Super Little Farmer



This sales volume was gradually raised by me.    


To tell you the truth, I can't afford to fail at a cost like mine. Thus, on the first day, the vegetables distributed to each stall were valued at more than 5,000 yuan, on the second day they were increased to more than 7,500 yuan, and on the third day they were sold out early. On the fourth day, I increased to 12,000 yuan, and on the fifth day they were all sold out, and on the fifth day they increased to 15,000 yuan. On the sixth day, therefore, I was able to determine the quantity to be supplied at each stall, with the exception of those three, which were all set to sell at the rate of 13,000 yuan a day.    


But even though I've been experimenting with the market for a week, it's been a surprise to me: I've made more than $720 thousand in gross proceeds. I estimate that, in addition to various expenses and taxes, the net profit of 500 thousand yuan is a guarantee! If so, then from the second week onwards, my 30 booths will have a profit of at least 1.1 million yuan, because some of the costs were deducted from the first 15 booths without the need for a second deductions. As a result, my monthly net income in Shanghai is about 4.5 million yuan.    


Presumably, the income was considerable. If I add this to Jing Chu's market, my monthly income should reach 8 million yuan. If I were to open up the Beijing market again, I would have to suck in a breath of cold air: I would have been able to earn more than 10 million yuan this month.    


His heart was, of course, overjoyed. Think of yourself, in ten days, it will be your 21st birthday; in another month, it will be this year's year. Perhaps, I might become a millionaire within this year!    


The thought drove me crazy. Yes, we will return to Jing Chu tomorrow and take a plane back to Beijing!    


She seemed to know that I was leaving Shanghai the next day and that she wouldn't be able to see me for a long time. Of course we still had dinner with the Tension couple. Knowing that I was leaving the next day, they all gathered together to see me off. Of course we had a good time. Xu and Ye even asked directly. They were willing to come to my company to work and start a business with me. They've been doing quite a bit of good work for the past week. I really do have this thought, but it's just that I can't do it right now. At that moment, she explained my current situation and also indicated that she would definitely invite the two of them if she had the chance.    


After we ate and drank here, Zhou Bingjie and I left the Tension Couple early and walked home. When we returned home, Zhou Bingjie was clearly very excited. After all, this was a miracle she and I had created together. Unable to contain her joy, she stir-fried two more dishes and opened a bottle of red wine.    


This little girl liked to give people a fresh feeling, she even had the mood to have a midnight snack. However, this kind of world is really quiet. If this happens, I really like it. Ah, Mr. Zheng Banqiao is very confused, but I am very quiet. You know, I'm from the mountains. I've always been immersed in peace and quiet, and I've always liked peace and quiet. However, in this society, I still have to be lively in order to live!    


Alright, I'll be able to calm down for now. I couldn't help but look at Zhou Bingjie in gratitude.    


This made me start again. Because the Zhou Bing Jie in front of me was so beautiful that I almost suffocated! I was afraid to look at her. Seeing me lower my head, Zhou Bingjie smiled. She obviously knew the reason why I lowered my head. However, he still poured wine without avoiding me.    


I can see that this wine is good, but it is the red of the dynasty. His heart skipped a beat, but he didn't know where she had come from. He thought for a second and sighed. This little girl must have guessed that I was going to leave, so she was planning to stay for a long time!    


A thought struck me, and I looked up at her. Zhou Bing Jie was looking at me with a faint smile. I was panicking, but I couldn't understand why I was so afraid she would look at me. I am a man, and she is a woman. She should be afraid of me! But I was afraid of her. After a while, I realized that there was something wrong with my heart. I did what the elder sister did, so I didn't dare to look this possible sister-in-law in the eye!    


With a sigh in his heart, he quickly picked up the wine and drank it. The wine was finished in an instant, and Zhou Bing Jing smiled. I looked at her in confusion, and after a long time, under her hints and demonstrations, I realized that this red wine was not my cup, and had to be held by her like that. Moreover, this red wine was not for me to drink, but it was for me to drink, and it was the kind of wine that was "deep in love, a sip", and this red wine was very particular about drinking. To a certain extent, he would continue to slowly rotate in this manner before taking his time to drink.    


So there was actually so much to pay attention to!    


My heart heated up and my face turned red. I embarrassedly smiled and imitated Zhou Bingjie. Zhou Bing Jie taught me elegantly. Fortunately, she taught me very carefully, and I studied very seriously. When the second bottle was finished, I was sure that I was now an elegant man with red wine! Of course, Zhou Bingjie didn't drink much of this red wine. I am sure that at least one and a half bottles were drunk by me!    


Drinking up to this point, I think about my current beautiful life, and I think back to my past suffering, especially the passing of my three relatives. For some reason, I felt that Zhou Bingjie was someone I could talk to, so I explained my situation, including how I knew her sister. Zhou Bingjie was really a good listener. She listened to me and interjected a few sentences from time to time. I think I must have found a friend. The more we talk, the happier Zhou Bingjie and I get. All of the suffering and depression in the past were thrown to the back of my mind due to her kind guidance and persuasion.    


The more I looked at the woman, the more beautiful I became. I don't know how much I drank in the end. Anyway, after the first two bottles, I opened them again, and Zhou Bingjie opened the rest. When I went to look for wine, I actually found that this little girl had prepared two bottles, a total of 12 bottles!    


I think I'm finally going to get drunk. Because I'm sleepy. My two eyelids are just like that...    


It was as if I had returned to Jing Chu. But before his eyes, it was a Spirit Child. Oh, no, it should be Zhou Yajie. Oh, my beloved. Oh, she came to help me, ha, she was drunk, too, and she fell into my arms. Oh, what a beauty, I want to kiss her...    


What a wonderful feeling!    




Sigh, if only Zhou Bingjie was here. I think I already like her. Oh, no, I'm in love with her...    


This little girl, when did she enter my heart? Next time I come to Shanghai, I must ask her in her presence...    


The person in front of me, is she a spirit child or Zhou Yajie, or both of them are my lovers …    


Love, here I come …    




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