Super Little Farmer



As for the white sprout, it was planted by Old Liu on the top of my house. I didn't know why, but then I understood. For one thing, he had plenty of time; for another, he liked to do it; and for another, he might have been offered by his granddaughter, Yukiko, to plant it for me when I was not at home. In fact, there were a lot of dishes in my garden. This winter's vegetables, everything!    


As for the wild fungus soup, it was easy to find. Because there are many wild bacteria in the mountains. The things in my house weren't what I left behind, but they were sent over by a spirit child. In two months, the fastest time is one and a half months, and once again our mountain will be filled with wild bacteria. At that time, it would be my turn to laugh.    


Rommel, who had come out of my room, was as fresh as a new man, and his fatigue had been replaced by a pure and delicate air. Of course I was stunned again. Loremarie smiled shyly and ignored me, going to eat. Of course I eat. She obviously didn't expect the bamboo bowl of rice I cooked to be so special. I have a hard time saying it. In reality, many of the dishes used for cooking at home require a wash before they can be used. I had long noticed that this Romer was extremely hungry, so I came up with a plan and brought out the cooking technique that we usually use to play in the mountains. In any case, there were plenty of bamboo in Dali. Make a few and you can put them into use after a little cleaning. What I didn't expect was that this unintentional act of mine made Rommel particularly happy. As for the dishes, each one of them made Romel eat happily. Only after eating three pieces of bamboo tube rice did he stop. But leave me alone. Because of my appetite, I only ate four.    


However, just after dinner, when I went to wash the dishes myself, Romel stayed there and refused to move. It was over, and she almost limped to the front of the house with a chair to sit on the flat and bask in the sun. At this point, I understood again: 80%, her stomach was holding up!    


My guess was obviously correct. For from time to time he did something only pregnant: he rubbed his belly with his hands. Of course, Rommel was not pregnant, so there was only one possibility: she had been fed.    


That afternoon, I stayed at home to do my work, while Rommel stayed on the plain to bask in the sun. It was only in the evening that I kowtowed in front of the graves of my three relatives. Romel also went and kowtowed. I didn't quite understand, but I didn't refuse.    


Rommel ate very little for dinner. I understood her, of course, and did not try to dissuade her. At night, she slept on the bed where my beautiful sister-in-law, Guo Qing, used to sleep, while I slept on my own bed. The night passed without incident.    


The next morning, I cooked sweet potato rice. Rommel continued to eat happily. Next, I took her on a tour of our mountain. That afternoon, he continued to play along the stream.    


The Guanyin Stone looked like a lotus flower Guanyin from afar, but in reality, it was a huge piece of shale that was naturally formed. The Safflower Rock, from afar, was like a flower. But in reality, it was also a rock, but it had turned into this red color. As for the shape of the flower, it was the work of the heavens …    


The next day, just like that!    


The third day, was like this!    


Fourth day... The fifth day …    


Romel and I stayed in this mountain for half a month! My relationship with her, however, was getting closer. Most of the time, we walked hand in hand. I don't know when I did it, but I know I did it of my own accord. I vaguely remember it was last time when she couldn't get up the mountain. I went up first and then went back to lead her. He dragged her up and did not let her go. However, Luo Mei didn't feel the slightest bit of awkwardness and didn't have any intention of struggling free. However, I, who was a little attentive, noticed that this Romer was frowning at new places from time to time, as though she was thinking about something.    


I couldn't be bothered. If you want to play, you have to have fun. Moreover, it's been many years since I've last played in a place like this. It's really quite interesting to visit again today. What makes me feel most amazing is that I didn't think it was beautiful when I was living here every day. But today, I found that this mountain was actually so beautiful!    


On the afternoon of the fifth day, we reached another place. This was one of the last two places I planned to show Rommel: Pearl Star!    


Although it was called a Pearl Star, it was actually located at the bottom of the two mountains. On that large piece of unknown rock, there were hundreds of big or small, deep or shallow holes. From a distance, it looked like a plate of stars. Our people in the mountains call it Pearl Star.    


When he arrived and saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned. Of course I understand. Not everywhere. However, the girl in front of him was almost going crazy. She almost threw herself onto the ground, looked at it carefully, and finally cried out: "The Fourth Age Glacier!"    


I didn't understand it at first, but when I heard her cry out again and again, I couldn't help but jump onto the Pearl Star. Because, I finally understand the reason behind Romer's excitement: This trace could completely be a remnant of the Fourth Age Ice!    


This time it was my turn to be crazy. I've come to this place many times, but I've never noticed it. And now, with Rommel's reminder, of course I understood. Rommel was calm again now, taking pictures frantically.    


This place took us almost a whole day. On the way home, Rommel was so excited that she kept talking to me like a little girl, to the effect that she had once attended a related exhibition in the United States, and had read about the Quaternary glaciers, especially the photographs. The exhibition had impressed her too much. When he saw the scene today, he felt that it was extremely similar and immediately shouted out. However, I had once studied kinematics and had some knowledge in this field. Thus, after her reminder, I immediately reacted.    


Naturally, Romer was trying his best to take pictures, using up almost all of the storage cards in the digital camera before he stopped. Seeing that the sky had already fallen, Romel was still full of interest. I had no choice but to hold her hand and leave this place under her reluctant gaze.    


I rested at home for the night, and the next day was the last spot I planned to take Rommel to: Swallow's End.    


Yanziya was one of our favorite places to play when we were kids. The scenery here was extremely beautiful. On the edge of the water, there was a deep hole. The movement inside the hole was like a large swallow, which was divided into five areas: head, neck, body, wings, and a pair of shears. Every area was filled with flowing water or stone milk clocks. That was why this place was named. However, when we were young, we didn't think this must be a scenic spot. We only thought it was fun. When I was in college and at work, I was surprised to find that the attractions and attractions that people are pursuing these days are the ones that we didn't care about and played with in the past! For example, this stone milk clock, in the past, was a place where my friends and I hid and played at.    


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