Super Little Farmer



I was taken straight to her house for lunch. After eating to my heart's content, I took out 200 yuan and gave it to Old Liu to distribute to the people who were helping to build rafts and transport wild vegetables today. Old Liu considered it for a moment before nodding and accepting it. After lunch, Yinzi, Qu, and I went directly to the stream to wait. After a while, Liu Yan, Zheng Xi, and Zuo Ling came one after another. A division of labor, I with the spirit group, Ying and Qu Yinghua two sister-in-law group, Shandong head Liu Yan and Zheng Xi two groups, respectively on three rafts forward. Yinzi Group is the first, and mine is the last.    


The women who were born and raised in these mountains, regardless of whether they were women or men, all had one common trait: they were capable and had excellent physical qualities; they were not something that an ordinary woman in a city could compare with. As soon as they were in the water, the five women used their abilities to drive the raft forward. I'm sure, by their looks, that the work in the water is as good as mine. Sure enough, after the "nine bends and eighteen plates and thirty-six beaches," the first raft's head, Yukiko, struck the left and right with her long pole to keep the raft from rushing to the rocks. The latter, Qu Xilong, was in charge of the direction and also struck the water with her long pole a few times. The raft flew through the water like a nimble swallow, disappearing in the curve of the waterway in an instant.    


On the second raft, Zheng Xianzi, who was at the head, also moved as fast as a Ying Zi. The long pole in his hand moved as quickly as it moved, and he also moved to the left and right to open a path between rocks and water. Behind him, Liu Yan, who was also experienced, brandished her long pole with ease. The second raft also instantly flew into the winding waterway. Of course, we don't have to worry about this third one. I knew my technique well, and I knew the techniques of the Spirit. At that moment, I looked at the spirit son and simultaneously smiled in my heart. I was at the rear of the raft, controlling the direction, and our third raft had easily made its way into the Phantom Worry.    


Amidst laughter and whistling, the three rafts came out one after the other with the words "Nine Bends, Eighteen Disks, Thirty-six Beach". Let's take a break and continue on our way. By five o'clock in the afternoon, the three rafts had arrived at Puxu Town. While I told everyone to take a break on the spot, I also contacted Zhang Jun and Master Wang. Not long later, two carriages arrived. Master Wang was still smiling, but Zhang Jun was dumbstruck. I knew he was wondering what I was doing with so much "pigweed", but he didn't explain and just asked for his help. Although Zhang Jun had his doubts, he didn't hesitate when asking for my help. He immediately loaded the goods into the car with us.    


These wild vegetables weren't heavy, only less than 800 kilograms. However, they were large in size. Otherwise, they wouldn't need to be carried on three rafts. The loading of the cars was also the same. It forcefully filled up the two carriages! I suggested to Zhang Jun that the five women should stay at his house for a day or two, waiting for my call. Zhang Jun acknowledged. His family had installed the phone this summer and the house was spacious. Now that he had left, only his wife and children were at home. It would be great if someone came to join in on the fun. I see this is over, and I'm relieved. After thinking for a while, she called for Ying, took out 200 yuan from her pocket, and told her to show everyone around the town. She could buy whatever she wanted, or she could just directly pay them, since she was the one in charge of paying them. Yin-zi refused to take it at first, but after a long time of persuasion, I finally agreed. I stopped her for a moment, then told her to stop. I took another two thousand yuan from my pocket and handed it to her. She was stunned. I told her that if I continued to ask for more, I would ask her to help me with the money. Yukiko understood immediately and nodded.    


After a while, the two of us left Puxu Town one after the other. Naturally, we went back the way we came from. We took the 508 Provincial Highway and headed straight for Jingshan City. Then, we turned onto the Chu Shan Expressway on the outskirts of Jingshan City and headed straight for the provincial capital. Master Wang and Zhang Jun are both experienced and familiar with the road. Dinner was served at the outskirts of the redwoods, so there were two small stir-fry dishes to pass the time. Just like this, at around 12 pm, we finally arrived at the Spring River International Hotel, Jingchu Shop.    


Knowing that we were rushing back, He Guoqian almost ran out. He looked at the wild vegetables by the light of the lamp and was so excited that he almost cried out. He ignored us and went to arrange for people to unload the goods. Only after a while did the three of us realize that we were drinking tea and resting nearby. Only then did we come over to greet them.    


"Little brother, you've helped me a lot this time!" He Guoqian did not hide his gratitude and praised the wild vegetables for their size and freshness. I just nodded and smiled without saying a word. Zhang Jun continued to stare at me, dumbstruck.    


Soon, one of He Guoqian's assistants brought over a detailed list, showing a total of 741.6 kg of wild vegetables. I heard that this number didn't seem right, because Old Liu said that the total amount of wild vegetables gathered in his house was 728 kg, not to mention the missing portion, which would have been more than 730 kg, and the wild vegetables I provided would have been more than 15 kg, so the total should have been more than 745 kg. However, why was it only 741.6 kilograms? Just by thinking about it, I immediately understood that most of these lost plants were 'lost'. For example, the wild vegetables might lose some of their water during transportation!    


Understanding this process, I accepted it all. He Guoqian pulled me aside again, and after checking with me, he ordered fourteen thousand yuan for the price he had previously agreed upon with me. I wanted to find change for him, but he wouldn't let me. He just asked me to make a receipt. I didn't decline and followed his instructions. Not long later, the hotel sent three servings of noodles, which He Guoqian had prepared for the three of us. We were just hungry, so we ate happily. Zhang Jun was about to leave the city at night, but I was worried that he would be tired and let him rest. I had to count out a thousand dollars to him for freight. He was dumbstruck. He felt that this was too much. At most, he would be able to collect six hundred yuan from the last exchange. I just smiled and insisted on giving it to him, saying that I still had things I needed his help with in the future. He pushed it away a few times, then reluctantly took it and drove away.    


He Guoqian pulled me into his office and told me to take a break by myself. He had matters to attend to first, so he would discuss the matter with me later. I dozed off on the sofa in his office, while he sat down, made several phone calls, told some people and things, and left. I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't sleep, so I sat by the window and looked out at the pile of wild vegetables that had been unloaded from the cart. There were two groups of people surrounding the vegetables, one of them dressed as a chef, the other in much more casual attire, but they were all doing the same thing: looking closely at the vegetables I provided. Although they could not hear their voices, they could tell from their expressions that they were extremely excited.    


A moment later, He Guoqian came in and saw me looking out. He smiled and pointed at the people who were dressed like chefs from the hotel. The other group of people were from the hotel's promotion department. I nodded to show I knew.    


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