Supremacy Starts With The Mysterious System

C325 Insolent Challenge

C325 Insolent Challenge

"From now on, please take care of yourself." Sword Lord of Quan Mountain left behind a cold voice and flew into the sky. It was as if there was a sword Qi whistling past his body, like a huge sword cutting through the void, leaving behind a surging sword Qi.    


The Lord of Zhaotian's eyes sparkled. Sword Lord of Quan Mountain had finally left. Previously, he was worried that the other party would take the opportunity to cause trouble.    


"Master of Prefecture, will the Iron Sword Mountain target the Zhaotian Sect?" Han Feng walked forward and asked the Lord of Zhaotian.    


"Don't worry. Although the Iron Sword Mountain is strong, they won't dare to make things difficult for the Zhaotian Sect. They were also afraid that the excessive pressure would cause the Zhaotian Sect to side with the Marquis's Mansion. Similarly... The Marquis's Mansion also has such concerns. Therefore, the Zhaotian Sect is extremely safe. " The Lord of Zhaotian said with a smile. Han Feng nodded his head. The Zhaotian Sect had always maintained a neutral stance. It was indeed the safest method.    


No matter which side it was, the Iron Sword Mountain and the Marquis's Mansion had a pretty good relationship with the Zhaotian Sect. On the one hand, they needed the help of the Zhaotian Sect to forge weapons. On the other hand, if one side was to harm the Zhaotian Sect, it was very likely that the Zhaotian Sect would side with the other side. This way, the balance of the Iron Sword City would be broken.    


"As for you, you will need to be more careful when traveling in the Iron Sword City." The Lord of Zhaotian reminded. Although the Iron Sword Mountain and Marquis's Mansion didn't dare to make things difficult for the Zhaotian Sect, but for Han Feng, there was nothing to worry about. Even if they killed him, they could still deny it.    


"They should be careful." Han Feng's lips curved up, "Since they want to kill me, I will just stand there and see who has the ability to do so."    


A ray of light flashed across Lord of Zhaotian's eyes. He nodded and said, "Go ahead and do it. It's still the same thing. Those above the Celestial Energy Stage will not be able to touch you."    


"Alright." Han Feng smiled and said, "I heard that there is a Sword Platform in Iron Sword City. I wonder which power is controlling it?"    


"The Sword Platform you mentioned, is it a South Stone Sword Platform?" The Lord of Zhaotian considered for a moment before speaking.    


"That's right." Han Feng affirmed, "It is said that this Sword Platform is a gigantic sword-shaped battle platform. It is extremely sturdy and is jointly created by several Martial Lord experts. They will take turns controlling it. I wonder who will be controlling it this year?"    


"Martial Lord of Niu family." The Lord of Zhaotian said, "This Martial Lord from the Niu family is a good man, and he has a good relationship with me. If there is a need, I can borrow it from him."    


"Then I'll have to trouble the Prefecture Master." Han Feng bowed slightly to express his gratitude, then he said, "Han Feng will be leaving first."    


Han Feng's silhouette flickered as he left. The Lord of Zhaotian looked at his back, and a profound look flashed across his eyes. After that, he smiled faintly and said, "It seems like Iron Sword City will become lively again."    




Three days later, in the Iron Sword City, the South Stone Sword Platform.    


"Yo, why is the South Stone Sword Platform opened so early today? Looks like a good show is about to take place." The crowd came and went. When they saw the South Stone Sword Platform open, the Niu family's guards stood in two rows, standing on both sides of the Sword Platform. The guards of the Sword Platform immediately became curious. Every time the South Stone Sword Platform was opened, there's gonna be a great fight.    


"I don't know yet. It should be the god 's favored of some major power. Otherwise, every time the South Stone Sword Platform is opened, it will cost 100 Profound Spirit Stone. Those who are defeated need to pay 200 Profound Spirit Stone to the master of the Sword Platform. If it wasn't for the disciples of big families, who would be so generous? " An old man said indifferently. He had lived for dozens of years. He had seen the opening of the South Stone Sword Platform countless times, and with every opening of the Sword Platform, there would be an exciting battle, and at the same time, hundreds of Profound Spirit Stones would be consumed.    


In the past, eight Martial Lord had joined forces to create this sword-shaped battle platform. It had become the biggest battle platform in Iron Sword City. Countless heroic figures were waving their swords on the battle platform, staining it with blood. Almost all of the geniuses had once displayed their prowess in the South Stone Sword Platform. Today, no one knew who would step onto the Sword Platform.    


"I still remember thirteen years ago, the younger brother of the Martial Lord of the Xiao family fought a mighty figure from the Iron Sword Mountain. Both of them were at the Genuine Martial Stage Level Nine, and their violent battle shook the heavens and earth. It was incomparably terrifying. I will never forget such a heroic scene." Someone sighed with emotion. A Genuine Martial Stage Level Nine expert who had condensed a Celestial Energy Power, how powerful was that? When it came to a battle, it was naturally extraordinary, and the momentum of the battle was vast and mighty.    


"Thirteen years ago was too far away. Let's just say three years ago, the genius of Red Gold Sect was the prime minister. They were only at the Peak iof Earth Energy Stage, but they were able to defeat many Celestial Energy Stage Level One warriors in a row. His name had become famous. I wonder how he is doing now. I think he has already broken through to the Celestial Energy Stage. " Another person talked about the past. There were many interesting battles. However, there were only a few that were still fresh in people's memories. Those were the true peerless god 's favored.    


