Lonely Soldier King

C186 Zombie

C186 Zombie

Liu Yi and Magnus flew to the top of a tall building. Then, Liu Yi found the stairs and destroyed it, leaving the top of the building completely isolated. He then turned around and stood at the edge of the floor as he looked down.    


The power supply system in the city had already been destroyed. Only a few rays of light could be seen. Under these rays of light, it was surprisingly the people who had requested to be numbed.    


The building where the men, women, elders, children, Liu Yi, and Magnus were located was filled with a multitude of people. These people were densely packed. With a single glance, it actually extended all the way to the corner of a distant street. Putting everything else aside, just the sheer number of people was enough to cause one's heart to go numb.    


"No wonder Magnus suggested we go to the top of this building." Liu Yi turned to glance at Magnus, thinking to himself.    


It was impossible for these ordinary people to cause any damage to Liu Yi and Magnus. At their current cultivation level, the human sea tactic was already useless. However, the other side's goal was also very clear. They wanted to borrow the large number of people here to wear down Liu Yi and Magnus' strength as well as their spirit.    


The most important thing to a strong practitioner was that sharp aura. Once the sharp aura dissipated, the might of the same move would also decrease. If Liu Yi and Magnus recklessly made a move on these ordinary people and killed too many people, their spirit would naturally be erased.    


"Those vampires should be hiding everywhere, waiting to ambush us." Liu Yi raised his head and patrolled around as he sneered.    


"That's right, those ordinary people who were hypnotized, no one would take it too seriously. Those vampires did not reach our goal of exhausting our strength, but the goal of forcing us not to land on the ground has been achieved." Magnus curled his lips.    


At this moment, Liu Yi and Magnus were at the top of a tall building. If they wanted to change their position, they would have to move between the tall buildings and not land on the ground. This group of vampires wanted to use the two of them in the air to attack them when they couldn't.    


"With just this method, it's rare for me to stay here." Magnus cursed loudly, then turned to look at Liu Yi.    


"Liu Yi, I said earlier in the day that I would give you an exciting performance tonight. It's going to start right now. Help me catch some vampires and bring them back."    


"No problem." Liu Yi said coldly.    


Liu Yi was very clear on what the vampires were thinking, but in his heart, he was as disdainful as Magnus. These vampires had good plans, but they didn't know that what a martial artist excelled in was small scale teleportation. It was a good idea for this group of blood fiends to intercept Liu Yi and Magnus in the air, but these methods were completely useless against a martial practitioner like Liu Yi.    


Two figures shot out like lightning from the top of the building.    


Just as the two of them were about to step onto another tall building to borrow strength, a dozen or so black shadows flocked over and attacked Liu Yi and Magnus.    


"Kill!" Magnus let out a bellow, and his body was suddenly covered by a layer of bright red light. This red light was the blood energy he had used to melt the two Vampire Princes Harry and George.    


Those Vampiric Princes instinctively wanted to avoid the bloody aura surrounding Magnus. As a result, only two of the Vampire Princes were able to attack Magnus. And these two vampires became the unlucky ones tonight. Not only did the attacks of the two not cause any damage to Magnus, instead, they were pulled towards the rooftop where he and Liu Yi had just stood.    


The two Vampire Princes, seeing how bad the situation was, gritted their teeth, and with a gentle swipe of their other hand, Magnus caught hold of one of their arms, immediately separating them from their original bodies.    


Magnus grabbed two severed arms and landed on the roof. By the time he turned to give chase, it was already too late. As for this matter, Liu Yi was holding onto a Vampire Prince. He nimbly landed beside Magnus.    


"Liu Yi, you're amazing. I've already calculated that with your strength, it would be difficult for you to escape. I didn't expect you to catch a Vampire Prince before me." Magnus laughed bitterly as he praised Liu Yi.    


"No, I've already suppressed the blood essence of this Vampire Prince. As long as he doesn't leave my side, he won't have any strength to fight back." Liu Yi pushed the Vampire Prince toward Magnus.    


"Alright, just you wait and see a good show." Magnus laughed complacently, then stretched out his hand to pull the Vampire Prince into his embrace. His fangs extended, and he bit down on the neck of the Vampire Prince.    


Just as he was about to struggle, the blood energy in his body had already begun to be absorbed by Magnus. Seeing that a new piece of human skin was about to be born, Magnus stopped his devouring, as if he was cheering for a balloon.    


