The Strongest Abandoned Master In City

C401 To Convince the Crowd with Wine

C401 To Convince the Crowd with Wine

In the courtyard of Xia family, the fragrance of the wine and bacon had already spread far and wide.    


Groups of little guys surrounded Xia Yu and asked for snacks. They also did not know why their elder sister would not be able to get all the snacks in her hands.    


On the other side, a group of middle-aged men surrounded their uncle. Xia Chengye's thin body trembled slightly. He had a feeling of excitement from being oppressed for so many years. Today, he was going to make a comeback.    


A large group of young men around the same age as Yang Qiu were Xia Yu's distant cousin and cousin. Even if they were not related by blood, they were all from the Xia family. Everyone surrounded Yang Qiu and kept drinking.    


What good wine could there be in the countryside? It was sweet potato wine brewed using dirt. The precision of the wine was frighteningly high and the taste was hot. This kind of wine was called burning knife in ancient times.    


Yang Qiu had already accompanied a group of middle-aged men to drink a round, but his face was still not red, and his heart was not beating. This aroused the competitive thoughts of all the young people.    


One of the young men was a cousin of Xia Yu, and Yang Qiu really could not remember his name. He was a simple and honest village man. He earned money by pedaling a tricycle in the county. He held a big bowl of wine and smiled. He handed the bowl of wine in his hand to Yang Qiu. "    


Brother, you are a straightforward person. We Jiangbei people look down on Jiangnan people. Men don't drink happily, but you are an exception. If you drink this bowl of wine, I will acknowledge you as my brother-in-law. What do you think? "    


Yang Qiu did not know what kind of trap he had fallen into. Luckily, Xia Yu knew that he could drink, so she was not worried at all. She even clapped at the side.    


Yang Qiu did not say anything else. He picked up the bowl of wine and drank it straight up. In exchange, he let out waves of cheers.    


"What a good alcohol tolerance. Brother, you drank big brother Min's wine and you also want to drink my wine. After drinking this bowl, I will also acknowledge you as my brother-in-law! If you don't drink, you will be a coward! "    


Another young man walked up and poured another bowl of wine for Yang Qiu.    


"Drink it if you are a man!"    


Yang Qiu looked at the eager eyes of more than ten young men beside him and immediately understood.    


Tonight, was this going to make him drunk?    


But drinking was simply too easy for him.    


He directly slammed the table and stood up:    


"Brothers, let's not order a bowl of water. Xiao Yu, go and bring me the washing basin in the afternoon! Let's just settle it in one go, then I'll drink with you guys and talk nonsense. How about it? "    


All the young men were instantly dumbstruck, and their mouths were unable to close. On the other hand, the middle-aged men in the surroundings looked at each other in bewilderment, whereas, the little fellow had surrounded them and started to jeer.    


Xia Chengye frowned and said to his uncle.    


"Second Uncle, you won't drink too much if you drink like this, right? Don't let anything happen. After all, this is my first time visiting! "    


Uncle smiled faintly and grinned with his big yellow teeth:    


"Chengye, this son-in-law of yours. . . He's not from the pond. Look at his eyes. Tonight, I, this old thing, have been observing him, gathering my spirit and not dissipating. It's flat and murderous, so expensive that it can't be described with words. In the past, that would be the fate of the Emperor. This kid was a good person, and also a powerful kid! The girl was blessed. Trust me, this old man has been divining for his entire life. This point can still be seen clearly!"    


Since uncle had already said so, Xia Chengye naturally would not say anything more. Xia Yu smiled and turned around to go into the kitchen to get the basin. On the contrary, Xia's Mother was alarmed and came out.    


When she heard that she was going to use a large basin to drink, she was so shocked that she raised a rolling pin and ran out, scolding with a dark face.    


"You little rascal, what do you want to do? Is there anyone who drinks like this? If you drink too much of my son-in-law, I'll teach you a lesson! "    


Everyone burst into laughter. Xia Yu was so ashamed that she could not show her face. She put down the basin and pulled her mother into the Ovens.    


"Mom, what are you talking about!"    


Yang Qiu was also happy to open his mouth and say something. He generously placed the basin on the table and then waved his hand and shouted.    


"Fill it up!"    


The young men all drank some wine. They were all forthright and forthright people. Uncle did not object. He immediately picked up the jar and poured wine into the basin. Unfortunately, when he poured half of the wine, there was no more wine.    


Third Uncle, who was sitting beside Uncle, immediately shouted:    


"A few youngsters, my family still has wine. Bring a few more jars over. Let's see how much this brat can drink. "    


Otherwise, it would be said that the villagers were too simple and honest. Third uncle's son actually used a handcart to push a full cart over. Very quickly, a large pot of sweet potato wine was filled. A young man stuck out his tongue and said guiltily:    


"Brother Yang, you really want to drink?"    


Yang Qiu nodded and smiled. He looked at everyone and said,    


"Everyone thinks highly of me. Of course I want to drink it. I will drink your wine. Later, I will also let you have a taste of my good wine. Watch carefully!"    


After saying that, he directly picked up the basin and gulped it down with gudong gudong sounds.    


The large basin with a diameter of at least 50 centimeters was a basin used for making noodles at home. This basin of strong liquor, not to mention a person, even an elephant would be drunk, let alone a person.    


However, Yang Qiu didn't know how his belly grew. In less than two minutes, he had actually swallowed this big bowl of strong liquor.    


Everyone cheered loudly. A group of young people surrounded him. Even their fathers stood up in excitement. Their uncles were even shaking with their beards.    


"I told you that this kid is not an ordinary person!"    


The young people were so excited that their faces turned red. They looked at him with incomparable admiration, and the little fellows even surrounded him and cheered. The atmosphere reached its climax.    


Yang Qiu put down the basin, wiped his mouth, and smiled.    


"How is it?"    


"Good!. "    


Everyone cheered loudly. In their entire lives, they had never seen someone who could drink so much. This was simply like a god of wine. Even their uncle had said that he had lived for 98 years and had seen people for 200 years. The thing he could drink the most was at most 5 catties of burning knives.    


Yang Qiu estimated that he would drink 50 catties of wine tonight.    


"My mother, brother, no, brother-in-law. You. . . You are simply the Desolate Peak of the Heavenly Dragon Eight Divisions!"    


"That's not it. How did you train your alcohol tolerance?"    


Yang Qiu chuckled and said.    


"Drink more, vomit more. You will get used to it. "    


Everyone burst into laughter again. With just this sentence, everyone threw away the last bit of barrier in their hearts.    


"Brother-in-law, where's your good wine? Quickly take it out and let us have a taste. "    


Yang Qiu nodded and pretended to return to the car. He then took out a few boxes of top-grade red wine from his storage ring and turned his head to shout.    


"Brother Min, two people, there are too many things. We can't move them. "    


A few young men immediately ran over. When they saw the luxurious interior of the car, they were shocked again.    


"Brother-in-law, this is a car worth millions of dollars. You city people are so rich. I really want to drive it!"    


Yang Qiu directly threw the key to him.    


"Take it and play with it!"    


The young man waved his hand and smiled. He scratched his head and his dandruff flew away.    


"I only know how to ride a tricycle and drive a tractor. "    


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