The Strongest Abandoned Master In City

C422 I Only Use One Finger

C422 I Only Use One Finger

Yang Qiu stood in front of Commander Leng's door for more than an hour. Even after the sky had turned dark and all the lights in the corridor had been turned on, the office door still hadn't been opened.    


He still didn't look irritated at all.    


Even the two guards beside him were somewhat shocked.    


For an ordinary person without any training to be able to stand there without moving at all, this was definitely not simple.    


The guard who had changed shifts took over the two who had left earlier. When the other party left, he gave them a deep look.    


A few minutes later, heavy footsteps suddenly sounded from the staircase.    


Dong! Dong! Dong!    


Following the sound of these footsteps, a sharp aura surged in from the staircase.    


The orderly footsteps brought with them a violent aura, causing the two guards to squint their eyes, but Yang Qiu still did not move.    


Of course, they knew this group of people. They were the elite soldiers of the Special Forces, the true king of soldiers.    


There were a total of ten strong men wearing military boots on their feet. They wore camouflage pants, camouflage vests, and bronze-colored muscles that looked like they were cast from steel. They gave off a strong feeling of impact.    


One only needed to look at the shape of the body to be able to tell. . . These guys were all extremely powerful characters.    


Their steps were uniform, like beating a drum. However, every movement they made was like a fierce tiger preying on its prey, carrying a dense aura.    


Of course, Yang Qiu knew that this was the true show of strength.    


Sure enough, the brawny man leading the group walked in front of him. His blade-like eyes were staring at him with disdain, and his Qi was incomparably fierce.    


The other party did not speak, and he did not speak either. No matter how sharp the other party's gaze was, he looked at him from head to toe.    


The man suddenly made a threatening gesture. He thought Yang Qiu would dodge or be scared, but he didn't expect Yang Qiu to not even move his eyelids.    


The eyes of the other burly men who followed the brawny man also became sharp at the same time. The atmosphere in the corridor gradually became tense. At this time, Yang Qiu let out a sigh of relief and looked at the other men with a smile.    


"Hello, may I ask if you are looking for me?"    


The strong man took two steps back and moved his body. The sound of beans being fried rang out in the corridor. It was very clear.    


"Kid, fight with me. Only by beating me will you be qualified to enter this place!"    


Yang Qiu smiled faintly and shook his head. The strong man stared at Yang Qiu and said with disdain.    


"You have no balls? You still dare to come here? You dare to flirt with Little Junior Sister? You really don't know the difference between life and death!"    


Yang Qiu couldn't help but laugh and said indifferently:    


"It's not that I don't want to fight with you, I'm afraid that you will lose horribly!"    


As soon as Yang Qiu said this, a strong killing intent suddenly rose from the bodies of the ten strong men.    


What a powerful killing intent!    


Violent, almost tangible, it was actually stronger than the members of the Dragon Thorn's reserve team.    


A hint of a smile finally appeared in Yang Qiu's eyes.    


He nodded at the burly man and said:    


"Let's go and find a place to play with you. "    


The brawny man stared at him, the killing intent on his body slowly withdrew, and then coldly said:    


"It's downstairs. Let's go!"    


After saying that, the ten strong men turned around and went downstairs. Yang Qiu smiled and followed them.    


As soon as they walked out of the door, he was stunned.    


There was a huge open space in front of the headquarters building. It was brightly lit, as if it was daytime. Surprisingly, it was filled with people.    


Rows after rows of people stood in an orderly fashion, like tofu blocks. They were all wearing camouflage vests and special forces boots. Their muscles were bulging. It was obvious that they were all powerful special forces soldiers.    


Looking at the number of these people, there were at least one group.    


Yang Qiu had obtained a lot of information from Qin Zong. Presumably, this was one of Commander Leng's two trump cards, the special combat team.    


What about his guards?    


Any member of the special forces was considered a top soldier in the other legion corps. They were called the king of soldiers. Not only were their individual strength outstanding, but they also had terrifying strength when they fought together. Back then, General Leng was able to defeat an armored division with one legion's strength because of this legion.    


That invincible regiment was brought into Jingji Garrison Force and divided into two, becoming the special forces and the guard regiment.    


The Jingji Garrison Force had many privileges. They even dared to fight with the Dragon Thorn for their elite soldiers.    


Of course, the status and strength of the Dragon Thorn was not something any special forces could compare with.    


In the silence, nearly three thousand strong men were staring at you with disdain, pride, and even violence. What kind of feeling would you have?    


Obviously, the ten muscular men who had started to ascend the stairs were the backbone of the three thousand men, most likely the Company Leaders and the battalion commanders. They stood in a row in a row, each with a bulky figure and a strong spirit. Their eyes were cold and filled with violence, giving off an indomitable aura, as well as the fierceness of killing without blinking.    


The muscular man who had spoken to Yang Qiu at the beginning stood proudly in front of everyone. He pointed at Yang Qiu and spoke in a low voice, but his voice was full of energy.    


"He is just one guy, and he wants to take away our military flower? Do you agree?"    


The three thousand strong men tensed up at the same time. They opened their mouths and roared, which made the building of the headquarters shake.    


"Get lost!"    


Upstairs, in Commander Leng's office, the commander of the special forces suddenly laughed out loud. The commander of the guards also had a look of fighting spirit. Zeng Shan, who had disappeared, stood by the side and looked at the screen in front of him. He was silent. Leng Aoxue, on the other hand, sat on the sofa coldly. Her long legs were placed on the sofa and she said disdainfully.    


"You are looking for a beating!"    


The two commanders immediately turned their heads to look at her.    


"Sister, you can't destroy your own prestige like this!"    


Leng Aoxue smiled coldly and said proudly.    


"If you have the ability, let 3000 of you attack together and see if you can win against him!"    


The two captains immediately shivered and looked at Leng Aoxue in disbelief. Leng Aoxue's eyes were filled with coldness.    


At this time, downstairs, the strong man turned around and looked at Yang Qiu coldly.    


"Kid, if you don't want to get lost, then fight. I will beat you until you get out!"    


The ground was big enough. Yang Qiu slowly walked down. He stepped on the ground a few times and then casually stood there. He waved at the brawny man and said.    


"Come on, I only use one finger. "    


Yang Qiu's attitude made the three thousand special forces soldiers at the scene hold their breaths. Violent killing intent covered the sky as they rushed towards Yang Qiu.    


The burly man's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly exerted his strength.    


A gust of wind appeared out of nowhere from under his feet. This guy was the sharpest and most direct attack of the special forces.    


The brawny man's speed was extremely fast. Even under the light of the light, his body left behind a faint afterimage.    


There was a distance of at least ten meters between him and Yang Qiu, but his opponent seemed to have taken a step forward and arrived in front of Yang Qiu. His fist, which was the size of an alms bowl, smashed fiercely at Yang Qiu's head.    


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