Heaven Slautering War God



Looks like the last light circle was really not simple, Li Chen thought.    


After calming himself down, Li Chen was not in a rush to fly out. He took this opportunity to temper his grasp on Quicksand.    


After thinking it through, Li Chen started to cast the Quicksand Vortex Technique again, speeding up the speed of his Quicksand Vortex to catch up to the speed of the Quicksand Vortex that was automatically generated by this small sand boundary.    


Not long later, with Li Chen's technique, the two quicksand whirlpools finally reached the same speed, and the quicksand whirlpools in the small desert no longer had any restraining effects on Li Chen, but Li Chen did not relax his vigilance, because of the sudden acceleration previously, Li Chen became alert this time, and waited for a while.    


The wait lasted for more than ten minutes. Li Chen was not in a rush, but the old monsters outside were anxious, they were already playing around. If you don't get up, why are you still standing in the quicksand whirlpool? Just as the old monsters that were already filled to the brim were about to lose their patience, Li Chen finally made his move.    


With a flash, Li Chen jumped out of the center of the whirlpool. The moment Li Chen jumped out, the whirlpool of quicksand that was created by him in this small desert automatically dissipated. However, what surprised Li Chen was that this time, there were no streams of light that flew out.    


Just as Li Chen was still waiting for the fourth streak of light to appear, a spatial ripple suddenly appeared on his body.    


"Ahhh!" Don't. "Liu..." Before Li Chen could finish speaking, he was teleported out of the familiar feeling of dizziness.    


It was still that yellow colored world, it was just that the four halos had already disappeared, and only the smaller one appeared in front of Li Chen.    


Li Chen was a little dumbstruck.    


It was obvious that all three of them had Sandman s, and that after the Sandman died, streams of light would appear. However, the fourth person had no Sandman, and even no streams of light.    


Just when Li Chen felt that it was strange and helpless. A blurry figure appeared in front of Li Chen, but it wasn't a physical figure, just a projection.    


"It feels very strange, right? Are you still thinking about why there is no legacy of Quicksand Technique appearing on the fourth ring?" The old monster's voice came out, smiling as he asked Li Chen, as if he could see through Li Chen's thoughts.    


"Right, logically speaking, there should be."    


"But the Kane the Great is unsettled. They just didn't play their cards. Otherwise, how would they have been able to beat the rascals from the Demon World? Haha, stop thinking about it. Actually, there are only three inheritances of the Quicksand Technique. The last ring of light will allow you to deepen your understanding of it. The Quicksand Technique is a skill of the God of Heaven. Right now, you only understand a little bit of the basics. When you reach Martial King in the future, you will be able to unlock the second level of the Quicksand Technique. The old monster said to Li Chen with a smile. The more he looked at Li Chen, the more he liked him.    


"Alright, I won't say anymore. If you can obtain the inheritance of the Kane the Great's three great heavenly skills, then I'll tell you slowly in the future, do you see that light circle in front of you? That is the teleportation circle that leads to the next divine skill inheritance site. "Go, hahaha ?" After the old monster finished speaking, under Li Chen's unfathomable laughter, the blurry projection disappeared. What was left in front of Li Chen was only the teleportation circle mentioned by the old monster.    


Li Chen pondered for a while, then walked forward and entered the teleportation circle.    




This was a marsh world formed by lightning. In the center of the world, there was a black altar made from some unknown material. On the altar, there seemed to be a ball of lightning floating above the altar...    


At the edge of the lightning swamp, a spatial crack suddenly appeared. A human figure fell out from it.    


"Can you be more gentle? Every time, you would always throw me from a high place on the ground ?" Ah ? "Why is there lightning ?" While Li Chen was complaining, Li Chen fell out of the spatial crack. Just as he was complaining, he entered like a lightning bolt.    


A cloud of black smoke came out from the top of Li Chen's head. Li Chen was also speechless, in the past, most of the time, it was him who used the Lightning Strike to hack at others, so few people would use lightning to hack at him. But even though he was depressed, Li Chen was only there for two or three seconds before he woke up.    


Looking around him in the blink of an eye, Li Chen discovered that the place where he had landed on was covered densely by dark clouds in the sky, and lightning occasionally descended, and the ground of this world was also filled with swamps. And at a location around ten kilometers away, there seemed to be an indistinct black existence.    