However, the aura of the Vampire Prince had completely disappeared from his body. Liu Yi didn't understand what Magnus was trying to do with such a strange-looking corpse.    


Magnus blew the corpse open, then took a few steps back as if he was admiring a work of art. He looked at the Prince Vampire who had become a lot fatter.    


"Turn around." Magnus suddenly said.    


While Liu Yi was still stunned, the corpse of the dead Vampire Prince slowly turned around. At this moment, the Vampire Prince was only emitting a thick aura of death. Moreover, his skin color had become extremely strange, as if it was gradually turning an azure color.    


"A corpse is wrong, it's a zombie." Liu Yi suddenly exclaimed.    


"Liu Yi, this is the method to activate the corpses in China, it is the watchful eye of the Zhu Shan sect. Before, I also learned a bit, after I became a vampire, I easily modified this method and came up with a method that is suitable for me to use, allowing me to create zombies at any time." Magnus chortled.    


"The Mao Mountain Sect." Liu Yi was silent. Before this, he had also heard of the legend of Xiangxi chasing corpses. However, he didn't expect that a zombie that could move would one day stand in front of him.    


"Is this zombie powerful?" Liu Yi asked.    


According to Liu Yi's understanding, zombies were usually a type of zombie with stiff limbs and slow movements. Apart from having strong strength and being contagious, they had no other abilities. If Magnus really did produce such a zombie, then it wouldn't be of any use at all.    


"Whether he's powerful or not depends on what abilities he has when he's alive. The stronger he is when he's alive, the greater the ability of this zombie. Otherwise, why do you think I have to capture these Vampire Princes as my zombies?" At the same time, he had already activated this zombie and charged towards the other hidden zombies.    


This newly formed zombie did not look as stiff as the zombies in the legends. As if it was still alive, this zombie pounced towards the surrounding darkness.    


"This is a good opportunity, Liu Yi. The two of us will be following this zombie. Later when we catch it, we'll have to rely on this zombie." Magnus warned Liu Yi, and the two of them followed the zombie as it leapt out.    


"Leon, you actually survived and came back."    


"No, Ryan, did you surrender to Brahma? Otherwise, why would he let you go?"    


"Be careful, Ryan has already betrayed them."    


The voices of a group of Vampire Princes sounded out in the darkness. As for the zombie, it continued to charge toward the Vampire Prince, who was still crying out in alarm. It could be seen that this Vampire Prince had a pretty good relationship with this zombie that had already turned into a zombie. As a result, when this zombie rushed to his side, he was still staring at it in surprise.    


"The chance has come." Liu Yi was carefully observing them from behind.    


The Vampire Prince seemed to still want to pull this zombie that had already turned into a zombie. He still seemed to be hesitating, wondering if he should treat his old friend as an enemy. This little bit of hesitation had now turned into his death talisman.    


The vampire had become a zombie, but regardless of whether he was an old friend or not, the zombie would only faithfully obey the orders of Magnus.    


As the zombie controlled by Magnus neared the vampire, it suddenly opened its arms and pulled the vampire into its arms.    


"This is the moment." Liu Yi's eyes lit up and he rushed towards that direction.    


The vampire prince who had turned into a zombie seemed to have more power than his previous life. Although this vampire prince was being hugged by him, although he tried to struggle, it was useless, he was still being hugged to death.    


With this little bit of time, Liu Yi and Magnus had already arrived in front of the Vampire Prince. Under his terrified gaze, Magnus' fangs landed on his neck.    


The Vampire Prince's body first shriveled up, then expanded. Another zombie puppet was born.    


With the help of these two zombie puppets, Liu Yi and Magnus were able to deal with the surrounding Vampire Princes with much less difficulty. With the help of the zombie golems, Magnus was able to easily expand his army of zombies to five. However, at this moment, those Vampire Princes finally realized that the situation wasn't looking good.    


"Either join forces and fight, or immediately flee." The Vampire Princes communicated with each other.    


As the esteemed Vampire Prince, he was forced to act together first, to assist, and then to flee. A sense of humiliation lingered in the hearts of these Vampiric Princes.    


"With so many of us here, if we were to attack together, we would definitely be able to deal with Brahma and Magnus."    


"That makes sense. Let's first focus our efforts and kill Brahma, then deal with Magnus."    


"No, Mercedor, you didn't see Brahma's methods just now. Under the combined attack of so many of us, he was still able to easily capture Ryan. I suggest that we focus on dealing with Magnus first."    




