The Strongest Abandoned Master In City

C735 Identity Exposed

C735 Identity Exposed

The Yang family of Immortal Realm.    


The Immortal Domain where the Yang family was located was also divided into pyramids. Those who were qualified to live at the peak of this pyramid were the highest ranking people in their families.    


Currently, the entire Immortal Domain where the Yang family was located was sealed by a grand no-fly formation. Anyone who came within a million kilometers of the formation would be warned. If they didn't listen to the warning, the grand no-fly formation would immediately kill the intruders.    


Unless it was an identity Jade Plate recognized by the grand no-fly formation, even if the Great Luo Taoist Ancestor came, they wouldn't be able to get close to it.    


This was the true headquarters of Yang family. This grand formation was also the guarding grand formation that Yang Jian had set up all those years ago.    


The foundation of a big family and a big sect was the most important. Therefore, the stronger a family was, the more powerful the formation would be.    


The other families' defensive formations were also layered. However, the Yang family only had one simple and crude formation. This was very similar to Yang Jian's character. Don't provoke me. I'm warning you, if you dare to offend me again, I'm sorry. Just attack me.    


After Yang Jian left, the Yang family had become another Yang family. However, this formation was still controlled by the bloodline of the Yang family.    


In the floating palace above the meeting hall, Yang Yanzong was sitting cross-legged with a pale face. In front of him was a large group of people kneeling on the ground. All of them were prostrating on the ground, not daring to move. Even though their bodies were trembling, they were extremely careful, afraid that they would cause trouble for themselves if something went wrong.    


The news of the Wind Breaking City had already spread across the entire Immortal Realm.    


The Yang family had never experienced such a serious incident, and they had never lost so much face.    


According to the strength and background of the Yang family, it wouldn't be a problem for them to find out everything. Although they had the support of the Zhang family and Yu family, the origin of that Taoist Qiu from the Nine Saints Pill House had always been in the past. He had even stayed in that place for a night, drank some tea, and said some words, but all of them were now in Yang Yanzong's hands.    


The scariness of the Yang family. . . At this moment, it was the true embodiment of the horror of the Yang family.    


The person in charge of the intelligence was a core member of Yang family. He had always been very mysterious. Even many core members of Yang family didn't know about his existence. This was a top-secret department that was under the control of the patriarch.    


And now, all the most outstanding members of the Intelligence Department were kneeling in front of Yang Yanzong.    


Intel after report gathered. Taoist Qiu's identity was like a layer of onion wrapped in layers of skin, revealing his true identity.    


And the cause of the incident, each clue pointed to a person at the same time.    


Yang Liudao.    


Yang Yanzong's face was so calm that it was scary. He quietly looked at the dozen or so intelligence agents in front of him. In his mind, he recalled everything that happened between Yang Qiu and Wind Breaking City. In the end, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.    


All of these were so absurd and unbelievable.    


Taoist Qiu was originally a member of Yang family, the abandoned seed of Dao in Mortal Realm. All of this originated from the fact that Yang Liudao had sent people to humiliate him, which caused Yang Xiaojun to descend to the world. As for Yang Xiaojun, he had killed one of Yang Qiu's women.    


A woman, a woman who was so lowly that she couldn't even be compared to a speck of dust in the Mortal Realm.    


This had caused the Yang family to suffer a great humiliation. More than a thousand Immortal Province had been cut off.    


All of this was caused by Yang Liudao and Yang Xiaojun.    


All of this was so bizarre and unbelievable.    


Yang Yanzong was so angry that he vomited blood again. It was really not bad.    


"Are you sure there are no more mistakes?"    


Yang Yanzong controlled the evil fire in his heart and asked slowly.    


A middle-aged man who was at the peak of First Grade Golden Immortal and half a step into the threshold of Great Luo didn't even dare to raise his head. He continued to kneel on the ground and said respectfully with a trembling voice.    


"Patriarch, there is absolutely no mistake. I have filtered and analyzed these pieces of information myself. "    


Yang Yanzong took a deep breath. The immortal mist surrounding the palace was completely absorbed by him.    


After a long while, he said slowly.    


"Don't tell anyone else about this except me. Even those old fools in the family, don't mention it. Remember it?"    


Cold sweat instantly emerged on the forehead of the middle-aged Golden Immortal who was prostrating on the ground. He raised his head in terror. After a long while, he mustered up his courage and said:    


"Patriarch, this morning, an old ancestor was already. . . He is your. . . !"    


"What is he mine?"    


Yang Yanzong suddenly raged and kicked the middle-aged Golden Immortal in the chest. The surrounding Barrier shook and the middle-aged Golden Immortal was sent flying. He crashed into the wall of the hall and spurted out a mouthful of blood.    


However, he didn't dare to show any signs of dissatisfaction. Immediately, he kneeled on the ground and trembled, not daring to raise his head.    


Yang Yanzong's ferocious scolding echoed in the hall. Everyone was shaken by his voice, causing them to spit out blood.    


"Yang Xiaojun, this damned bastard! Do you think I don't know how many things you have done over the years? And that useless Yang Liudao. . . A true trash. The resources of the entire family are all on you. And you are even a Heavenly Immortal Ninth Grade, you. . . Even if you are a pig. . . Stupid pig! A stupid pig! Very good, very good!"    


Yang Yanzong suddenly let out a long and shrill laugh.    


" Get out, all of you get out, get out! "    


The dozen or so spies in the hall immediately retreated, and in the blink of an eye, they were all gone.    


Yang Yanzong jumped up and down in the hall, cursing angrily for a long time before he finally calmed down. He then sneered and clapped his hands.    


An extremely obscure Qi fluctuation suddenly appeared in the air, and no one was there.    


Yang Yanzong said coldly.    


"Throw that bastard Yang Xiaojun into jail and interrogate him. Ask Yang Liudao, that stupid pig. . . Forget it, I'll go and see that stupid pig myself! The Saint favoured him. This might not be the blessing of the family!"    


In the void, Someone seemed to be nodding his head lightly. The extremely obscure aura suddenly disappeared without a trace, not even the Great Luo Taoist Ancestor could detect it.    


In the empty hall, Yang Yanzong stood there quietly like a statue. Then, he clapped his hands.    


Another aura flashed behind him. Yang Yanzong sneered and issued one order after another.    


"Send out all the men from the Intelligence Sect to monitor the six major families and that Taoist Qiu. "    


"Send out the law enforcement team. Kill anyone who dares to talk about the Yang family behind our backs!"    


"Send out the hidden guards and kill them according to the name list. Kill every single one of them. Let some people see where the bottom line of the Yang family is!"    


Yang Yanzong waved his hand and handed out a name list. The scene was filled with names. Basically, all of these people were people who were closely related to the other six major families.    


Finally, he said coldly.    


"Ask the assassin. . . To be on standby!"    


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