"I think all of you are thinking too much. A battle at that level... It's already not bad if you can encounter it once a year. In my opinion... Today is just an ordinary duel. There's no big meaning to it. " A scholar said. The battle of the peerless god 's favored. How could it be so easy to see it?    


"You're right. We were thinking too much." Someone laughed awkwardly. When they saw the South Stone Sword Platform, they immediately recalled those stunning people. It was a bit ridiculous.    


The South Stone Sword Platform slowly opened, and a figure stepped onto the Sword Platform. This person was strong and strong, just like a barbaric bull. He was very tall and sturdy.    


"This is the second son of the Niu family's Martial Lord, Niu Kuang, a Peak of Celestial Energy Stage warrior. I never thought that the South Stone Sword Platform would be opened by him this time." Everyone was surprised, and they could faintly feel that something was not right. With Niu Kuang's status, he would never interfere in a fight between ordinary martial artists.    


Could it be that there was something unusual about the person who was about to step onto the Sword Platform today?    


"Everyone." Niu Kuang cupped his hands towards everyone. Everyone crowded around him, their eyes filled with anticipation. They wanted to see who had such great face.    


"Today, the South Stone Sword Platform will be activated. I will personally take charge of the battle." Niu Kuang spoke in a straightforward manner, and a heroic aura was emitted from his body. After that, he waved his hand, and a young man appeared. After a short while, he landed on the Sword Platform. Everyone's eyes glittered. Who was this young man?    


"This time, the Sword Platform will be opened by this young man beside me. Han Feng started the battle. The target of his challenge is all the god 's favored below the Celestial Energy Stage in the Iron Sword City. " Niu Kuang said slowly, his eyes glancing at Han Feng from time to time. Even though his name carried the word "madness," it was not as arrogant as the young man beside him.    


Everyone felt their hearts tremble. It was actually Han Feng. Furthermore, he had invited all the god 's favored in the Iron Sword City. As long as one was below the Celestial Energy Stage, they could accept the challenge.    


"I heard that three days ago, Han Feng killed four Earth Energy Stage Level Three god 's favored warriors in a row, and even Faang Qingyu from the Iron Sword Mountain. All of them died in his hands. He isn't afraid of revenge, and he even dared to show his face openly." The crowd was astonished. If it were them, they would have long hidden themselves. How could they dare to appear in front of everyone in such a high-profile manner?    


"His cultivation base is still at the Earth Energy Stage Level One, but he is able to kill an Earth Energy Stage Level Three warrior. He is indeed extraordinary. No wonder even Second Master from the Niu family personally presided over this matter." When everyone found out that it was Han Feng, they didn't find it strange that Niu Kuang was the one who presided over this battle. Someone who was even crazier than Niu Kuang would naturally pique Niu Kuang's interest.    


"I know that there are many people in Iron Sword City who want my life. I am now standing here. Those who want my life, you can come and take it, but let's talk about it first. No one is allowed to pursue the matter of the life-and-death battle after this. " Han Feng said calmly, but his arrogant words made even more people tremble. Was this guy crazy to the extreme? He actually declared that no matter whether he died or not, no one was allowed to pursue the matter.    


If that was the case, those Martial Lord Level powers who had grudges with Han Feng would send out their most dazzling geniuses to kill Han Feng at all costs. Even if Han Feng was dead, Zhaotian Sect wouldn't be able to say anything.    


If Han Feng didn't do this because he was extremely strong, he would be ignorant to the extreme. Otherwise, he wouldn't have said such a thing.    


Every Martial Lord couldn't be measured by what they saw on the surface. It was the same for a Martial Lord Level. Many of the young geniuses of Nian family and Yue Family were killed by Han Feng. However, none of them could be called the top geniuses of a family. These top geniuses were usually hidden in the snow, preparing for a specific time and place. This particular place was called the "King's Banquet."    


There were a lot of god 's favored that were showing off in Iron Sword City. Although their talent was not bad, they were definitely not the strongest people in their families. Otherwise, they would not have died so easily.    


The god 's favored that was going to participate in the King's Banquet were mostly people who had been immersed in the Peak iof Earth Energy Stage for a few years. Some of them had even participated in the King's Banquet's last assessment. However, they didn't have good results. Therefore, they had been enduring silently until now, preparing to charge into the top ranks.    


These people were talented and their realms were stable. They would be strong competitors for the King's Banquet's quota.    


If they attacked, Han Feng would have no chance of winning.    


"I think everyone understands Han Feng's words. If he wants to go on stage... Alright. If you win, you don't need to pay. " Niu Kuang explained the rules, causing many people to feel envious in their hearts. The Niu family only provided a platform, but they could make a lot of money. No matter who won or lost, they had to pay the Profound Spirit Stone.    


Of course, if they really wanted to get the South Stone Sword Platform, they would never be stingy with the Profound Spirit Stone. Their battle was to become famous, so they would not be reluctant to give up some of their money.    


This was not a gambling match, but to prove that he had left behind a great deal of money on the biggest fighting stage in Iron Sword City.    


"I will wait here for three days in a row. If it is within these three days... No one dares to come up and accept my challenge. As the saying goes, the top geniuses of the younger generation in Iron Sword City... Perhaps, they won't be qualified to have this title anymore. " Han Feng spoke arrogantly, causing the hearts of everyone to tremble once more.    


However, they didn't think what Han Feng said was reasonable. Han Feng had already issued an invitation to fight in front of everyone in the city. If all the Martial Lord Level forces' god 's favored didn't dare to accept the challenge, it would be a disgrace to them.    


"Shameless boasting! Let me take your dog life!"    


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