Just as Li Chen was about to get up and go towards the black object, the old monster's voice sounded beside Li Chen's ears. "Young man, this is the inheritance location of the Thunder Lake, it's very simple, you just need to get onto the black altar, but I want to remind you, the closer you are to the altar, the stronger the lightning strike will be. Be careful, okay ?"    


So that was how it was. After listening to the old monster's words, Li Chen finally understood something. It's just thunder, I'm a master of thunder. Li Chen thought to himself.    


After thinking it through, Li Chen first formed two small wind seal s at the bottom of his feet. Although by relying on the power of his cultivation, Li Chen could also fly, but that way, the consumption of cultivation energy would be too much. If he formed the wind seal, by relying on the might of the wind seal, it would save him a lot of effort. After finishing the congealing process, Li Chen was ready to fly in the sky.    


However, just as Li Chen was about to leave the ground and reach a height of two to three meters, a powerful bolt of lightning came out from the ground and struck Li Chen down.    


"Eh, why would lightning appear on the ground..." Li Chen was a little dumbstruck.    


"I'll try again ?" With that thought, Li Chen got up again and prepared to fly into the sky.    


At the same time, just as Li Chen was about to leave the ground and reach a height of two to three meters, another bolt of lightning came striking from the ground. This time, Li Chen was not even paying attention to the situation on the ground, so before the lightning strike could hit him, he had already dodged to the side at an extremely fast speed.    


Ah, looks like this lightning marsh world has restrictions that forbids flying, and can't leave the two to three meters above the ground. Ah, nevermind, I can't fly if I can't fly, I don't intend to fly too high, I'm not stupid enough to fly so high to automatically attract lightning from the sky to strike me.    


The idea of flying over was not going to work, thus after Li Chen formed a lightning seal above his head to absorb the lightning, he jumped and ran towards the black altar in the distance.    


After going forward for around two to three miles, Li Chen felt that the lightning seal above his head was unable to hold on any longer, so he formed a new lightning seal, and the lightning seal that was about to explode, Li Chen used a lightning seal on it and temporarily sealed it, turning it into something similar to a grenade.    


Right after he finished making the bag and putting it in his pocket, Li Chen sighed to himself. If it wasn't because the Mustard Seed Bag couldn't be opened in these Legacy Grounds, this place would be a good place to condense Lightning Seals.    


After placing down the Lightning Strike, Li Chen began to run forward again ?    


Because Li Chen had the Lightning Seal to absorb the lightning that fell from the sky, his speed was not slow. Not long later, Li Chen had already traveled a dozen or so miles, from the place he had entered into this world, Li Chen had already walked a normal distance, and only Li Chen could travel so far. If other people came to this place, they couldn't use Divine Treasures, they could only use their cultivation and spiritual strength, and even if they used the spiritual strength's barrier to cancel out the lightning in the sky, at such a distance, the spiritual strength would be exhausted.    


If that happened, wouldn't he be hacked to death by the lightning in the sky? So from the looks of it, this inheritance palace was not that simple.    


Starting to move, Li Chen put the fifth lightning ball into his pocket, and condensed another lightning ball above his head. Then, Li Chen wanted to jump forward and run, why would he jump all of a sudden?    


But this was because, at the surface of the swamps, some of the lightning did not condense and strike at Li Chen, but it was better than the lightning that was randomly raining down from the sky. Only when there was water on the ground would it condense lightning, or else, the ground would be the same as the sky: if the lightning was not directional, and appeared from who knows where, Li Chen would need to condense three lightning seals to form a small lightning array in order to pass through the lightning swamp.    


As he thought about all these, Li Chen didn't stop as well, and continued to run towards the black altar in front of him.    


As he advanced, Li Chen also noticed that the difficulty of the second half of the journey seemed to have increased by a level compared to the previous ones.    


Let's put it this way. The first half of the lightning power should be at the Martial Saint level. Slowly, it would reach the peak of the Martial Saint level at the middle of the process.    


However, after passing the invisible line in the middle, the power that suddenly didn't reach the power of lightning suddenly reached the level of the War God. Although it didn't have any effect on Li Chen, he could clearly feel the change in power level.    


It was only at the War God level, but to Li Chen, it was nothing more than a child's play.    


Another round of sprinting and another round of seven to eight miles. By the time Li Chen could clearly see the black altar, he was only two to three miles away from it. By the time he reached this place, the power of the lightning strike had already reached the same realm as Li Chen.    


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