Lonely Soldier King

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C85 Rating

In fact, Adepts were everywhere. There were people like this all over the world, but there were a few in different countries, and a few in smaller ones.    


Unfortunately for them, in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia was home to the most adepts. Despite their infamous reputation, the continent was teeming with wars. How could there not be such a powerful group of Adepts?    


If he were to encounter such a group of people, it was completely conceivable that the members of the Shadow Information System would only be serving food and not a one-on-one match. At this time, he could only send out the Golden Guard, an expert at the peak of Earth Stage.    


Adepts were divided into seven grades: D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS.    


The highest ranked among them were three [S] class powerhouses, but there weren't many in the world who were at this level. Mainstream people were still [A] class adepts, and even [S] class and [SS] class adepts rarely appeared.    


Jin Wei was at the peak of the Earth Realm, and had been in the middle of a massacre for years. His cultivation base was at [A] class, but his combat prowess was close to [S] class.    


With this kind of strength, as long as the Golden Guards weren't too crazy in Saudi Arabia, they wouldn't attract any S or SS ranked adepts.    


The truth proved that strength was easy to accomplish. In just two days' time, Jin Wei had investigated the entire matter. Furthermore, he had thoroughly investigated Liu Hong's situation as well.    


Liu Hong wasn't killed. Instead, he was placed under house arrest. It was as though the enemy didn't want to kill him right now. Un, perhaps it was to leave a way out and a way out.    


After all, Liu Hong was Liu Yi's younger brother. Liu Yi, who possessed the title of 'Burning Heaven', was definitely a madman. If he really angered Liu Yi, then no one would be in a good position.    


More importantly, the enemy was none other than Islam, which had risen to prominence in the Middle East. There were many members of the Church, but after all the unclean things they had done over the years, they were now nothing more than rats crossing the street.    


The transformation from an open church to a power that could only hide in the shadows was lamentable.    


However, that was not the important point. What was important was that the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group could be considered a force hidden in the darkness and was extremely famous. If they were to get into a fight with Liu Yi and get killed by Islam, then the most miserable one would be Islam.    


However, not making a move at this moment did not mean that they would not make a move in the future. The premise of that was that Liu Yi had fallen, and only then would Islam make a move against Liu Hong.    


As for the reason, it was very simple. If Liu Yi died, then the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group would fall into the hands of the elder and the unknown mastermind. At that time, no one would be able to avenge Liu Yi and Liu Hong.    


If Liu Yi hadn't perished, things wouldn't have been so complicated. Even though Liu Hong had offended Liu Yi, he still had room for negotiation. He might even use Liu Hong's life to negotiate and gain benefits.    


In Liu Yi's eyes, what they thought to be a perfect plan was worthless. After knowing what had happened in Saudi Arabia, Liu Yi had directly dispatched four more Gold Guards. Adding on the original one, there were five people in total who started the plan to rescue Liu Hong.    


However, Islam was not a simple organization. Just five people wasn't enough, but Liu Yi wasn't worried at all, because he had already arranged for a strong support for the five Gold Guards.    


With this kind of help, it was almost a matter of success!    




However, Liu Yi still stayed on for three days and did not make a move. The reason was that he wanted to find out the truth about other things and only let Liu Yi down; the mastermind had yet to reveal himself and was still hiding himself.    


Other than the mastermind, everything else had been investigated. There was evidence that the doyens had joined hands. It could be said that they were acting out a show that was not on the surface, and there was a mysterious person standing behind them.    


Yes, at least in Liu Yi's eyes, he was a mysterious person. Perhaps those doyens knew the identity of the other, but Liu Yi had no way of knowing. That made Liu Yi very disappointed.    


If he didn't make a move, Liu Yi definitely wouldn't do it. He was waiting. Waiting for the people from the Shadow Intelligence system to investigate everything. Even if there was an accident in the middle, Liu Yi wouldn't make a move.    


Of course, that was not the case with Saudi Arabia. Since they knew that Liu Hong was still alive, they had only been placed under house arrest. Furthermore, Islam had also sent out many experts to guard the area, in case something went wrong.    


However, with the help of the royal family of Saudi Arabia and three Golden Guards, who would be left with nothing under such immense power?    


That's right, Liu Yi was referring to the royal family of Saudi Arabia. As for why they were helping Liu Yi, the reasoning was very simple. One of them was that the current royal family of Saudi Arabia had a good relationship with Liu Yi.    


Their friendship was not shallow, and they also owed Liu Yi a huge favor. Under these circumstances, Liu Yi personally called the Saudi royal family and asked them to make a move, how could they not act?    


But that wasn't the point. The important thing was that the Saudi royal family was involved in the incident. The mission was real, and Liu Hong was carrying out an assassination mission aimed at a member of the Saudi royal family.    


