Super Little Farmer



I don't know why they did it. Perhaps, I know it from my subconscious, and just don't want to face it. And now that such a situation appeared, he could only use his injuries as a reason to quietly fall asleep as he was getting sympathy from the group of females.    


However, this time, he felt a strange pleasure from waking up. It turned out to be Ye Shuzhen taking over this night. Aitine and I fell asleep. Who knew that Ye Shuzhen was being too playful as she actually reached her hand into the blanket and started toying with me. I was very uncomfortable with my little thing holding on like this, and I felt very happy with her little hand touching me.    


Seeing me wake up, Ye Shuzhen only smiled, gave me a kiss, and then whispered into my ear, "Yunzi, I didn't expect you to be so generous!"    


After hearing what she had said, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I could only continue to pretend to be asleep. Ye Shuzhen giggled again. I don't know where she got some condoms, but she gently put them on me and insisted on using her hands to do it for me. It made me want to sleep but I couldn't sleep. I wanted to stop her, but the pleasure was too much for me to bear, too much for her to give up. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. He could only enjoy it slowly.    


I know she finally got my dotty out. Because the indescribable pleasure almost made me cry out. Seeing my enjoyment, Ye Shuzhen giggled again and gave me another kiss before taking off the condom and wiping it clean before quietly sitting beside me and looking at me. Of course I looked at her.    


The air conditioner was on in this room, so Ye Shuzhen had already taken off her outer garment when she was playing with my things. I hadn't noticed it before, but now I realized that her sweater showed off the curves of her figure, and that both the sweater and the undergarment were open-chested, and that the pair of plump creatures and a deep furrow shone white before my eyes. This made me swallow hard, and then I quickly closed my eyes and went to sleep. Ye Shuzhen seemed to be the target of her desire, but she did not seem to mind as she giggled coquettishly.    


In fact, I couldn't sleep. I don't know how much time had passed before I realized that the woman beside me had already fallen asleep, and that she had fallen asleep on my bed. I slept slowly, of course, and when I woke up, Ye Shuren was no longer there. It was Zhou Bingjie.    


Zhou Bingjie saw me wake up, so she gave me a kiss and gave me a good look. Only after a while did she whisper into my ear: Look at the money you've caused! "Humph!    


As soon as I heard it, I knew, of course, that it was caused by yesterday's situation. At that time, she was the one who fought with the spiritual son and Zhu Dantong over being my girlfriend, and almost fought with them over it. Her sister, Zhou Jiajie, suggested that everyone be my girlfriend just in time to get away with it.    


Now that she said it, I felt a bit embarrassed. I wanted to explain, but I couldn't. He could only look at her without saying anything.    


Zhou Bingjie was originally a beautiful woman, and now she looked even more bewitching as she was slightly angered. As I thought about the scene when I was doing it with her, my mind jolted. The fellow who had been coerced by Ye Shuzhen for over an hour before finally releasing the water started to stir up again. It was obvious that Zhou Bingjie had noticed the change in my expression. She was startled at first, but then she noticed the changes in some parts of my blanket. Finally, she stopped wearing a tight face. Instead, her face was slightly red as she giggled. Then he stole a glance at Aitin, only to see that she had fallen asleep again after reading the book. He put his hand under the blanket. To go straight to the bottom line, of course. As soon as she held onto my bulky body, Zhou Bing Jie finally said softly, "Can't stand it anymore?" I'll help you do it today, and when you're better, I'll do it to your heart's content!    


Just as I was thinking about what to do, I don't know if I should accept it or not, that Zhou Bingjie has already made her move. She directly takes out a set from her bag and gently puts it on me.    


However, he couldn't tell that she had been prepared for this. The anger from before was for me to see. Furthermore, she said, "When you are better, I will fill your stomach", but it made me look forward to it. I am too familiar with her body, too beautiful; if you care about my life, it would definitely be a beautiful thing! Thinking of this, the originally sturdy looking thing twitched twice.    


Zhou Bing Jie obviously felt it and smiled. She pretended to watch TV and let me sleep while she helped me with the quilt. It took more than an hour of protracted combat, and it wasn't until Zhou Bingjie was drenched in sweat that I finally released my quintessence. Zhou Bingjie continued to help me remove it. After helping me clean up the room, she leaned against my bed to rest.    


In the afternoon it was Romel who took over, and all the time, except for the little things he did, he looked at me with that tender gaze. This time it was my turn to feel embarrassed, so I dozed off, thinking about how I would develop in the coming year. In the evening, Zhou Yajie came to take over the shift. By then I was asleep. I woke up with an indescribable pleasure. When I woke up, I felt a woman's head in my quilt, stuttering with the thing that was holding me. Surprised, I checked the visitor while trying to resist this indescribable pleasure. Only now did he realize that it was actually Zhou Yajie.    


Zhou Yajie smiled at me and continued her work. I finally couldn't hold it in and shot them all into her mouth. She grabbed it and walked into the bathroom at a leisurely pace. She seemed to be vomiting and came over to wipe my stuff clean with her mouth and tongue before going back to the bathroom to wash up.    


When she came in again, I finally asked her, with some heartache, why she was doing this. However, Zhou Yajie told me softly that she knew that I hadn't been touched by a woman for a while, so she did so. I smiled wryly in my heart. Because, in fact, I've been done three times by three women in twenty-four hours. I lamented the fact that my body wasn't bad at all, that I could do this sort of thing three times in twenty-four hours, for more than an hour at a time, without any signs of fatigue. Furthermore, based on the current situation, it seemed like it wasn't really the right time for me to tell Zhou Yajie which two people had done it to me, and one of them was her younger sister, Zhou Bingjie. Thinking of this, I started to panic. I wonder what would have happened if Zhou Yajie had known that her sister, Zhou Bingjie, was involved with me. I wonder what Zhou Bingjie would have felt if she had known that I and her sister, Zhou Yajie, had always been married. As I thought about it, I felt a sudden sense of guilt, a sense of powerlessness, a sense of confusion.    


I suddenly realized how difficult it was to be a person, especially a man like me.    


Thinking of this, I think that after my injury has healed, I should at least find an opportunity to clarify the situation between the two of them! I think I can't take it anymore. I don't want to hurt either of them!    


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