These Vampire Princes came from thirteen different vampire families, and they were usually conflicted with each other. Now that they had teamed up with each other and met with a problem, this small group of Vampire Princes seemed to be on the verge of splitting apart.    


Liu Yi and Magnus didn't care what the other party was thinking about at this moment. Their zombie army was constantly increasing. These Vampire Princes would waste their time, even their chance to escape was wasted.    


The advantage in numbers that had belonged to these Vampire Princes was slowly disappearing.    


There were roughly a dozen or so Vampire Princes who had gathered here, and nearly twenty of them. While they were arguing, eight of the Vampire Princes had already become Magnus's zombie puppets. Eight Prince Golems, Liu Yi, and Magnus. Even if both sides were to face each other head on, these Vampire Princes still wouldn't have the slightest advantage.    


"Let's run, we are no longer their match." A shrewd Vampire Prince suddenly realized the dangerous situation he was in. His heart chilled, and he immediately shouted crazily, ignoring everything else. He even turned into a bat, fleeing into the darkness.    




From the direction in which the shrewd Vampire Prince had fled came a terrified cry. The group of Vampire Princes that were fleeing in all directions suddenly shivered, and they froze in shock.    


"Patriarch." The faces of the group of Vampire Princes began to show fear, surprise and all kinds of complicated emotions.    


In the direction of the screams, a man with giant bat wings on his back slowly flew over from the darkness. This man was one of the thirteen heads of the vampire clan, the Toredo clan.    


"A bunch of trash." The Toredo leader's gaze swept over the remaining Vampire Princes. With a cold snort, he turned his gaze to Liu Yi and Magnus, who had already landed on the rooftop of the building.    


"Motherf * cker, looks like something big has happened. Otherwise, these old guys who have been hibernating for over a thousand years won't personally take action. Liu Yi, if it's necessary later, we'll have to split up and run away. When it's absolutely safe, we'll meet up at the center of the city." Magnus stared at this thousand year old founding prince, quietly cursing him as he warned Liu Yi.    


"Alright, I understand." Liu Yi nodded.    


This was the second time he faced these founding princes. The last time, that millennium founding prince didn't even display much of his strength before he ran away on his own. This time, Liu Yi's whole body was once again filled with hot blood.    


"How strong is the power of a late-Saint realm?" At this time, Liu Yi could already display the full strength of a mid-Saint realm, but Magnus had decisively told Liu Yi that when Liu Yi's boundary couldn't reach the late-Saint realm, Liu Yi's combat strength could only be infinitely close to that of the late-Saint realm. As for the reason, it was related to the special nature of this late Saint realm.    


Therefore, Liu Yi was already full of anticipation towards the power of the late-Saint Tier. He wanted to clearly see what was so mysterious about the power of a late-Saint realm.    


"Little brats, you actually need me to personally act, you really deserve to die." The thousand-year-old founding prince had a grim expression on his face as he began slowly flying toward Liu Yi and Magnus.    


"Zombie puppet attack!" Magnus waved his hand, and the eight generals behind him, all of whom were golems, silently charged towards the chief Vampire.    


"Trash." The Vampire Patriarch snorted, without him doing anything, the eight zombie puppets suddenly shook, as if they were clay figures, melting into a pool of blood from head to toe.    


This is the domain that can be used by a late-Saint Ruler. The domain is the simple usage of the rules, they are infinite, and the domain also has its own uses, some domains are terrifying powerful, but some domains are weak and have almost no use. This Vampire Patriarch in front of me uses a vampire clan, named the Blood Prison. Magnus quietly explained to Liu Yi.    


He was once a Saint Stage Late Phase powerhouse and had a thorough understanding of his domain. With a few words, he explained all of the puzzlement in Liu Yi's heart.    


"Liu Yi, the domain used by a late Saint realm expert is only a fake domain, it's not a real domain, so, this kind of domain is not invincible, as long as we consume energy, we can withstand the attack of this kind of fake domain. Later, we'll join forces and attack this vampire clan leader together, and with our methods, we have a fifty percent chance of winning." Magnus laughed coldly.    


"Alright." Just as Liu Yi responded to Magnus, he suddenly dashed forward and charged towards the Vampire Patriarch.    


"Damn, this kid is even crazier than laozi." Magnus' eyes lit up. With a curse, he followed closely behind Liu Yi, pouncing towards the Vampire Patriarch.    


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