However, the member of the Saudi royal family had not been assassinated without his knowledge, but without his knowledge.    


What did this mean? It meant that they had long since colluded with each other and were waiting for Liu Hong to fall into their trap. Next, they would carry out their hunting plan and put Liu Hong under house arrest.    


To put it another way, with Liu Yi's strength, dealing with a Saudi royal family was way too easy. Even if Liu Yi didn't fight him directly, he could at least support those forces that were hostile to the Saudi royal family.    


This world was never lacking in balance. Like Saudi Arabia, they were also balanced. On the surface, it seemed that Saudi Arabia's royal family was very powerful and had great influence in the world. However, they still had enemies, and they were even.    


It was conceivable that if the enemies of the Saudi royal family had the support of Liu Yi, this balance would have been broken, easily overpowering the royal family. The royal family would not be far from being destroyed.    


It was also for this reason that the royal family of Saudi Arabia attached great importance to their friendship with Liu Yi. This time, the royal family of Saudi Arabia actually had the audacity to involve themselves in the design of Liu Yi. Wasn't this supposed to push Liu Yi to the opposite side?    


Faced with such a situation, the royal family of Saudi Arabia apologized profusely. They even promised to send out their strongest forces to rescue Liu Hong.    


To this, Liu Yi did not express too much, because he focused on the actual action, not empty words.    


Liu Yi was satisfied with the result. The royal family had indeed sent out their strongest force, even to the point of sending a SS ranked Adept. However, he wasn't directly involved in the operation. From the beginning to the end, he had only sent one S ranked Adept to participate in the rescue.    


But this was already enough. Sometimes, the strongest experts didn't need to participate in battles to show their worth. On the contrary, there were times when they could only display a greater value by watching from the sidelines.    


With the exception of the strong ones who wanted to escape, the SS rank Adepts would attack and kill the ones who tried to escape. They would ensure that none of the enemies would be able to escape. The so-called spectator would be able to see the situation clearly. If the situation was not good for them, it was enough to warn them and turn the tide of the battle around. It would also have an indispensable role to play.    


There were no accidents in the battle. Jin Wei was only loyal to Liu Yi, and Liu Yi's closest kin were under house arrest, so he had the intention of threatening Liu Yi. At this moment, the Golden Guards weren't allowed to cause such a thing, so from the very beginning, the Golden Guards were able to unleash 100% of their combat prowess, and very quickly, they broke through the enemy's defensive perimeter, entering the inner circle and carrying out a one-sided slaughter. Liu Hong was locked in place, and only two people were left to protect him.    


With the protection of the two Golden Guards, Liu Hong's safety was not a problem. In that case, there was no need to worry anymore. A bloody massacre was officially taking place.    


In less than twenty minutes, the outcome of the battle had been decided. It was a one-sided massacre, and Liu Hong was rescued.    


I don't know what the Islamists were thinking, but after capturing Liu Hong, they had a good meal and a good meal. They only restricted his freedom and there were no injuries on his body. It was extremely good.    


However, with the chaos in Saudi Arabia, Liu Yi did not dare to let Liu Hong stay there any longer. So, after he found out that Liu Hong was fine, Liu Yi immediately ordered his men to escort him back to Africa.    


Maybe the chaos in Africa was not worse than in Saudi Arabia, but it was a lot more chaotic. However, this part of Africa was always Liu Yi's base, and with his strength, it was not a problem to protect Liu Hong.    


With that in mind, Liu Yi had sent someone to escort Liu Hong back to Africa. At the same time, Liu Yi also wanted to know the details of the whole thing from Liu Hong, and perhaps even the truth of the matter from Liu Hong's mouth.    


With this in mind, Liu Yi welcomed Liu Hong on the morning of the fourth day.    


There was no helping it, right now the situation was tense and it was obviously not feasible to come to Africa in broad daylight. Maybe the plane was flying in the sky one moment and was hit by a missile the next.    


Liu Yi did not dare to take the risk and avoided everything. He was only escorted by the four Golden Guards. The route was set by the four Golden Guards, and it took them two days to reach Africa.    


When Liu Hong's group arrived safely in Africa, Liu Yi was finally relieved. He was ruthless. Back in Yan Jing City, he had even attacked Liu Hong and threatened to kill him if Liu Hong did not follow the path that he had set.    


However, being related by blood was a fact that could not be changed. Brothers were brothers who were related by blood. Liu Yi could not and could not ignore that fact. Now that Liu Hong was safe, he could finally stop worrying.    


However, there was more than one matter that concerned him. He put down his worries for Liu Hong. There were still many matters that required Liu Yi to worry about. There were quite a few of them that were laid out in front of him.    




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