes, she said to Xiang Xiang Xiang: "Xiang Xiang is my fault, I am not a good man, and cannot protect you properly, I am useless, because I even implicated you, I am truly useless."    


How could the current Xiang Xiang think that way? She had seen Li Chen using his own life as the price to block King of Blades's powerful attack.    


Li Chen, let me tell you, I will not allow you to say such words, I will not allow you to belittle yourself like this. Do you know that in my heart, you are my protection, Xiang Xiang said.    


Tears fell once again from Li Chen's eyes, he nodded, and just like that, he walked into the cave with difficulty while being supported by the fragrance of the incense.    


The cave was especially dark. It was pitch black. Xiang Xiang immediately stretched out his hand and a ball of fire appeared. Although the fire wasn't big, one could see everything in the cave.    


The fragrance gently caressed Li Chen's hand as she walked to a corner and sat down.    


Fen Xiangxiang said to Li Chen: "You rest here for a while, I'll go to the cave entrance to find some firewood, I'll be back shortly."    


Li Chen nodded, then you should be careful and return quickly.    


I know!    


After Xiang Xiang s departure, Li Chen sat up with his legs crossed. He realised that his injuries were really too severe and thought that this damned King of Blades was really too powerful.    


As he thought of this, Xiang Xiang had already returned.    


Xiang Xiang saw that Li Chen had sat up, and immediately said anxiously: "Li Chen, why did you sit up? Don't you know that your injuries are very severe? Lie down. "    


Li Chen was especially happy that Xiang Xiang was so concerned about him. To Li Chen, Xiang Xiang was the most important girl in his life.    


Li Chen gently caressed Xiang Xiang's face and said: "Xiang Xiang, thank you! "Thank you for caring about me so much, but I don't care. This kind of injury is nothing to me."    


Li Chen thought to himself, Xiang Xiang is my most beloved girl, even if I have to give her my life, I am willing.    


Li Chen said, "I want to show you something that only I know. I've never told anyone else."    


Xiang Xiang felt a sense of curiosity and asked Li Chen what was this thing that was kept secret. Let me take it out and have a look.    


Li Chen took out the mustard space List from the cloth bag on the left.    


Xiang Xiang's face was filled with astonishment as she looked towards Li Chen. This is ? This is the mustard space bag.    


Li Chen also looked at Xiang Xiang Xiang in shock. "How do you know the name of this treasure?"    


This is what I found when I accidentally entered my father's treasure room. The book says that mustard seed bags are also known as space bags.    


Li Chen knew that Xiang Xiang's father was a very powerful expert, and that her family was also very huge. With the information in the mustard space Pouch, he wouldn't be that surprised.    


Li Chen said: "This is my most powerful treasure, it contains a healing pool, and also has some top quality medicinal ingredients, every time I get injured I would be treated here, so my injuries are not too serious for me."    


"Li Chen, let me guard you. Hurry and heal your injuries, I keep feeling that this damned place is dark. Once your injuries are healed, we can leave this place quickly."    


After Li Chen finished speaking, Li Chen had already entered the pond to quickly treat her injuries. A lot of Li Chen's meridians had fallen, and only after taking off his clothes did he realise that his body was already in tatters.    


Suddenly, a cute little beast ran over. This little beast was Guru.    


He looked at Li Chen's tattered body and creaked like a beast, as if he was asking what was going on with Li Chen.    


Li Chen looked towards Gollum and said, "You okay brat, go play at the side! I need to heal. "    


Guru wriggled his butt reluctantly and walked back.    


After he left, Li Chen focused on healing his injuries. White mist instantly rose from the small pond, nourishing Li Chen's body.    


Very quickly, the spirit energy in Li Chen's dantian was slowly replenishing and his meridians were also slowly healing as his body recovered to about sixty percent.    


However, Li Chen still felt that it was far from being enough. For Li Chen, when he was fighting with the Sword Summit King, he discovered that he still had many flaws, and his speed and strength were far from being able to achieve it.    


This was the difference between War God and Martial King. One was in the sky, and the other was in the ground.    


Li Chen was not willing to lose, he had to raise his Martial King. Only then would he be able to protect the people around him, and only then would he not be trampled upon.    


After thinking about all these, Li Chen entered into the midst of healing his injuries.    


After an entire night of healing, Li Chen had more or less recovered. However, the damage to his physical body was a headache for Li Chen.    


Li Chen suddenly thought of the last two battles, where he had used two Life Muscle Pills and one more.    


While thinking about it, Li Chen took out the medicine bottle, took out the last Life Muscle Pill, and ate it. This was the last pill, and he had to strengthen his alchemy later on.    


Li Chen's body quickly recovered, and the flesh on his body grew out. He put on his clothes and came out from the mustard seed bag.    


It was already bright outside. A light breeze blew in from outside the cave. The air was fresh. It was a new day.    


Li Chen looked at the incense, the bright sunlight shone onto her face, only then did Li Chen realize that the incense was still in deep sleep when she walked towards it with deep emotion.    


Li Chen thought in his heart that in order to be his protector, this girl definitely did not sleep the entire night.    


Right now, in Li Chen's heart, the fragrance had already occupied his heart. No matter what, he had to protect this girl by his side well, and sacrifice so many girls for himself.    


Maybe it was because Li Chen's footsteps were so loud that it sounded fragrant, and he had already woken up.    


Xiang Xiang looked at Li Chen in shock, Li Chen, you ? Is everything on you ready?    


That's right! That's the secret in my mustard bag.    


Xiang Xiang had indeed never thought that Li Chen would recover so quickly either. She felt that it would at least take ten days to half a month, and the speed at which Li Chen was recovering from his injuries was far beyond her imagination.    


Li Chen looked at Xiang Xiang, saying: "Xiang Xiang, you haven't slept to protect me, in my heart, you are my closest person, and also my most beloved person. Xiang Xiang, marry me!"    


When Li Chen finished saying this sentence, Xiang Xiang immediately felt the sky spin and the earth spin because in Xiang Xiang's heart, Li Chen was the person she loved the most in her life.    


Xiang Xiang looked at Li Chen and said: "Li Chen, actually, I love you very much as well. In my heart, you are the only one to me, I am willing to marry you."    


After listening to Xiang Xiang's words, Li Chen immediately felt especially excited. Li Chen never thought that Xiang Xiang had always been like this, this was probably the happiest moment of his life.    


After saying that, the two of them walked towards the entrance of the cave to worship to the heaven and earth. Fortunately, Li Chen's mustard seed bag could hold a lot of things, so with a thought from Li Chen, two cups of wine instantly appeared on the ground. The two of them used the heaven and earth as proof to drink this cup of wine.    


The two stood up in excitement and happiness. They looked at each other and embraced each other. In this sunny weather, the bright sunlight shone on the couple, making them appear exceptionally beautiful.    


Xiang Xiang said to Li Chen: "Let's quickly think of a way to leave this place! I have a feeling that something is going to happen if I stay here. "    


As long as I, Li Chen, am in danger, I will not harm you.    


Li Chen said: "Xiang Xiang, let's go outside to see how we're going to leave this place! I feel that King of Blades is currently looking for us. We need to leave this place as soon as possible. "    


After Li Chen finished speaking to the incense, she left the cave and exited the cave entrance. Fresh air immediately blew onto the two of them, one was handsome and graceful, the other one was as beautiful as a fairy.    


The two of them had been carefully walking by the roadside. If they were to fly, any fluctuations of spiritual energy could be detected by the Sword Summit King, so they chose to walk.    


After walking for a short while, they discovered that many Demonic Beast were rushing towards them. A bloody storm was about to arrive.    


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